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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



"It has always been a matter of souls."
The Fallen Angel, Sariel, had somehow appeared out of thin air, and floats right next to Durwin(Drauka) and Don.
"Hello Drauka. What has it been, 300 years? How has life been for you since you trapped my sister in a box?"
Blood drips from Sariel's twin katanas, which pools on the hospital floor.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin facepalmed,

"Not you again. I told you, I appreciate you being my biggest fan, but no I will not go to see your family." Durwin turned to Don,

"Although he is right, everything has to do with souls, but you can't access them openly. The person has to agree to it."


Sariel grabs Durwin's neck and lifts him effortlessly up a few feet into the air, which causes Durwin to begin gasping for air as Sariel begins to choke him.
"Your ego has made you forget your place demi-demon. Did you forget that it was I who took the ridicule for teaching you, the puny demi-demon, the ways of magic, and all of the most sacred and protected traditions of the Demons. I accepted you as one of our own. Then you decided that you were going to leave..."
Sariel turns about his wrist so that he faces Don and his family.
"...and become one of them? The humans will not accept you as one of their own, no matter how hard that you may try to become one of them, you cannot. You do not belong with the humans, the only choice that you have as to return with us, where we will at least tolerate you. But as you cannot see that for yourself, I will have to make this choice for you..."
Turning Durwin again to face him, Sariel then takes his free hand and places it on Durwin's brow. A singing sound is heard, and flames shoot from Sariels hands for an instant, and then his hand is removed to reveal a pentagram has been burned into his forehead.
"Now the humans will know you truly are."
After a long look at Durwin's face, Sariel disappears in a cloud of smoke, which drops Durwin on the floor like a sack. Durwin gasps for breath.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Fricking fans... get crazy when they don't get what they want. And he left that pool of blood again. Last time he did that someone slipped on it and fell and seriously hurt themselves. He wouldn't let me touch him, and I didn't since we were in public. I still had pay for his hospital bill... whatever that is. It's silly that they charge so much for a service that you need." Durwin cast a hand toward a nearby table and money shot forth to pile upon it. Durwin nabbed a dollar,

"Funny currency you have here, rather worthless piece of cloth. Oh well, that should cover the cost of the safer cure and errr... please don't tell anyone I did this for you. I'll have your heads right before they have mine." Durwin smudged the pentagram as he walked to Don, and grabbed his head in the same way as Sariel did to him. A flash of light and it was over,

"There now when I break the teleport, you'll be sucked back through the realms with me. Enjoy your time with your family, I'm not sure how long it will be. But please make sure you aren't holding anything or anyone it'll get sucked back with us. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go teach a fan a lesson they won't soon forget." With that he went to the window to gather more lightning. Once finished he walked to where Sariel disappeared and muttered,

"There you are." And vanished himself. He arrived with a thud a scowl on his face. Sariel was sitting on a rock a few feet away. He couldn't stop laughing,

"Haha! Took you long enough. You're getting rusty in your eternal life." Durwin couldn't help but smile,

"Now the humans will know [WHO] you truly are." He said in a mocking tone of voice.

"That was good, but a bit too dramatic." Durwin walked over and patted Sariel on the shoulder before they shook hands and briefly hugged,

"How ya been?" Durwin asked. He play punched Sariel on the jaw,

"Where's that hooker at? What happened to 'Our love will never burn out.'?''


"Aww come on man! Show your brotha some love, that was a hella-va acting job on my part! Did you see that humans face? AHA! Priiiiceless!"
"And bro, I aint playin' no more, man! I told ya those girls get too much for me, I just get all bloodthirsty and what-not, man. Those hookers are like the daughters of devils, man!"


"Ay man! I've been busy wit havin' to shuffle dem dead sinful bros to thair 'propiate torture places. Ya know that can get busy, man. Time just flies down there in hell, ya know? Say, so how's my bratty sister been doing in her box? Seen her recently? Say how about a drink?"​
Without waiting for a response, Sariel produces two foamy drinks from nowhere.
"Take a sip, man! How ya like that good stuff, ay?"


Oct 8, 2011
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"You know how I get when I'm drunk man. I don't think that woman ever looked right again. And please don't remind me about the mountain, if I knew how I summoned it in that capitol city, I would undo it. Anyway, you remember how you said I could ask you for any favor? Well I'm calling in my favor. I need you to come back with me to Avalon. The sun is dying and I think Herobrine is on his way. There are certain people I'd like to protect, so I'd like to get going now. Well, what do ya say?"


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
As Duffie and Queen Sopphia silently stay in the Queen's Bedroom, Duffie continued to sit quietly as the Queen waited for her response as she laid in her bed.

Duffie suddenly thought of something. She's been known as Duffie Shirayuki ever since she had been with Kira. She looked toward the Queen.

"... What's my last name?"

The Queen didn't expect her to break the silence after so long, then she looked toward Duffie with a puzzled expression.

(( StoryMaster ))

(( Just getting my side of the plot moving along. I may not respond all to much just yet, though. Feel free to continue Durwin's plot. :p ))


"You know how I get when I'm drunk man. I don't think that woman ever looked right again. And please don't remind me about the mountain, if I knew how I summoned it in that capitol city, I would undo it. Anyway, you remember how you said I could ask you for any favor? Well I'm calling in my favor. I need you to come back with me to Avalon. The sun is dying and I think Herobrine is on his way. There are certain people I'd like to protect, so I'd like to get going now. Well, what do ya say?"
"Bro, that mountain gave tha boss fits for weeks, man. And bro, I work for that slimy sleazeball Herobrine, haven't ya heard? Since you were last gone, lots have changed man..."​
"Satan died abit while back. Remember him? He was a cool bro, no matter what those humans have said. When Satan died, there was a powa' struggle for leadership of the Nether, and Herobrine beat everyone's ass to keep it for himself, and named his-self supreme dictata. Now this bloke got plans for domination. The fool wants all tha realms for his-self, and he's gonna start withat Avalon place you just mentioned."​


((Oyeah duh, I'll fix it))​

"Well I'm guessing ya need my help to fight his armies? Well I got something much betta for ya. I going ta come back and bring a couple of my bros with me to give Herobrine a piece of his mind along ya side, man!"​


"Well, imma guess it'll take 30 seconds for myself to get back. An' to talk tha boys to gettin back here'll take a whole day. Don' worry though, we'll show up in style once we do come. We'll gotta be all sneaky-like an' everythang."​

(( Duffie , I'm still trying to figure out a good last name for you ))


"We don't usually use our last names with our royal titles, but our bloodlines fall with the Hyōnoarashi name. Quite a mouthful, but it represents a great deal of heritage."​
The Queen notices that what's left of the sun is beginning to set. She stares out with lost eyes
"Tommorrow we will be performing a ritual. The citiy's residents will be going into the valley to pray at The Tree of Life, hoping that our voices will somehow be heard, so that our God may save us from whatever fate this may symbolize."
"We best get ready for dinner Duffie."


[that's what I meant by most. >.>]

"Alright then, you think they could arrive at Avalon by themselves?"
"Naw man, I don't got dem telepathic powars. I gotta go and gather them up an such."​
((If you were worried about him telling Herobrine or something, don't worry, I'll already thought about it and I didn't like the idea.))​