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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie walks casually aside Durwin and the group, as they walked slowly toward Terrenus, a place Balloon had suggested... Or so, Durwin had told her.

When Defiant stopped to ask some questions, the group stopped and looked toward Defiant.

Duffie stood next to Durwin, staring at the ground in front of her, deep in thought of the flashback from when she whited out.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Hold on one moment." Darth ordered balloon. "How do we know that you're good? We already had a run-in with our friend the barkeep here. You could be doing the same thing, setting us up for a trap."

Darth cautiously continued.

"I dislike the fact that we ran off from Shizuka like cowards, even though it appears to have been the only option.
Now, as Durwin and Blob have all the Enderpearls, there is nothing Herobrine could gain from me except a stiff fight and a likely demise for many of his henchmen. I sense that there are people that need help back in town"

Darth looked at each of the group in turn.
"Carry on to the fort, and may we meet again."
He walked up to Blob and handed him a shining gem.
"You might need this for repairs." he says firmly.

He turned around and set out walking, back towards Shizuka.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin grabs Darth.
"Splitting up right now is not a very good idea. To Herobrine he has everything to gain and nothing to lose. While he knows that an Enderpearl is here, he doesn't know where it's gone. He will tear this town apart, and there is nothing we can do about it. If you really want to help people then stay with us until we can be better prepared and equipped."


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh cautiously walks up the stairs checking in each door. "Damn, where is everyone?" he says when suddenly CRASH! Refresh turns around quickly, "Hello? Anyone there?" He quickly runs down the stairs to check what happened. He spots a man laying on the bar he missed and runs to help him up. "Common, easy now." He examines him to make sure he's okay, "Hey there, you okay, buddy? What happened here?"

[Edit: Uh-oh, Ms. Duffie just rated the post my story relies on as "Disagree" is there a plot error, sudden twist, GLITCH IN THE MATRIX?]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"I'm having to agree with Darth. The town needs able fighters, and we just took most of them. Furthermore, Darth has an army behind his back. If we let Herobrine destroy Shizuka, what does that say about us? That we can keep running? After we go to Terrenus, what next? We run away from there while it is destroyed?" Blob continued to speak when something caught his eye. A face in the forest appeared and disappeared. Blob suddenly stopped, and spoke quietly. "We're being watched.. and if I'm not mistaken, it's by the bandits who jumped me led by Herobrine."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth pulled his arm from Durwin's grasp, and then stared.
"To me, this whole thing does not add up. Balloon here hasn't explained anything to much good and might still be evil, I've never met this young woman before in my life, and Blob and I only have a small acquaintance."

Darth paused a moment, then continued. "And yourself. You keep talking about Herobrine. I saw what happened with the barkeeper, and I know the danger. However, I feel that there are lives that might yet be saved if I were to go back to Shizuka."

At Blob's remark, Darth turned and caught a glimpse of someone slip out of sight in the forest.
"I sense a presence in Shizuka. Our paths might never cross again after this, but I will not leave you to be slaughtered by bandits."

Darth unclipped his weapon from his belt, but did not ignite it yet. After a moment, he spoke again.
"After this battle, if I still live, I will head back to Shizuka. I may meet you at the fort, but we cannot be certain."

Darth nodded at Blob.
"He is correct. I have an army at my back. However, you, Durwin, say that it would not get here in time to do any good. It appears to me that we are only running to save our skins."

He paused, as if unsure how to continue.
"What I have not told you is that we were planning an invasion anyways. We thought that this land was planning to attack my homeland. That is why I was here. This means that the troops are not 1 week away, but mere hours."

Darth noticed the shocked looks he was getting, and finished. "The invasion is called off. I have seen that a great evil threatens the land. It has turned out to be a great boon to us. If I were to order so now, the advance groups could be in Shizuka by nightfall."
Darth waited for a reply.


Aug 6, 2011
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[Edit: Uh-oh, Ms. Duffie just rated the post my story relies on as "Disagree" is there a plot error, sudden twist, GLITCH IN THE MATRIX?]
((Nah, @Diago21's just giving up. :c))

Duffie snapped out of her daze at Defiant_Blob 's remark, looking toward the forest, when Darth started to speak.

When DarthLego5679 had finished, she didn't have much to say. She had so much on her mind as it was. All she did was look back down at the ground, feeling helpless.


Aug 6, 2011
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((Nah, @Diago21's just giving up. :c))

Duffie snapped out of her daze at Defiant_Blob 's remark, looking toward the forest, when Darth started to speak.

When DarthLego5679 had finished, she didn't have much to say. She had so much on her mind as it was. All she did was look back down at the ground, feeling helpless.
(I might return later, its just that a lot of things happen while I'm not online. D: )


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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This is getting ridiculous we are all going to die standing here. Balloon thought as everyone started talking wanting to turn back. Again he saw things moving around.
"Well first off I am good if I have lied for a trap how come the town is right there?" Balloon pointed to the East at a little town. "Now you will probably die going back and we weren't running from a fight we are preparing for it I mean look at us we don't even seem like a properly equipped army or defenders to save Shizuka even if we tried as best as we could."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth stared evenly back at Durwin.
"I advise that you take your advice next time as well. I don't believe you could understand about things like this..."
Darth glances at Blob
"He, however, might know somewhat of what I speak. Do you not have to withhold information on occassion, Blob ?"

He then turned towards balloon.
"You have spent many years hiding, you say. You may have missed out on a great many things. From what I saw at the tavern, Durwin is somewhat of a wizard. Blob is perfectly capable of fighting Endermen on his own.
We are leaving Shizuka to destruction and doom, along with all the people inside, when we have men such as them on our side?"

Darth shakes his head at balloon.
"I fear that your time in exile has hardened your heart against normal people...
No matter. Now appears to be the time for battle."


Oct 8, 2011
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"What do you mean take my own advice? And as powerful as we all might be, we are still mortal. It will only take one stray arrow to kill one of us, and among the legions Herobrine has most likely obtained, there will be many stray arrows."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"I mean, Durwin, you tell me to give full information at the start. You yourself, though, did not do that either. I do understand my own mortality."
Turning to Duffie, he said
"The first time I saw you fight, young one, was when Blob smashed the Enderpearl onto the barkeeper's forehead.
The first time I noticed you was when I went to see what Durwin meant by his note.
I've yet to learn your name, let alone your combat abilities. Pardon me for not including you as well. I doubt not that you are as capable as you claim."

He looked down at the ground for a moment, then looked back up.
"Shall we deal with these bandits, or might I return to Shizuka?" he asked.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie turned her head and put her left hand to her chin, thinking for a moment.

"I haven't really known too much, since I awoke and found everyone in my-- our room..."

She brought her hands together, fidgeting with her fingers, then bringing out her right hand toward Darth, looking sternly into his mask.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Duffie Shirayuki. I'm currently training to be a Spook, someone who fights the dark. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Perhaps my memory serves me wrongly. At any rate, this is not the time nor place for discussion about what has passed."
He turned from Durwin back towards Duffie.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Duffie Shirayuki."
Hesitantly, he offers his right hand, then speaks.
"For now, I am Darth, although you might have picked it up already. I suppose wizards here are comparable to some certain people back in my homeland. Unfortunately, it appears your abilities will be put to the test shortly."

He sighs and falls silent, looking into the forest.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie looks into the forest, catching a glimpse of something moving, then breaking a nervous sweat. She reaches behind her back, grabbing her rowan staff and silver chain out of her backpack, holding the staff in her left hand, the chain wrapped around her right arm.

Duffie gulps, then looks toward Defiant. "Are you sure they're just bandits?"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin glared in the direction that Darth was looking in. He called out,
"I hope you all are ready to forfeit your lives, because as important as our task is, you are nothing."
Gruesome figures appeared from the trees. Multitudes of the brutish humans growled as they advanced upon the group.


Aug 6, 2011
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((Nah, @Diago21's just giving up. :c))
[Oh, didn't see the "killing him with the sheer blunt force" part. That would explain why I'm asking a dead guy what's goin on. Time to patch the story back up all stealth-like]
"Hello? Stop groanin' and make some sense, will ya?" Refresh slaps the man a couple of times to try and wake him. "You... are still alive, aren't ya?" He puts two fingers to the mans neck when it suddenly hits him. He jumps back ten feet "AH! Dead guy, dead guy, was touchin' a dead guy. Eeeeewww." Refresh rubs himself as if millions of bugs were on him. He gets up, brushing him self off and leaves the tavern "Alright, that creepy moment over, time to find where everyone went. They gotta be somewhere... Maybe they left town." He walks to the gravel path at the edge of the city. "Well, not gonna stay here, better get a move on." Refresh sets out on the pathway out of town.