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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



Have we decided on a plan on action yet?
The doors swing open to reveal the Commander who is dressed in light armor. He looks about the room, and all the different wizards who are standing in it.
"I heard there were some people here that I needed to speak with."

((Edit: Keep in mind this is the same character that shadowofgods controlled earlier, so he's not new to you.))​


"Yes I did wish to see you all, I need to know what my soldiers should expect. Information is key once we step on that battlefield, figure of speech of course. I don't intend on letting it come to fighting on the ground, seeing as how we want to keep to Sky Base as much as possible. No army has ever been defeated within these floating walls."​
"But yes, seeing as how you all are the experts on Herobrine, I wish to know as much as I can about him. Currently we have aerial scouts seeking this army's location, so we should discover their movement soon."​


Oct 8, 2011
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"As to what they should expect... tell them to expect death. Much death. Painfully slow, mercilessly quick death. Mental and physical death. They'll be the ones fighting much of the army. Us wizards will keep their wizards off your army so they can do their jobs. We'll help offensively when we can, but if there's an opening for our group, you can bet we're diving into it. At least you can bet I am."


"Hmm, he must be quite powerful to not rely on battle armor."​
Commander Parsinius turns to Durwin.
"That's good, here let me show you something."
The Commander moves over towards a long table and begins unfurling a layout of Sky Base.
"Here, and here are two defensive towers. These may offer the best position for your wizards to attack from all angles. These are rather cramped with other artillery though, so each is only large enough for 2 of your wizards, however."
"There are also three side bunkers where we are going to concentrate our ranged artillery to be positioned from, so I'd appreciate a few other wizards to help defend in each of these, they'll have limited sight though while they are positioned at the bunkers."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Hmm, he must be quite powerful to not rely on battle armor."​
Commander Parsinius turns to Durwin.
"That's good, here let me show you something."
The Commander moves over towards a long table and begins unfurling a layout of Sky Base.
"Here, and here are two defensive towers. These may offer the best position for your wizards to attack from all angles. These are rather cramped with other artillery though, so each is only large enough for 2 of your wizards, however."
"There are also three side bunkers where we are going to concentrate our ranged artillery to be positioned from, so I'd appreciate a few other wizards to help defend in each of these, they'll have limited sight though while they are positioned at the bunkers."
Darth rested both his hands on the table edge and peered down at the map with the others.

He raised his head.

"Sir, where do you suggest that I go?" Darth queried.


"I've flown a TIE fighter. Is a fighter jet similar?"
"Our fighter jets operate similar to most other fighters in existence. I'm not familiar with this TIE model, but you shouldn't have much trouble adjusting if it's like the rest. There is a question though, of whether or not you can handle the speed and quick-titch agility of our fighters, the Omikrons."​


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Our fighter jets operate similar to most other fighters in existence. I'm not familiar with this TIE model, but you shouldn't have much trouble adjusting if it's like the rest. There is a question though, of whether or not you can handle the speed and quick-titch agility of our fighters, the Omikrons."​
"Well, we don't have any around here, but I'd like to take a look at this Omikron if you don't mind. TIEs move very fast, but then again you have all of space to turn around."

Darth shrugged.

"If I can learn the controls smoothly, I'll be glad to pilot. Anything else I should know about it?"


"I'll let the Captain give you a quick walkthrough of the Omikron. The guard here will escort you to the hanger bay where she should be at the moment. Good luck soldier."​

((You don't have to wait for me to escort you, just start your story from the hanger if you wish.))​


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie, keeping to herself, wonders how the princess could become involved in the war. Surely, her safety and well-being would be marked in keeping her out of fighting within the war... Although, she agrees with the fact she would rather not fight.

She looks up, watching as the guy he bumped into walks through the door, proclaiming himself as the Commander of the army. She giggles to herself as he talks to the guys about what they can do in the war effort.

Duffie strays from the group, sitting down in one of the dining chairs. She sighs, taking off her backpack and looking at the contents;

Her rowan staff, iron chain, a couple sticks, some random bits of iron and dirt, and--- A piece of paper?

She grabs the paper, noticing the handwriting: her sister's.

[panel]Dear Sis,

I wish you the best of luck on your adventure! I guess you'll be out there searching for a long time, but I'm sure you'll find her. Just be sure you don't bring yourself down as you do.

And remember to bring her back here if you find her! Remember, she's my mother, too!

Your Sister,

P.S. Knowing you, you probably have never seen this piece of paper until way after your trip. Typical Duffie.

Duffie laughs to herself as she finishes the note. She definitely didn't notice it the first time she had rearranged the items in her bag. She folds it up and places it in her pocket, feeling more upbeat after reading a "pepnote", even if it was for her years ago.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"I'll let the Captain give you a quick walkthrough of the Omikron. The guard here will escort you to the hanger bay where she should be at the moment. Good luck soldier."​

((You don't have to wait for me to escort you, just start your story from the hanger if you wish.))​
"Thank you sir." Darth saluted

Arriving at the hangar, Darth took a look around.

He spotted a sleek aircraft parked nearby.
"It's a fine machine." Darth murmured.

"Oh yes, I was supposed to speak with a captain. Wonder where they are..."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob speaks up, "I'm a bit of an assassin myself. I was one of the greatest spies back in Primordia. I actually brought some of the organization I worked with here. You've probably seen many, but you never knew they were spies, and you probably won't at all. And to tell the truth, I have more dirt on all of you than you think. Just sayin'."