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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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(( People can join in at anytime, though it'd be harder to join right now, as we're nearing the end (of season one.)

Plus, StoryMaster's supposed to be playing as the man with Duffie and Durwin, as s/he's got plans for him. ))
(( I was figuring I'd join in as being a part of the crew to help the man on the floor. If you want me to join, I will. ))


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Feel free to do so, if you wish. You could even play as one of the other foot soldiers, as they don't have much backstory yet. :p

But, do as you wish. T'is only one thread. ))
(( I figure the game is getting a bit slow, so I'll speed things up a bit. ))

Fatalis rushes to the side of the man who lays on the floor, kneeling by his side and mumbling something. He feels for something in his pocket and checks the vital signs of the man.


Oct 8, 2011
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[At Durwin's approach, the man rushed off. Duffie frowned after him but decided to go back to the group. She bumped right into Durwin.

"Pardon me." He said.

'That was same man that gave you that note wasn't it? He seems to have run off now. Let's get back to the group." Upon their return they see the guard sprawled on the floor, limbs jerking. A medic was crouched over him. Durwin went over to the medic.

"Do you know what's wrong? Do you need help?"

Something along those lines? I feel bad for cutting StoryMaster off but it seems like most of you want to get this thing moving again...]


[ I died, but don't worry, I got better :)]​
"Hey, over here"​
Duffie notices the man and walks towards him.
"Duffie , we need to move quickly, with the coming battle we don't have much time!"​
The man notices Durwin now approaching, and turns away.
"Ah shit" he murmurs to himself.
"Is he trustworthy, Duffie?" He whispers before Durwin comes over.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Well, if you have the ability to fly, I'd suggest you take a look at the Omikron's controls to get yourself oriented."​
The Captain stiffly points towards one of the ships a few feet away, the door is unlocked.
Resisting the urge to quip back "I don't have the ability to fly; I wasn't born a bird" Darth stepped over and climbed into the cockpit.

Situating himself at the controls, he looked over a little sheet that a technician had handed him.

"By Notch this is fortunate. It's almost like universal controls."

Pushing pedals and working control arms, Darth familiarized himself with every aspect of the craft.

"These buttons on the control stick must be to fire the main guns. Does this one have a heavy gun as well?"

Darth peered down at the sheet of paper.

"Ah yes, it uses projectiles, meaning I'll have to account for gravity somewhat. And the main cannon button is...here" he thought, gently tapping a button.

Darth climbed back out and tapped a technician on the shoulder.

"Anything else I should know about this Omikron before the battle? Or is it time to arm up already?"


Duffie turns toward Durwin, looking at him sternly. "Well, seems you'll be following me, Whether or not I say no... Just be sure not to bring anyone else with you."

They follow the man as they reach the cellar door.
They all sneak out of the room. The man looks very anxious, and he looks about the hallways for any signs of guards.

Reaching the cellar door, he fumbles for his keys and unlocks the door.

"Alright, let's get inside."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"It's your standard plane, I'd suggest you take it for a spin so you feel more comfortable."

"Just don't crash, because if you don't die, then Captain will kill you."

"Stay close to the base."
"Will do, sir."

Darth clambered back into the cockpit and closed the hatch.

"Now...how do you start this thing?" he jokingly thought.

Darth prepped for taking off.


Oct 8, 2011
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[well I'm glad you got better Story. hope it doesn't leave any scars.]

They all walked into the cellar. Durwin looked around and frowned. The thick door shut behind them.

"Well isn't this a nice little place. No one to overhear us. No one hear us at all. Even our screams...."


The man exhales, glad that they managed to avoid detection.​
"Phew, I'm glad we got through that, I'm sorry that I couldn't explain myself earlier. My name is Ambassador Ambrose, well, former Ambassador. The Caretaker fired me when he thought I had suspicions. He sent a bounty hunter to try and finish me off, but he was unsuccessful obviously. But I faked my own death, and have managed to remain undetected up to this point."​
"But yes, why we are here. Duffie, you remember a woman by the name of Sophia, yes?"​


"Your mother? No no no, the Queen is your mother. Sophia is the Queen's sister, your aunt. She was the one who took you all those years ago, because she saw through the Queen's eyes... Herobrine was inhabiting her mind."​
"There is a prophecy about you, you see. One which is the origin of all your troubles. I, I can't quite remember how it goes, but in summary it states that the daughter of the Avalonian Queen will be the one who destroys Herobrine, for good, once and for all, kaput. Fearing this, Herobrine controlled your mother in order to try to destroy you. Sophia noticed the Queen was not herself and after overhearing the possesed Queen talk to herself, she decided to plot a way to rescue you. She informed me of this, and later you two vanished, so I assumed that she was successful. I have not spoken to her since then."​
"Pardon if my speaking was too much gibberish, I'm rather antsy, if you haven't understood what I've said, I'll be happy to rephrase it."​


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[ fatalis Remember to make sure you don't create contradictions from beginning of story]
"Don't bother. It was never actually alive," Blob said to the medic, motioning to a seal on the back of the man's neck. He pulled it off, causing the man to change form into what seemed to be a giant marionette.
"It's dark magic. The soul of a man, the body of a puppet. He must have killed the man not too long ago, and used it as a spy until now. Must've outlived his usefulness, and so was killed off by his master. Curious, though, the last people known to know how to do this - are the Togolopians," Blob exclaimed, loud enough for all around him to clearly hear him.