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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"I didn't say it was you. I'm just saying that the last records of someone using this spell is that of a Togolopian. The only thing I'd pin on you is being really defensive, almost suspicious even. Nonetheless, we've been spied upon, and I'd like a check to be done upon all personnel in the building. Preferably not by Togolopians, no offense. I'll just check upon the Mage's Guild, and have them bring someone here."
Blob crouched down to get a better luck at the fallen man - or rather the fallen puppet.
"And I'll have my men check out who could have done this."


Oct 8, 2011
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The rest of the Wizards chuckled at the Togolopians. Alice spoke up,

"Really Defiant it's no trouble we can handle it if you don't trust them. But he is right, Togolopians would have no reason to do such a thing. And just cause they were the 'last on record' doesn't mean that the spell hasn't been cast by someone else."


Aug 6, 2011
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"Your mother? No no no, the Queen is your mother. Sophia is the Queen's sister, your aunt. She was the one who took you all those years ago, because she saw through the Queen's eyes... Herobrine was inhabiting her mind."​
"There is a prophecy about you, you see. One which is the origin of all your troubles. I, I can't quite remember how it goes, but in summary it states that the daughter of the Avalonian Queen will be the one who destroys Herobrine, for good, once and for all, kaput. Fearing this, Herobrine controlled your mother in order to try to destroy you. Sophia noticed the Queen was not herself and after overhearing the possesed Queen talk to herself, she decided to plot a way to rescue you. She informed me of this, and later you two vanished, so I assumed that she was successful. I have not spoken to her since then."​
"Pardon if my speaking was too much gibberish, I'm rather antsy, if you haven't understood what I've said, I'll be happy to rephrase it."​
Duffie paused for a moment, thinking over what has been said.

"So... I'm the one to stop Herobrine..?"

She looked over toward Ambrose.

"... So, she was my aunt..?"

Pausing once more, she lifted her left arm above the back of her head as she scratched it with confusion, then messing with her ponytail.

"I-I don't know how to go about this."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Well, take this into consideration. One, the spell was created by the Togolopians. Two, the spell has been kept a secret since it was created. And three, the seal," Blob held up the slip of paper," holds the mark of the Togolopian. Now, excuse me if that doesn't seem the slightest bit fishy. Now, it's possible that someone has infiltrated the society of Togolopians, gained a high enough rank to learn your secrets, and is now using them against us. But even so, you guys might want to be more careful with who you let in, because I'm not going to be happy when I wake up to find a knife in my chest."


Oct 8, 2011
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Ed flustered,

"You know nothing of who we choose for our ranks. You know nothing of how we gain status once in our ranks. You know nothing of seals either because they can be easily faked. And another thing, Togolopians haven't used seals for millennia. I don't know who you think you are, and I don't know what the g- Durwin sees in saving your sorry hide, but we are not here for you! We are here for him and will stand with the other wizards until this crisis is dealt with!"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked at Duffie wide eyed.

"Well, well. Seems like our 'princess' is even more than what she first appears. We'll come up with a plan Duffie don't you worry. Now is that all Ambrose? I think I hear Ed getting mad again..."


"No, you see. This is a prison not surrounded by bars or brick. This prison binds her body and soul... into an orb no bigger than the palm of your hand. This prison is bound by the dark magics of Herobrine."

"It is down...."

Ambrose points down the hallway, where a set of stairs can be seen.



(( Time issues won't be a factor as I have ideas to wrinkle out those. I was just worried since we've delayed this battle for so long, some might find it irritating that we're going off on another side quest. ))


"Very well, tread carefully, these prisons are home for others as well. Most are...not in a good state of mind."

Where the plush carpeting ends, the moldy tile steps to the prison begins...

"These were some of the earliest builds of Sky Base, back when this whole city was all supported with cobble and brick structures. Couple thousand years sure changes things..."

The steps finally end, leading to a passage way with cages on both sides. Several moans and growls can be heard echoing down the hall.

"The steps continue down on the other end of the hall. Keep close"

((Feel free to describe some of the people you see in there))


Oct 8, 2011
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A loud screeching came from one of the cages as they passed by. Limbs contorted by years of living in such conditions lunged out to grab their throats. Scars and scabs covered the arm. It's rank breath spewed into the room.

"Ugh! Nasty place. Where's the prison, I don't want to be here longer than needed."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"If you are so innocent, then why do you act so guilty? I've not accused you of anything. I've only said what I knew about the spell. 'tis true, no I don't know a lot. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. The best way to do that would be to assess the facts you know about a situation. So, how about you try to make yourself useful, and actually help figure out who did this. Instead of explaining why it couldn't have been the Togolopians, you could be using your energy tracing signatures left by the seal. But you insist on standing here telling me that I need you to 'save my hide'. As if I need you. Mind you, I'd say more were it not so easy to reveal my comrades," Blob ranted. "All you Togolopians are the same. Thinking you are the greatest wizards that ever lived. Always, acting more knowledgeable than those that surround you. You say that you don't know who I think I am. Who do you think you are? You walk around flicking spells this way and that carelessly, never thinking of the consequences that may follow. It's no wonder you're wanted by half of the universe. You're just a bunch of rogues with no sense of moral. You're no better than a tribe of barbarians pillaging village to village, with the exception of some fancy tricks."


Oct 8, 2011
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This time Charles answered.

"Foolish mortal. Seals cannot be traced, that is why they were created in the first place. The ability to use a spell from a greater distance than is usual, and no one would know it was you is it's purpose." He advanced on Defiant, picked him up by the collar, and stared directly into his eyes.

"At the forefront of all wizards' minds if the duty to protect the people. One cannot do this if we 'flick spells this way and that' or 'pillaging villages'." Charles shook Defiant and threw him to the floor. He roared at Defiant.

"And don't you dare compare us to ruthless barbarians! I'll not have Durwin disgraced in such a way!"


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob chuckled and stood. "Only a simpleton would not realize how badly you prove my point. Obviously the Togolopians haven't kept their knowledge of magic, or at least seals, up to date. If you came out from under that rock Togolopians seem to live under more often, you'd have known the Mage's Guild had found a way to find a signature aura on seals for years. Or perhaps, you wished me to believe it impossible. Your purpose is to protect the people? Then why do you insist on breaking the laws imposed on magic created for the purpose of protecting them? Now, I'll be headed to the guild, where maybe I can talk to someone with intelligence." Blob walked to the door, and said on the way out: "Also, I don't need to disgrace anyone. You guys do a fine job yourself, not even able to contain your anger. You all are a disgrace to magic-wielders everywhere."


Oct 8, 2011
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Ed and Charles rushed off after him. The rest of the wizards couldn't help their chuckles escaping. Mickie stood off to one side looking as if he wanted nothing to do with it. As the two caught Defiant they both darted in front of him. They said together,

"Do not walk away from me." They both looked at each other before Ed went on.

"That Mage's Guild is exactly that. A guild of Mages. They may have found a way to find seals of their own kind, and if they have then it's more than likely they have of sorcerers'. But magically speaking it is impossible for them to track a Wizard's seal, or for that matter a Necromancer's." Ed glared back at Charles.

"We "break" the so called "rules" of magic because our Order does the things necessary that the other Orders will not. Charles seems to forget that we are to help all people."

"A person like him isn't even worth the effort!" Charles retorted.

"Quiet." Ed replied back. He turned back to Defiant.

"I know not why you hate the rest of our Order so much. I can understand Charles after his rude behavior, but not the Order itself. Care to explain?"