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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



[No, I just lost my hands. I've "borrowed" someone else's.]​
While the speeders move quickly, the spells and gun turrets moved quicker as they hit their targets, and so a majority of the speeders were taken down. A few weaved and dodged the spells and bullets to get close enough to the base so they placed charges on the sides of the base. As few as 5 managed to place their charges and manage to escape the wizard's wrath, but they were taken care of fairly quickly as the Omikrons shoot them down. There lives were lost, but their purpose was fulfilled as the charges exploded, causing a gaping hole in the exterior shell of the base. They have lowered the defenses, and the army knows what foes they face.
Crothar raises his hand, and then slowly points it towards the base.
Hell has been unleashed.


A swarm of speeders, ghasts, and many forms of flying vehicles approaches the base. Men are heard gulping what could be their last breaths of air as they ready their turrets.

[Those involved in the battle are free to attack and shoot the ones in flight. The ones on the ground are too far to interact with yet. Also there are too many of them to kill off in one shot, there are thousands coming at you guys now.]


Oct 8, 2011
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[lost your hands? jeez what happened?]

The explosion rocked the palace. Durwin cursed.

"Lan! Dirk! Chuck! Fred! Focus on that breach! If they get through I want them to be burning and slowed while doing it! Rest of you keep your eyes open."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Hawk Delta-34 , you have clearance for takeoff. Good luck. Over and Out.

Darth swept out of the hangar with the rest of the Omikrons and raced towards the rapidly advancing enemies.

Spotting speeders racing towards the walls, the Omikrons engaged them. Unfortunately about 5 or so managed to plant their charges on the wall and detonate them, leaving a breach. Almost as soon as that had happened, Darth spotted ghasts along with other flying vehicles advancing. Shouting this information into the communications really, they swung towards the new threat.

Darth threw the Omikron into a diving roll that temporarily brought him below the line of fire of the enemies.
Sweeping back up he raked them with virtually everything he could, destroying a few speeders and almost half-a-dozen ghasts.

"It's like they've been toughened up." Darth exclaimed.

"This is going to be a looooong fight." Darth thought.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob was half-way to the palace when he got a call. Tari and her guards had been silent the entire time walking. It's a little unnerving. He began to speak through his earpiece to his contacts at the palace, when he began hearing footsteps moving quickly behind him. He turned, barely dodging a huge fireball. "Tari? What the Nether are you doing?"
"You failed my mission, Blob," Tari spoke in a low tone, eyes pupil-less. The guards around here were dead.
"Actually, I never accepted your mission, Herobrine. I've got plans of my own!" Blob shouted as he smashed the enderpearl into Tari's forehead.
Blob, stood still, then felt a burning sensation in his gut as he flew twenty feet away.
Tari still stood with white eyes, hands ablaze. "I'm no fool, I wouldn't be so stupid as to use the same weak curse. And what do you mean you didn't accept my mission?" she shouted, thrusting a blaze of fire towards Blob, which he deftly dodged.
"I meant that I'm not so weak to be influenced by someone like you, or anyone for that matter," he shot a few bullets at Tari, who stopped them with a magic field.
She grew red, spewing more flames at Blob. "Then what of you trying to kill the Togolopian, Durwin?"
He jumped up in the air, his sword unsheathed. "Like I said, I have plans of my own." He thrust his sword down, obliterating Tari and everything behind her.
Moments later, the city guard had arrived. "Musta been those Togolopians," the chief could be seen saying.


The guards make a makeshift fortification on the breach, and place a group of men to guard the area.

The Ghasts are advancing underneath the base, the speeders and flying demons are protecting them from harm.

The army moves forward across the valley, burning the forest behind them.


Aug 14, 2011
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Back in Texas, the Lone Ranger makes his plea. Looking down at the crowd of a thousand Texans, Don couldn't help but take in the moment. He holds up his hand for the crowd to silence.

"My fellow Texans. It is quite an honor for me to stand before you today, for there has never been a more well respectable bunch of men and women that I have ever laid eyes on. You all are the definition of Texans; proud, tough, and free spirited. But what has arisen is an evil that may threaten our livelihood, such as is evident from the lack of our warm Texas sun that allows for our rich fields and children to grow."

"What I have called upon you all for is a final stand. It is a fight that will either define the definition of Texas, or cause its destruction. We look to our past as what brought us here today as an independent nation, but now is the time for the present to align its course. Let us be remembered on this day, our day of reckoning. We will be the myth that fuels the desires of the next. For if we fight, we will sell our lives dearly. But a great man who we owe our thanks to, William B Travis, stated at the Alamo that 'One crowded hour in a glorious life is worth an age without a name'. I hope that you share Colonel Travis' opinion, for I intend die with his soul in my heart."

Don slowly climbs down the capital steps and removes a shining sword. He walks into the crowd, which parts for him, until he reaches the end of the crowd and into an open field. He scrapes the sword against the ground, making a thin line.

"If you wish to fight, and most likely die, with me.... cross this line."

The bells in the church tower ring, and as the bell's vibrations are felt within those in earshot, so too are the words that Don has spoken to them. A slight movement stirs the crowd, and the whole front walks to join Don, and the rest follow suit, leaving no man or woman on the other side. Don looks up towards the Texas Capital, with its flag waving in the wind.

"So...this is it."


Hundreds of ghasts are bombarding the underside of the base with their fireballs. The base is rocking back in forth, making it hard for occupants to stand still.
The Commander opens the windows and urges everyone in the room to grab a gun and start shooting.


She felt she shouldn't doubt Durwin and the Togolopians, but she still felt something was going to go wrong, somehow...
Suddenly, everyone within the base felt like their hearts went into their throats, because they were actually falling, for at least a few feet. The ghasts fireballs were causing the base's levitation systems to turn off and on.

The Commander, realizing what was happening, called the Captain to order all aircraft to target the floating ghasts.


Oct 8, 2011
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The group lurched.

"What was..." Another fireball hit the Base and they all lurched again.

"Lizzie! Dave! Concentrate on those fireballs. Forget the Ghasts, they are still too far off. If this thing falls it won't matter if our men do their jobs."