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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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"Explosions are my speciality... well everything's my speciality I just like explosions better. We can use that ship instead, let's go." Durwin stood up and noticed too late the enemies coming at them. They yelled and charged Durwin and Duffie . Durwin held out his hands and smoke quickly engulfed him, Duffie, and the Eldars. He grabbed Duffie and pulled her along.

"Let's move! I don't want to fly here in case they shoot at us. It's not far now just run!"


A slew of jetbikes converge on Durwin and Duffie, attempting to flank them on both sides. They ready their pistols and sharp swords.

[Thetogolopian and Duffie, I have a miniboss prepared for you after you deal with these bikes. I would like this to be a back and forth affair much like that Greater Skeleton Warrior from Darth's encounter.]​


The Dreadnoughts emerge from the smoke of Sky Base.
These lumbering war machines are walking walls that are capable of shooting all kinds of heavy artillery from their arms. A few dozen of these emerge from the Base accompanied by transports and ground troops. This is where the soldiers of Sky Base will begin to push back against the enemy.
Commander Parsinius grasps the controls of his own shaking and rumbling Dreadnought, licking his lips because he hasn't used this baby in a long time.


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx gets his blade ready against the Chupacabra as it runs towards him. He stabs at its legs, preventing it from running quickly. He then slices at it's chest, only to have the blade deflected off.

"What...? Does it have some sort of armor?"

Blinx keeps stabbing at the Chupacabra, trying to find its weak spot.
[@StoryMaster Have you forgotten about me, are too busy with other things, or waiting for the right moment?]


[@StoryMaster Have you forgotten about me, are too busy with other things, or waiting for the right moment?]
[Sorry, my bad D:]​
The hobbling Chupacabra swipes at Harmaks hand, knocking the blade onto the ground some feet away. He then swings at Harmak's head, missing, and then attempts to pounce onto Harmak.


Aug 14, 2011
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Can't get it now, gotta bring out the big guns.
Blinx pulls out his sweeper, and at the press of a button, he slows down time as the Chupacabra pounces.

Using the limited time, Blinx collects two moderately sized boulders and multiple bones of fallen skeletons.

Time returns to normal. The Chupacabra completely misses Blinx and gets ready for another jump at him.


Aug 14, 2011
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The orc warrior didn't stand a chance as it approached Don. When it raised its axe, Don shot it twice; once in the head and another in the heart. It fell over weakly, slumping on the ground along with the other fallen ones.
Behind him, Don heard the pounding of the Dreadnought's feet against the earth. He slung himself back onto his horse.
"Texans! Fall back! Let's let these big boys get through and do some damage."
Don quickly led the rerouting of the Texan forces up the right flank, hugging against the side of the mountains and towards the higher ranking officers of the army.

[Also StoryMaster, awesome Warhammer 40K stuff. It's like you're in my mind! :eek:]


Can't get it now, gotta bring out the big guns.
Blinx pulls out his sweeper, and at the press of a button, he slows down time as the Chupacabra pounces.

Using the limited time, Blinx collects two moderately sized boulders and multiple bones of fallen skeletons.

Time returns to normal. The Chupacabra completely misses Blinx and gets ready for another jump at him.
[I did have you both falling on the ground, but I fixed mine to make it fit with yours. Also, what kind of boulders are we talking about here xP?]​
The Chupacabra scampers from side to side, wanting to get a taste of that kitty blood. It raises its tail and strikes again.


Oct 8, 2011
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Just a little further... Speeders zipped by firing at the two. Deep impact craters where made, surprisingly large for how small the ammunition was. Durwin looked at the distance remaining to the bombardment ship.

We're not gonna make it. More and more of the speeders flew by and circled quickly surrounding them.

"Duffie look at me." He waited until she did and then grabbed her head with his fingertips. She tried to jump back startled but couldn't move her head. They kept running as Durwin closed his eyes. She felt a sharp stab and then a burning sensation in her skull. Her yelp had no volume to it.

"You now know what I did know about these crafts. I no longer do as a consequence but it matters not. The rate we're going, those speeders will kill us and the ship." With that Durwin made another smoke screen and pushed Duffie ahead of him. He touched her neck with one hand the back of her thigh with the other.

"Take care, and we will meet again." He gave her one more shove but this one felt different. Duffie landed, rolling, far outside of the smoke screen a good 50 meters away from Durwin. She looked up and the ship lay just before her.

Durwin yelled, his voice rising in a crecendo,

"Alright you incompetent, foolish, ignorant, destructive, vile, rude, mean, evil, dumb, messed up creatures! I dare you to come at me!" Durwin's arms seemed to turn into twin serpents of fire and lightning. They lashed out destroying the speeders that got too close and calling attention to him and him alone.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie looked worriedly at the ship, then back at the Durwin. Seeing as he was distracting the enemy, she knew it was her responsibility to get onto the ship.

Standing up, she bolted for the bridge leading to the deck of the ship, attempting to process a plan that will aid them, as well as keep them alive.


The Dark Eldar army is fully aware by Durwin's presence and begins marching over to destroy him. All weapons in range fire upon him.
Crothar looks at the mess before him. He decides he must continue on and let the hordes of his troops finish off the demon. However, the Warlord decides he'll make one order, just in case this demon poses to be quite a fighter...
Looking to his left, Crothar gives his finest and deadliest warrior a slow nod...
Drazhar: The Master of Blades
[Let me know when you want to fight him, I'll give more information about him.]​


Duffie looked worriedly at the ship, then back at the Durwin. Seeing as he was distracting the enemy, she knew it was her responsibility to get onto the ship.

Standing up, she bolted for the bridge leading to the deck of the ship, attempting to process a plan that will aid them, as well as keep them alive.
[Just to inform you, this ship is much smaller than I think you are imagining it as. It's no bigger than a small yacht, and you're able to see everyone that's on the ship at any given time. The only place which would hide you without someone noticing would be near the back.]

[Search for "Dark Eldar Raider" If you'd like to look at some. They're mostly models, but I hope you get an idea.]


Oct 8, 2011
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The Dark Eldar army is fully aware by Durwin's presence and begins marching over to destroy him. All weapons in range fire upon him.
Crothar looks at the mess before him. He decides he must continue on and let the hordes of his troops finish off the demon. However, the Warlord decides he'll make one order, just in case this demon poses to be quite a fighter...
Looking to his left, Crothar gives his finest and deadliest warrior a slow nod...
Drazhar: The Master of Blades
[Let me know when you want to fight him, I'll give more information about him.]​
[how about now?]


Oct 8, 2011
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The twin serpents strike again and again "effortlessly toss[ing] the Dark Eldar from one side to the other". The serpents seemed to calm down for a moment before intertwining themselves. Around and around they went [where they'll stop nobody knows XD ] sucking in clouds and dust. A tornado had been concocted in the enemy army and sucked in everything close by. It did not move and did not last long, as it was mostly just a light show to keep the attention on him, before it dissipated into small glowing bits gliding on the breeze. Durwin roared as he "[saw] a lone warrior walking towards [him]"​
"Bring it on you mutt! You stand no chance!"​



Drazhar; The Master of Blades; The Executioner; The Living Sword.
Known by many names, this Incubus however, has only one purpose, and that is to kill.
Carrying twin disemboweller blades, power swords when possessed by the greatest of warriors can slice an entire army apart limb by limb, literally. He wears high-ranking Incubus body guard armor, which is quite heavier and stronger than traditional Dark Eldar armor. Drazhar is quite tall, even by elven standards, and it is one of the fastest bipedal creatures in the universe. It is impossible to get a clean shot at him.
Drazhar turns his head, letting a loud crack echo as he popped his neck. He stands from Durwin about 20 feet away, waiting for him to make the first move.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Swords for limbs huh? Neat trick. I think I'd like to try that too..." Durwin held out his arms palms facing up. A deep red, as deep as his eyes, started at his shoulders and moved down to his fingertips. Skin, muscle, bone, blood, it all turned to blackened-red steel and became as sharp a blade as the Incubus's. They both began to circle one another.

"You know, the best souls come from a even duel. You look at me as if to say 'how would you know?'" Durwin smiled, threw back his head and laughed a mad cackle. A dead-eyed stare returned to the Incubus. Durwin licked his lips,

"Why from experience of course. So why don't you just call off your little buddies waiting to pounce on me. Unless you like the idea of soiling and sharing my soul?"


The Drazhar looks to the soldiers, never intending on using their useless bodies.
"You talk too much. It'll be nice adding your head to my collection."


Oct 8, 2011
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The Drazhar looks to the soldiers, never intending on using their useless bodies.
"You talk too much. It'll be nice adding your head to my collection."
"Haha! Talking is my favorite pastime you know. Why I remember when I was a small child, this was way back mind you, I would always ask the teachers questions and they would be constant. Mostly it would be about the color of the sky during math or the meaning of life in chemistry. Everyone else laughed cause to them it was another half hour session of nothing but talking amongst themselves. I found that to be the most peculiar. There was this one boy who decided it would be a good idea to slam me into a locker. Show him up I did! I connected wires from the inside of his locker, it wasn't hard to pick the lock the lummox bought one of those cheap locks, so anyway I connected the wires to a power source and ran an electric current through it. I made sure to have high volts and low amps, it's the amps that kill I just wanted it to be painful, he reached up to unlock his locker and ZAP! Haha! He stood there shaking for so long and I couldn't hold it in. I started laughing and laughing, the teachers immediately blamed me and questioned me first. I confessed almost be they asked the first question. Got me suspended but man did it scare the heck outta him. He never talked to me from that day forward and he always avoided me. I remember on graduation day, a few years later, as I walked by him I yelled BOO! And he jumped and squeaked like a five year old child. Just talking about it now brings tears of laughter to my eyes. Oh boy and college. I loved college. So many drunk idiots there only cause they had enough money, mixed in with all the intelligent people, there because they deserved it. It was always fun to spoil a pool party with a few... explosive, but harmless, chemicals. Haha me a few of my buds gassed one of the dorms once. Somewhere along the line the fire alarm went off and the sprinklers turned on, the entire building was woken in like five minutes. I booked inside to try to keep everyone calm. Although the group that had wronged us was in there, there were also innocents. We had planned on just gassing the one floor where the group was getting it's... nightly pleasures. Course we were dumb and young so it didn't go to plan. But that's where I met my future wife..... my wife....... my dead wife..........." Reality and the present snapped back like spring under too much pressure.

"I'm sorry were we in the middle of something?"


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx moves out of the Chupacabra's leap, getting a scratch on his face. The scratch started to bleed slightly.

[Ignore the watermark. :p]
Arg, he's asking for it now.
Blinx takes multiple shots at the Chupacabra's head. He found out that its eyes were likely to be its only weak spot. He tries to aim, but the Chupacabra keeps him moving.


Drazhar looks up suddenly from ground where he was studying a blood puddle that began flowing in small streams to his feet.​
"Ah yes, we were about to begin a battle to your death..."​
He raises his twin blades.​
"...and I'll take the initiative."​
He quickly dashes towards Durwin and passes by him untouched. Nothing appeared to have happened except for a small cut on Durwins leg, which began pouring his demonic blood.​
"Tsk. Tsk. We should be paying close attention, shouldn't we Demonlord?"​


Oct 8, 2011
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"You can't kill what you can't touch." With an eruption of smoke Durwin disappeared.

"You see," Came from the left. The Incubus turned just in time to view more smoke fading.

"Or rather," From the right.

"You don't see." Behind.

"I can be," Left again.

"Very dangerous too." This time from right in front of the Incubus. Durwin disappeared just as quick, leaving an identical injury to his on the Incubus.