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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



Drazhar darts past Durwin again, the result being another slice, this time resulting in Durwin's ear lobe being sliced off and fall on his shoulder.​
"Did you hear that? I think that was the wind..."​


"Quite effective, you know, if you were trying to scratch my armor."​
Durwin's stab was inneffective.
Drazhar's sniffs, tracking Durwin's scent.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"


Oct 8, 2011
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"You know, you're almost as arrogant as I am. But unfortunately for you there's only room for one ego. Mine." Durwin showed himself from behind an stabbed at the other calf. His blade's metal was white hot and burned through the Incubus's precious armor. With a quick swipe to the left, both legs came off. A wretched scream rose in the air.

"Wake up you sissy." The Incubus's eyes shot open. His legs were still attached.

"It was a dream, this isn't really the place to be sleeping you know." Durwin's taunting smile mocked the Incubus.


Drazhar steps back, breathing heavily.
"You are quite powerful with your mind tricks Demonlord, however I have tricks of my own, and these are very real."​
"Bring it forth!"​
Emerging from the crowd, a figure shambles over into the clearing, barely supporting itself, and appearing as if it was being controlled by some puppeteer. You notice it to be DarthLego and you are surprised to see him in this state, but what you feel is that there is nothing left of him in there, just a walking corpse. He was dead and couldn't be saved.
"Your friends are dying around you, and there will be more soon if you do not join us in our cause. If you refuse, then I shall have to stop toying with you and get you out of the way."​
[Darth can't control himself]​


Aug 14, 2011
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Good riddance, thought Blinx. He ran for his blade and picked it up.
Swinging it through the crowd of monsters, Blinx noticed a few of his friends.
Durwin, Darth, Duffie and another strange person? Hm.
Knowing that they all had time control neutralizers, Blinx paused time to signify that he was nearby.
[Durwin, Duffie, Darth, Drazhar... I sense a lot of alliteration!]

Meanwhile, at the remains of Sky Base...

A strong yet dormant bomb becomes activated. The bomb will detonate within a matter of twenty four hours.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin walked over to the supposed "Darth". He put his hand out to pat Darth on the chest. His hand went right through.

"Hahaha! How can you be sure that you're even awake now, that anything is real? From the moment you challenged me your life has been MY toy, MY plaything, it has been MINE. However I won't just merely let you suffer your own consequences, oh no my boy, I have something much better planned."


"What? And you believe that you are the master of your own destiny? Your path was marked by the prophets far before your existence Demonlord, and although you outmatch me in years, we shall both meet the same fate, and that is death. Yours is quite curious though...so...unexpected."​
"Darth's time came. You are split torn between the factions of the heavens and the underdark that you can no longer perceive clearly. Your friend is dead, and many more shall fall with him. You will learn to see."​


Oct 8, 2011
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"Each man's "destiny" is his own to make. You gave that natural born right up the moment you killed innocents. If death wishes to stop for a visit, then I'll invite him in for some tea and cigar, then send him on his way having made a new friend. If Darth truly is dead, which I doubt, then it won't be in vain. I happen to be fortunate enough to know my exact purpose here, and the only thing I see is your suit of armor starting to glow red hot. Is it getting warm under there? Does it hurt? Tell me every detail."


Drazhar stands immobilized from the pain, but he can block out the pain, because he knows what the prophets foretell of him..
"Extraordinary. Death is an ecstasy. A state of being where every moment is valuable. That is why I have no regrets about killing. I grant my victims a moment of exhilaration, their last chance to pray to their gods, their last chance to show regret. That is my purpose here, to grant others the chance to experience these feelings at the ripe moment."​
Drazar cringes as his skin begins to cook further.
"You know what they say about not knowing your own future, about the "trying to avoid it"part ? Well it's wrong in my case. I came before you today because I wanted to feel Death coursing through my veins, at last. Its pulse is the tide that will pull me from one world to the next."​
Flames begin blowing high into the air. Drazhar places both swords on his shoulders, the sharp edges cutting into his bare skin in between the armor plates. He offers the handles to Durwin.
"Enjoy my death."​


Oct 8, 2011
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"Any creature who believes fear is ecstasy is a sick one." Durwin walked forward to the Incubus and grasped the handles of the blades. He tossed them to the ground and grabbed the Incubus by the throat lifting him high into the air, crushing the armor and it's windpipe. The hot armor didn't burn Durwin.

"But not yet. Wake up." He through the Incubus to the ground and the next moment it gasped and sat up unscathed.

"We're going to have to correct that sickness of yours. Lesson number one...." A flame whip appeared in Durwin's hand, whose limbs had returned to normal.


Drazhar chokes, spitting out blood.​
"But yet you correct my sickness with what? A whip? Your punishments do not cause me distress, for death awaits me soon."​
"Come teach me then."​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
"Death waits for no being." Durwin approached the Incubus and lashed the whip at it's eyes. I struck the faceplate but didn't ricochet off, instead it stuck there. It was still for but a moment and then it wriggled. It wriggled and moved up the plate to the eye hole. It shot forward into the Incubus's eye and squirmed inside until the entire length had fit itself in his body.

"Lesson two, No back talk." Durwin snapped his fingers and it was as if time had gone back to just a few moments before only this time Durwin held a jar of some sort.

"Lesson three."


With a few clicks and sputters, Drazhar manages to remove his armor covering, with him wearing a few undergarments which are soaked in dried blood. The Elf has dark olive skin, and with his face revealed, it can be seen that he was once quite a beautiful elf, but one which has been covered in shadow and evil.