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Mar 23, 2012
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Darkness. Complete and utter darkness surrounds me like the cold, un-escapable frost of winter. There is no way to avoid it, but there is also no comparison. When all is dark, there is no light to make the darkness dark.
​ Out of the corners of my eyes, light starts its attack on the darkness. Starting from an undefined, undesirable light source, my view was seemingly lit with the brightness. At last, after all the time spent in darkness and woe, I felt invigorated with life and energy. But even after feeling these emotions, I longed for the cold and discomfort of the darkness. The light, instead of introducing its feelings, it completely disrupted the balance of my darkness by destroying it completely.
After basking in the light for a few more moments, I realized how much life I felt inside. I felt envigorated and full of power, a feeling I haven't felt (in a long time?). All of my desire to turn back into the darkness and regret of coming into the light was completely gone now. I was now protective over the light; if any darkness tried to destroy my hapiness I would not allow it. Strangely enough, darkness never came again, and eventually my view of the light started to... sharpen. The pure and blinding white slowly, ever so slowly faded into a sky-blue color, which I found to be pleasant. The light still left some fluffy pieces of white in the abyss of blue, which I can still not explain.
After coming to full focus of the blue expanse and white fluffs, I realized there was more than just the light. I turned my view downwards, and was shocked by an explosion of colors. My vision was flooded with very hot colors; scarlet and dandelion yellow formations came to life in front of me. After a bit more looking about, I didn't find anything specifically of interest besides the bright colored landscape.
When I looked straight down, I noticed something very new; I had a body. Clothed in what seemed to be a white jumpsuit, I possesed a fully functional humanoid body. I could run for my life, jump for the moon, and dance like a robot.
Now that I could move around, I took full advantage of my capabilities and started to explore. The ground consisted mainly of a reddish-orange material that held my weight when I stood on it. It also had beautiful yellow and red stripes curving their way here and there, in and out of the stone like snakes. As for landscape itself, there were curving hills surrounding me, with gentle slopes moving in and out of the ground. Near the edges of my vision, I could see large lumps of the material surrounding the area I was in, which seemed to be a valley of solitude, with no way in or out.
After walking about for quite some more time, I crossed a hill and noticed something in the distance: a gigantic extrusion out of the earth, which seemed to emit a dark aurora which chilled me to thed core. Everything in this world, after all, wasn't completely full of light. I felt attracted, even drawn to the place, and soon, before I even realized it, the mountain of dispair was just a few hundred paces in front of me. The closer I got, the more obscured the sky became, until I eventually could not distinguish the blue sky from grey fog. The mountain loomed before me, and now I could see, in much greater detail, what caused the mountain to be so dark.
The mountain's reddish-orange rock base color seemed to infected with a black virus, reaching with spiderlike strands and covering all of the red-rock it could. The pure light of the world was obliterated by the darkness and its ever reaching fingers, always wanting to extend and infest.
At the base of the monstrosity, there seemed to be a opening of sorts that led deep into the mountain, and I could only guess ultimately to the source of the darkness. While my first intinct was to investigate the opening and explore it further, I knew that would not be wise. I could feel a dark precence from inside the dark hole, and knew I could not risk going in the darkness, at least not now.
While I told myself not to go inside, I felt an inexplicable urge inside me to walk into the darkness; to embrace the lack of light. I began a war within me at this moment, and I was constantly fighting against my inner urges. There was something very evil within the heart of the mountain, and whatever it was wanted me down with it. I finally willed myself to run and run and run some more. The further I got from the mountain, the less I was prompted to return. Finally, after quite a few moments of running, I seemed to have escaped the will of the mountain.
Even after feeling the terror of the dark, the coldness of the grey, I knew I must return to the mountain. I could not simply wait around in the plains of red and wait for something to happen, I must act. With the peak of the mountain in the distance, I began to slowly head towards it. Over hills and through the valleys I went, tracing my steps I'd taken before. Again, the closer I got to the mountain, the darker I felt and the more affect the mountain had on me. This time, I gave into the urges to enter the cavern of darkness, and was immediately engulfed with blackness. There was no longer any light in the world, and it seemed as if I was visiting the past. Now there was a difference, for I could feel the cold and dark essence coming from the mountain.
I could not see anything, nor did I have any idea where I was going, but I let into the urges and they guided me through the seemingly invisible labyrinth. I no longer had any control over my legs, they walked where they wanted to walk. I knew there was no turning back now. I knew, if I had stayed back, I could have lived. But I chose the hard route, the route that led me to keep fighting. I would not give in completely to the darkness, no matter how close I got.
I could no longer control any part of my body accept my brain. All I could do was think, and resist. The darkness was knocking at the gate of my mind, using the battering ram of deception and trying to breach my defences. It was a battle that I volunteered myself for, and I would not lose it until the end. I held my ground against the darkness, and kept fighting. My body was lost at this point, and was running towards the heart of the mountain.
I was close now. I could feel my heart begin to freeze with fear and the defences of my mind begin to break down. I knew I couldn't last much longer against the onslaught of darkness, but I would fight until my last moment.
It was overwhelming now. I could no longer defend against the black, so I decided to attempt to take a look through my eyes for one last glimpse at the surrounding darkness. I fought through a small cloud of black, leaving all memory and control behind. When I finally reached my eyes, my soul was crumbling. I willed the last bits of me into the seeing objects, and was despaired to see what I saw.
I saw nothing, yet something. There was a void in the middle of the cavern, which no light escaped. Hanging from the cavern ceiling were the bodies of the previously darkened people, those who had fought until the end as I did. I saw traces of light in their eyes, and knew that they may even still be fighting. As for me, I knew there was no more fighting now, and I was finally overcome with darkness.
I haven't the slightest clue why I wrote this or why I copied it


Nov 29, 2011
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Imagine for a moment how you feel when you are surrounded by this fear. You can begin to empathize with people who have GAD when you think about how you actually feel when you are in the presence of your fear. The person with GAD feels this way all the time. The difference between GAD and a phobia is that the phobia is only in specific situations and GAD is all the time.
Phobias are thought to come from a learned situation. For example, Erin was playing and fell and cut her knee. When she came inside her brother began screaming, “You are bleeding! You are bleeding!” She looked down and realized she was in fact bleeding. Her brother’s fear and the sight of blood has led her to have hematophobia.
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