IC Remnants of the Elements


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Through (potentially overly) theatrical writhes and rolls Ketten managed to point a finger at her picture. You could call Liv that, I suppose, given that she's being framed like one. "It was her! She attacked me! She thought I was stealing! She's crazy!" She rambled off potentially many more statements starting with the word 'she,' but eventually the 'pain' became to much for her (meaning simply that she decided it was time to appear to be in agony again) and she went back to writhing on the floor.

Surely something interesting would come of this development. At the very least this would help her get closer the Guardians, and eventually this end-of-the-world nonsense. And hey, one less shady little homeless girl couldn't really be a bad thing.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She hissed as the Spriggan points at her, accusing her of a crime that is, frankly, completely unorthodox of Lividus to attempt. Because she didn't. "Liar," She snarled at the squirming tree, "You lying log of timber." She narrowed her eyes and picked up her cloak, clipping it back at her collarbone. "I might've thought you looked shady pressing your face against that door but I would not injure you without learning your true intentions," she looked to the Guardians, though she didn't know that, and flicked her beads from her face, "Do you really think I look nuts?"

By now she'd seemed to have regained her eerie serenity and lost any trace of the momentary panic she'd gone through just moments before. If they weren't going to believe her and she'd have to fight her way out of this, so be it.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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A scream split the brief silence that had come over them just as Ross opened the door. Erien snapped towards the sound and saw a spriggan girl on the ground with a dagger stuck in her side. A little bit away from her, another girl stood with an absolutely shocked look on her face, which quickly turned to anger. He walked calmly, but alertly out of the room and into the hallway where the apparent crime had been commited. The wizard took a moment to assess the situation. After hearing more shouting and accusations from the spriggan lying on the ground, he walked up to her and yanked the dagger out.

"Mynaeia can heal you, stop screaming. In any case, you wanna perhaps tell us how she managed to stab you from twelve feet away? What were the two of you doing here in the first place?" he asked, turning to face the spriggan first and then the other girl.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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She's barely gotten settled when someone begins raising hell just outside the room.
She flinches at the first shout of "Help!" and raises her guard again, and quickly follows the others into the hallway.
A girl lies on the ground, howling about being stabbed; another stands a good several feet away, looking first shocked and then a bit panicked, throwing off her hood and rattling off a spiel about being innocent.
One thing catches Avis's attention, though: "...I might've thought you looked shady pressing your face against that door..."
Her eyes widen, a chill spreading through her body. "Did...did anyone else actually catch that?"
Each of the others is in some state of distraction: Erien and Mynaeia with tending to the injured girl, Ross and Takot with... staring.
She doesn't know how long either girl had been outside, but that is definitely cause for concern.
"Really, I think we might have a problem..."

Toiletprincess Timdood3 Naoh Enderfive))


Oct 20, 2012
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((... What happened there?))

Himinn- Eirini- had followed Erien out, wondering what the commotion was about.

Honestly, she's really beginning to regret it. She has absolutely no clue what is happening, and no one seems willing to explain.

She poked Avis by the shoulder. "Uh... What's happening?"


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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She has to look down a little bit to answer. Oops. It seems she's floating a little higher than she intended; but she doesn't quite trust her legs right now, and so remains in the air.
"Well, the girl on the ground was stabbed, and claims that the other did it, but that's kind of doubtful... And it seems as though she was spying on us."



Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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One of the Guardians, Magic, probably, came by and plucked the dagger out of her side. It didn't come easily, given her flesh made of wood, but he got it out anyway. She continued to clutch the small would and winced as she responded to his inquiry. "She stabbed me when I started to run, I got this far and collapsed. ((It's probably more like seven feet than twelve also)) I was looking for someone," it wasn't entirely false; she had been looking for someone that fit her targeting profile. "I'm more concerned with what she was doing here." Ketten clutched her wound again, and don't let that complacent look fool you, she's probably done this more times than any of us would be able to count: Harm an innocent civilian and talk her way out of it." There was a vicious edge to her words, a very authentic one. Perhaps Ketten was starting to herself believe that she'd actually been stabbed by the girl.
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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The wizard remained skeptical. "How long were you out here?" he asked, completely agreeing with Avis in his mind. If these two had overheard them talk, they could probably go and tell it to someone else. They'd probably be considered crazy, but there was a chance of unleashing panic, and that wouldn't serve anyone well.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ketten acted as though her pain was ebbing and did her best to answer the Guardian's question. "Not very long. When I was up here looking for someone, I thought I heard people fighting. Things were falling and breaking and I wanted to investigate to make sure everything was ok. The door started to open and I got scared. I ran into a room and that's where she," the spriggan pointed at Liv, "was, and she tackled me and when I got up to run she stabbed me. And you're here for the rest."


Ross saw the indecision on everyone's faces and decided he'd step in. He wasn't sure if he owed this girl any favors, but figured he'd help her out anyway. It's not like it was unbelievable what happened. "So...This might be a good time to say that we've met. Myself and this spriggan. Her name is Ketten, she accompanied me on my way here. Or maybe it was the other way around, I don't know. Anyway, in our time together, I got to know her decently well, and she's a good person. I believe she's telling the truth."


Ketten concealed her surprise when Ross not only came to her aid, but affiliated himself with her. Her primary goal right now was upholding the facade, but in the back of her mind, she knew she had an in.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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He motioned to the other Guardians to gather together closely to talk.

"I'm not sure about either of them. The other girl looked absolutely shocked at the first scream, but the spriggan seems pretty convincing as well. Besides, we can't be sure what either of them heard. If we let them go on their own, either of them, really... well, we can't be sure what gets out there and what doesn't." It seemed to the wizard that the safest course of action was to bring the two girls with them, by force, if necessary. But he wasn't sure how the others would respond to that idea.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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As the spriggan woman continued to lie herself out of her mania, Lividus' anger flared and the rune on her eye pulsed violet as she spoke, "I saw her come up the stairs and thought it looked suspicious considering she wasn't accompanied by a noble of the family, so I followed her. When I got up here I saw here with her head pressed against the door you just exited and watched as she ducked into that room over there," She explained, gesturing, "So I ducked into this one."
"She must have noticed me duck into this room, or something, because she exited her room, walked partially down the hall, forced the door open and tackled me. I did not tackle her. She then pinned me down and questioned me, helped me up and promptly walked into the hallway, pulled out her knife and FUCKING STABBED HERSELF. You all know what has happened next."
"All I was doing at this fucking ball was getting food for the people out there," she said, pointing out a large window and pulling out a rucksack full of food, "Who aren't strong enough to attend. But fine, arrest me, kill me, whatever you want to do. It's not like I have a home to go back to anyway."
She looked at Ross and glared at his accusation. He trusted the fucking rotten tree woman. He knew her. Fuck this.

Mynaeia nodded as Erien told the spriggan girl to stop screaming. "May you please move your hands? I need to get to the wound."

((@everyone pls)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ketten nodded weakly and moved her hands to her sides and looked up at her healer with grateful eyes, which then turned to mild confusion when she noticed that her supposed healer was a small girl with no tools. "How are you going to heal me with no tools or medicines? Are you a mage?" Ketten chose to ignore Liv for the time being. They'd both given their sides of the story, and any further words on the subject would simply to response to further questioning.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Avis nods, glancing at the two girls. "Yes, I'd... I don't think it would be very good if things got out. We need-" her voice drops low, so she can be sure they won't hear- "to find a way to keep any news of our presence from spreading."
Hearing the injured girl's tone as she questions Mynaeia, her brow knits in confusion. "I'm...a bit more inclined to trust our cloaked stranger. She-" Avis nods towards Ketten- "seems rather calm for one who was screaming inconsolably mere moments ago."

((Timdood3 Enderfive Faliara Toiletprincess Naoh))


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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He flies.
It's on impulse that he's heading to a farther-away village; normally he only goes to Alachia, not too far away from his own home in Cephyr. But it's always cool to have a change of scenery, he supposes, and they're sure to have different things at the market.
It's good to get out and see more of the world, he decides. There's a lot more to see than just the rope bridges and snow-laden valleys he's used to, after all.
Landing for a moment to rest, precariously balanced in the top of a tree, Adler scratches at his back. That must've been some fall, to tear through his coat and his tunic... Yet, there are only shallow cuts beneath the rips in the fabric. That's strange, to say the least.
Shaking his head as he drops that train of thought, he reaches into the folds of his scarf to fish out his compass. Glancing at the face, he nods to himself. He barely needs to adjust his course.
And, perhaps with a bit of unnecessary flair, he launches himself back into the air.

((Heyyy, @everyone it's been like a week))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She looked to the Spriggan, who questioned how she was going to heal her and asked whether she was a mage. "Eurh, sort of. Just hold still, please. This will only take a minute," she replied, putting a hand over the hole left by the knife. As per usual, Mynaeia starts to glow a slight green and her hand pulses with a soft light and grows warm. After a few moments, she lifts her hand and the skin-- wood? where the wound was shows no signs of previous injury. "There," she said softly, smiling, "All better.

She looked to the girl who questioned her, noting that she seemed like the timid type. She sighed, reclining her head and putting her hands up, "My name is Lividus and trust me - I didn't ask for the name. If you want to know why I was called that I'd be happy to explain, but I go by Liv."

((Sorry, I didn't really realise I had anything to do and we really need to continue lmao))
((Also, I'm not sure you'd understand what Lividus (Wicked) means unless you speak the language of her town, but we're guardians so we might lol))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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As the healer was leaned over her, Ketten whispered to her, "This is going to sound crazy, but as you may suspect, I am indeed lying. But I needed to set up a scenario. I know you're Guardians. I want to help you. The other girl doesn't know anything."

((Yes, Ketten's actions and intentions really do switch suddenly and randomly. This is normal. Dun worry bout it.
Toiletprincess ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Mynaeia flinched and jerked back as the Ketten whispered a confession. Lowering the voice to a hushed tone, she replied, "The others won't be happy to you lied to us and framed the poor girl. Whether you like it or not, now you've dragged her into this too. They won't be pleased you spied on us, either."

((Goddamnit Timdood3 ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Honestly, Ketten had no idea what she was doing anymore. She started with a plan, or maybe it was more of an idea combined with hope and luck. But now she was face to face with one of the Guardians, telling her that she knew who and what they were. She'd done a lot of research in her life, this was Zwn, the Guardian of Life, one of the more timid Guardians. "I wouldn't call it spying. Most of what I said was true, just not the whole Liv attacking me part. In any case, I'm sure you guys could use some help. Are you going to tell the other Guardians or shall I?"



Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ketten stood up. Not suddenly, just...abruptly and formally. She dusted herself off, not that that was to great effect (she was a tree, after all), and turned to address the Guardians. She'd decided that like anything she did, this was going to dramatic because well, is there another way? "Guardians," she started, directing her attention to them, "We're both in a bit of trouble." She was speaking as if she hadn't just stabbed herself and attempted to frame an innocent (well...innocent of that) girl. "I need places to go. You need more power to help you. It seems to me we can both suit the other's purpose."

She saw the stunned looks on most of the Guardians' faces and sighed. "Yes, I stabbed myself and framed the girl here. To draw your attention. As Liv here may attest, I did allude to her that I had a plan in this." She paused, seeing that her statements really weren't helping to explain all that much. "I overheard your (not so-)little problem and figured I could offer some help....But of course, it'd've been rude to just barge in."


Ross stared at the spriggan, only half surprised that she'd done what she just had, but slightly irked that she admitted to everything almost immediately after he'd backed her up. "So what you're saying is....You were spying on us...and instead of doing anything reasonable like...I don't know...Knocking on the door or Guardians forbid...walking away from things that aren't your business." He ran his hand upward through his hair and leaned against the wall. "And after spying on us you decided you just had to be involved. So you decided to go ahead and assault and frame this more or less innocent girl. By stabbing yourself." He sighed again and realized something: When they'd met, Ketten was basically using her leg as a scabbard; spriggans don't feel physical pain, at least not to a great extent. Ross addressed the other Guardians, "Just so you guys know...It didn't hurt at all when she stabbed herself. She's apparently just very theatrical. Which....Should be pretty obvious by now."

@a sack of potatoes called guardians and liv


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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"What?" Lividus demanded, snapping out of her momentary daze as she observed the conversation with narrowed eyes. "Listen, I didn't even know you were, well, Guardians until just now -- wait," she paused, a hand drifting to touch the rune on her eye, "wait, are all of the Guardians here? I thought there were more, no, there were definitely more." She begun to count on her fingers and then count the group of people who had exited the room. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... there are a lot missing, don't get your hopes up.

She sighed, still seated on the floor where the spriggan was laying. Standing gracefully, she moved back to her defensive position in front of next to Takot and ran a hand across her face. We still have yet to find the rest of the group, if we can find them at all and now we have tag-alongs. One of which quite clearly uses a deal of manipulation to get what she wants.

Timdood3 Also CaffeinatedKitty Enderfive Naoh
((Hey Ender if you're devoid of ideas maybe you can notice the magical rune on Lividus' face that is blatantly obvious :D ))