IC Remnants of the Elements


Jan 23, 2012
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Airis-Guardian of Wind.

Place: Itoghar

Nym welcomed Airis to their home. It was such a cozy wooden cabin. Wooden chairs, table, floor, roof and even the couches. Only the chimney was made of rock. "Lovely place." -Airis said to her. "Thank you. Take a sit. I'll bring you something to eat and then we'll talk." -She said while pointing with her hand towards the couch. Airis made his way there and sat down. "I'll be right back." -Nym said while heading to the kitchen. Zelphar then came running and stood right in front of Airis. Looking straight into his eyes. Zelphar had the bluest eyes you could ever seen. It made you feel like you were looking straight into the ocean. He was quite small, pale skin, light blonde short hair just like his mom and a pair of small white wings. He was just 8 years old.

Airis just sat there. Staring at Zelphar looking at him without talking. Airis then raised one eyebrow. Zelphar then began jumping and jumping while screaming. "BIG BIRD IS STAYING WITH US! BIG BIRD IS STAYING WITH US!" -He yelled with the biggest smile on his face. "Zelphar, please. Don't scare our visitor." -Nym was heard from the kitchen. "Sorry mom!" -He said. He stopped jumping and quickly sat down in front of him. "Big bird, you're staying with us, right?" -Zelphar asked. "Um. I don't really know." -Airis said. "Noooo!! You can't leave us!" -Zelphar said while standing up and giving him a hug. Not letting him go. "Why? What's wrong?" -Airis asked. "You are my very first friend here. Kids are really mean to me..." -Zelphar said while letting him go and now looking down at the floor. Before Airis could answer, Nym appeared with what it seemed to be fresh fruits and some water. "Darling, take this" -Nym gave his son some fruit. "And go to your room for now. You can play with your toys. Airis and myself will be talking." "He won't leave, right?" -Zelphar asked. "Not for now. Now go, dearie" -Nym said. Zelphar smiled at Airis and quickly turned around and made his way to his room.

Nym then took a sit right in front of Airis. Giving him a bowl full of so many type of fruits and a glass of water. "Thank you so much, Nym. I'm starving." -Airis said while drooling just by seeing the fruits in front of his eyes. He began eating. "So, Zelphar is quite an energetic kid." -Airis said while finishing eating a piece of watermelon. "He is. He's a very special one." She paused. "But as he said, he is constantly being teased by the kids in this town." -Nym said with a sad expression. "Why is that? If you don't mind me asking." -Airis asked. "Well, he's a WingBreezer." -The mom replied. "WingBreezer? What's that?" -He asked genuinely confused. "Here in our town you're either born with wings, which we call Flighters or with wind abilities, called Breezers. Not both. Zelphar was born with with wings and wind powers. That's what we call a WindBreezer." -Nym said. "And why is he being teased about that? I find it quite amazing really." -Airis said while swallowing a piece of apple and thinking to himself that he's also a WindBreezer. "There's a legend here in this place that says that there once existed two individuals. One Wind Guardian and one Flight Guardian. People say that we come from them. That's why we're either born with wings or wind powers. Legend says that the day a WindBreezer is born, something very bad's going to happen." -Nym said while looking at him. Airis stopped eating. "Could she be talking about... Alouette and myself...?" -He thought. "Airis? You're okay? Yes, sorry. Um, have you seen these two individuals recently?" -Airis asked. "No. No one has. Some people say that they probably died many years ago. Few people still believe they still live somewhere in this planet, though. Including myself." -She paused. "And I know, if the legend is true, if my boy is the reason bad things are going to happen, then these two Guardians will appear to protect us from whatever it's instore for us. " -Nym said with confidence.

"I'm sure they will." -Airis said. Not wanting to tell her anything about his past. "And by the way, Zelphar shouldn't be bothered by others about it. Like you said, he's a very special young fellow. That's it." -Airis said finishing his bowl of fruit. "I agree. But people just keep calling him things like the "The Curse" or "Doom". I always tell him that they're just envious of him. But he's affected by it. That's why he's excited to see you. You're the first person to treat him good." -Nym said. "That's going to stop then. Zelphar!" -Airis yelled while standing up and calling the kid. Zelphar came running. "Yes?" -He asked. "Want to show me around town?" -Airis asked with a smile. "YES! There's so much I want to show you, big bird! MOM! Can big bird and myself go for a walk?! Pleeeeeeaaasse!" -Zelphar said jumping up and down. Nym looked at Airis with a worried look. "Don't worry. I'll take care of him." -Airis said. "Okay. But don't be home too late. And Airis, please take care of him." -Nym said. "I will, Nym. Thanks for the food." -Airis said.

Zelphar took Airis' hand and pulled him towards the entrance of his house. "Let's gooooo, big bird! There's so much to see!" -The kid said still jumping up and down.

(( Just so you're informed CaffeinatedKitty ))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score

The wizard started talking as he walked. "Yeah, Zwn's 'that girl that could heal people'. Honestly, I don't really know for certain that she's there, but I've heard some stories and I think it's the most likely place for us to find any Guardian at all. The quicker we get everyone together, the better; I don't really know how much time we have left, but the more Guardians there are awake again, the less time there is. So I guess we should go looking at the most likely place for the greatest chance of success."

They were getting into a more crowded area again, so Erien made a mental note not to discuss anything specific for the time being. His chests and coffers had already been carried at the waiting area, he noticed, at least that much was good. Erien dug up his purse and handed the waiting helping boy a silver coin that showed a pickaxe on one side and a mountain on the other. The boy took the coin and ran off, no doubt anxious to earn more from the next man with things to carry.

The wizard found a suitable stagecoach quickly enough. It had enough space for the three of them and Erien's luggage and the coachman was hard-hearing, so he wouldn't really hear anything unless they were yelling. It was supposed to wait for another fifteen minutes before departing, but a few silvers changed the coachman's mind fast. Now all they had to do for six to eight hours was simply sit back and feel the roadbumps.

Six to eight hours later

The coach had absolutely no suspension to discuss, so when they finally reached Ciasta and climbed out, Erien was relieved to be on his feet again and not sitting. The sun was close to setting and the first thing the three of them needed to do was to find some accommodation to put all their stuff in and make sure they had a place to sleep that night. There seemed to be no helping boys around, it looked as though the coachman had just dropped them off at some random street corner, so Erien had no other choice but to use a levitation spell to carry his chests and coffers around. It earned them a few queer looks, but everyone had seen an occasional travelling wizard, so it wasn't bringing them a whole lot of attention.

Himinn and Li- Gilliam, the name was Gilliam now- were following Erien as he searched for some familiar place. He'd last been in Ciasta about a year and a half ago, but it was a big city and even the alleyways and backstreets had alleyways and backstreets of their own, resulting in a maze that seemed to have no system or planning. Every other passage was a dead end and if you got lost, you would need some help to find your way again. Well, at least that's what that part of the city was. The richer areas were more orderly. But Erien had never been fond of order, and he didn't get lost easily. Still, he needed some waypoint to make sure where he was. It didn't take very long to find it.

The inn was called The Sleeping Rat, and it hadn't changed at all. Erien was a bit uncertain to go in there, but it was as good a place as any and he was already familiar with it, besides, it had other advantages over other inns, so he waved to Himinn and Gilliam to come with him. It took a bit of air maneuvering to get all his things through the door.

The wizard walked up to the barkeeper. "Hi, I'm looking for some accommodation for me and my friends. And maybe some supper as well." The barkeeper looked up from a dirty glass.

"Go somewhere else, we're full," he grunted after looking at them and thinking it over. He turned away.

Erien placed a silver coin on the table. "We'll pay you well." That got the barkeeper's attention. The man studied Erien in more detail.

"You're a wizard. Nothin' good ever came to me from wizards. Tha last time I 'ad a wizard 'ere, he started a fight and then blew my booze shelf to bits, 'fore runnin' away and leavin' me to deal with tha mess. Go somewhere else."

Oh, good, he doesn't remember. "We'll pay double the usual price."

The innkeeper considered it for a moment. "How many rooms will you be wantin'?"

"Three single rooms, please."

"Breakfast's at eight, if you want lunch or supper, you'll be buying 'em for extra coin. And I want tha coin up front. Now." The man held out his hand as Erien dug in his pockets for a pouch. The wizard placed the pouch in the innkeeper's hand.

"Tha top floor's yours," the man said after counting the coins.

Erien carried all his chests up to the top floor, where he found a single room with two large beds. It was almost like a suite of sorts, just without all the excessive luxury of some of the inns meant for the upper class. A peasant's suite. It wasn't what he had asked for, but he wasn't in the mood to go argue about it either.

Erien looked at Himinn and Gilliam. "Get settled, we have a grand ball to go to later."

((Faliara Fiestaguy))
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The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Gilliam walked into the room "Alright, sounds fair" he walked in, threw his bag onto the bed, walked to the tiny sink, and washed the remaining dirt off of his face "A ball. God-damnit." he walked back to his bed and sat down. Normally, he'd groom himself. But what was there to groom? All he could do is wait.

And so he did.
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Oct 20, 2012
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"Um... This wasn't what we asked for?" Himinn stated, confused, before remembering what the innkeeper had said. 'We're full.'

Wait, but then why is this room available in the first place? More important than that, there's only two beds; who's sharing one?

Well, both beds seem pretty large... But from where Himinn's standing, they seem to be single beds, so...

"Um... I guess I'm sleeping on the floor..." said Himinn. She was fine with that, honestly. She hasn't slept in a bed since her last life, she's gotten used to her cloak as a blanket.

... Wait, she left her pillow behind... Eh. She'll deal with it, too.

((Are the beds double-beds or just meant for one person? If they're large single beds, then I suggest that we push the two together, since then all three can sleep on it. It'll be a pain for the one in the middle, though ^_^' Fiestaguy Enderfive))


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
A couple of weeks ago...

It was that time of year again: the time where some of those who were old enough went to visit a distant city way off to the North in a completely different country, where it was much hotter and in many ways, drier than home.
Having just become old enough to go on the trip to Ciasta, Katsu and the other people who would be going set sail on a small ship, taking a two-week journey to the city.
Katsu hadn't really seen any trees besides the thick boreal forests around his home island, which constantly expanded and contracted as sea ice formed and melted around it. He had also heard that there were different kinds of fish over in Ciasta than what he had here. It would be wonderful to see the world...

A week passed without much excitement.
There wasn't really a whole lot to do on board, besides sparring and playing various board games, which got old after a few rounds, until a dark fog seemingly came out of nowhere. The ship had drifted too far west, nearing the waters of the haunted island known only as The Eclipse.
The fog brought visibility to virtually non-existent, blinding everyone on board, when the ship suddenly exploded, hunks of debris flying everywhere, along with the passengers and cargo that were on board.
While the fates of those who where with Kaito are now unknown, Katsu was some how able to survive, drifting on a large chunk of the hull.

Another week passed...
1st night of the ball...

Katsu was awakened as his hunk of driftwood suddenly stopped on a sandy beach.
Unsure of where he might be, other than the fact that it was a bit warmer than when his ship had exploded.
Getting up, Katsu looked around, noticing that it was now dark and that there were buildings not too far off in the distance.

Wandering through the streets, Katsu couldn't help but wonder where all the people were, considering how many houses he saw.
He suddenly heard the distant clinkering of a chain, which was kind of an odd thing to hear in such an area, but he decided to follow it.
The source of the sound was definitely moving, if cautiously, but Katsu couldn't seem to keep up with it. Eventually, Katsu came across a very large house with a few people standing at the door and the faint sound of some kind of music coming from inside. Unsure of where else to go, he decided to ignore the chain for now and he approached the front steps...

((S_swimmer CaffeinatedKitty))​
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
A loud noise sounded to Rowan's right as he jumped up in surprise, all senses on high alert. He looked down and saw his partner Leo shake and jolt awake, eyes wide, with a loud exclamation. However, as he jolted up, he was too disoriented and lurched forward into the pillar, hitting his head and falling back out of consciousness immediately. A bubble of laughter rolled upward in Rowan's stomach and he tried to suppress it.

As if on cue, the doors hesitantly creaked open and the girl named Marisa hurriedly slipped out, black hair tugged in a circle by the wind. Rowan hastily wiped his smile away. He looked down at her hands and saw a fine, gold-embroidered plate with a tantalizing array of food. Plump, firm cuts of fish were spread out in a fan, the sleek, silver skin on the edges shining brilliantly. Next to them are a pair of bread rolls with glistening tops painted in butter. Finally, a large clump of rice steamed next to it and carried the scent of the butter into Rowan's nose. "Hi," she whispered. "I got some for both of you."

Rowan gulped down a flood of saliva in his mouth and looked away. "I didn't need any," he said. He opened his mouth again to say "thank you," but the words rested there on his tongue, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He wanted to say it, but some part of him was holding himself back, telling him to distance himself from the two people in front of him. He took the plate and rested it by Leo. He looked back up at Marisa and quickly away again, unsure of what to say.

(( CaffeinatedKitty unconscious guy is now Leo ))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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"What? No, the beds are large enough for all of us to sleep in, you don't have to go on the floor." Where did that come from . . .

Erien dropped his chests in an empty corner and walked over to a large window between the two beds. Ciasta's Citadel was in clear sight from there, the higher towers looming over houses like refined crystal shines over dirt. The Sleeping Rat wasn't located in the slums, but it wasn't exactly in a rich area either. What mattered, though, was that it was close to the richer areas around and on the other side of the central castle, closer than you'd expect and that meant less chances to lose their way on the way over to the Citadel, where the main event of the ball would take place. And that's where he would be, hopefully with Himinn and Gilliam, but if they didn't want to come with him, it wasn't absolutely necessary.

It was getting dark, so Erien lit the candles on the walls to give them light. Then he walked over to his chests, to start looking for suitable clothes for the ball. Since he was a wizard of the Sitian University, it was probably expected of him to wear his festive wizard's robes, but where had he put them . . . ?

((Faliara Fiestaguy ))
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Oct 20, 2012
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"A-ah..." Walking closer, she realized that they were indeed both double beds. "Stupid me..."

Awkwardly, she walked towards the bag she packed her clothes in... Or at least, she thinks it's her bag... Hopefully. She only has size to relate it to, so...

Himinn sighed in relief as it turned out to indeed be her bag. Fuh. She grabbed her notebook and stationary, putting them next to her as she looked through her clothes, panicking a little when it seemed as though she couldn't find her cloak. It was at the very bottom, thankfully.

Closing it, she called out, "What time is it?"

((Enderfive Fiestaguy))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score

Having located the robes he'd be wearing later that night, Erien closed the chest and stood up.

"What time is it," he heard Himinn ask. He dug out his pocketwatch.

"It's around six thirty. I think I'll be getting ready for the ball soon, but before that, I'm going downstairs for some supper. You two want to eat as well?"

((Faliara Fiestaguy))


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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"You two just go without me, I'll stay here until you two are back." he reached for his bag, pulled it open, and started rummaging through it, as if looking for a specific object. "I just need to think for a bit..."

((Enderfive Faliara so happy we're progressing c:

And CaffeinatedKitty, have an RP to finish. Preferrably before Endal & co arrive at the ball so we can have our new character make an appearance :p))


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Marisa giggles. "Of course you do, it's fine."
Deciding to just stay outside for a few minutes, she scans the empty street. "Don't you get bored out here? It doesn't look like he's much of a conversationalist." She nods towards the other guard, cracking a smile at the fact that he seems to have moved.
"Oh!" She turns towards him, realizing, "I don't think you told me your name."

"Interesting..." How had no on noticed her when she was waking up, aside from Marisa? Maybe because know one could even find where she'd gone to sleep... But then again, wings seem to be relatively normal here... Probably just sheer dumb luck.
And then she remembers something that she should've been thinking about quite a while ago. It had simply slipped her mind- probably because she hadn't been herself when she realized it.
"Hey, do either of you know of a Guardian with the ability to fly besides Airis and I? I sensed one back before we fell asleep, but I kind of forgot by the time I met back up with the rest of you."
((S_swimmer Mia Toiletprincess))
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
"Rowan." Rowan narrows his eyes, then opens them again. Not like she can do anything with it. "Hyll. Rowan Hyll. And that bastard over there is too much of a conversationalist, even when he's out cold." He feels the side of his lips upturn despite himself.

"You're damn right, this place is boring as hell. But my old captain was done with me, so he threw me out, and now I'm stuck here standing in front of a d–" Rowan gulped down his words to not offend Marisa. "–In front of a ball instead of fighting out there where I need to be." Rowan added a few words under his breath, "Guardians, it makes me pissed."

(( CaffeinatedKitty + u messed up the coloring there :p ))


Jul 20, 2013
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Walking towards the front doors of the strangely large house, from which music and a smell of many types of different food were emanating from, Katsu notices that there are a few people infront of the doors, two of them talking, the other unconscious.
He walks up to them and suddenly speaks up.
"[Japanese]: Hello, could either of you tell me where I am, what continent I'm on... the name of the city?"
((S_swimmer CaffeinatedKitty ))​


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Marisa bites her cheek at his coarse language, trying not to laugh. It's not often that she hears that. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Rowan. Though I'm not sure one can talk when they're that unconscious."
Clasping her hands in front of her, she asks, "Can't you just continue as a sort of... Mercenary?"
Before he can answer, though, someone else speaks, in a language she vaguely recognizes. "Come again?"

((Catcocomics S_swimmer))


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score

Hmm, I suppose I've landed far enough North if they didn't understand me... doubt they'll understand my home-tongue either.
"Yeah, you got that right, I'm from the frozen islands far to the south, though the ship I was on kind of exploded... probably from the island usually spoken of in folk lore; The Eclipse. I haven't heard of what happened to the others who were onboard.
So umm, did I reach Ecremar? What city am I in?"

((CaffeinatedKitty S_swimmer ))​


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
"I don't think it was her... It felt like they hadn't in forever, or just couldn't any more." Shifting her weight, Avis crosses her arms. "Back before we fell asleep, I thought I sensed someone that was supposed to be able to but couldn't, for whatever reason. Maybe we'll figure it out when we meet up with the others..."

Marisa blinks, surprised. 'Wow, he must be good with languages to switch that quickly...'
"Yes, you're in Ecremar. This is the city of Ciasta."
'Though I must wonder... Shouldn't he have run into someone before now if he's come all the way from the Eclipse?'

((seriously how did he not die if he was floating for a week with no supplies? at very least why isn't he showing signs of being hungry, thirsty, or sunburned half to death? humans can't really live that long without water, and pale skin+sun=death by painful sunburn
Catcocomics S_swimmer Mia Toiletprincess))


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
"That's good... almost coincidental... my ship was headed for this city, if I'm not mistaken. We must've been blown of course by quite a good few leagues then..
By the way, I'm Katsu, and I see you guys have food... well... what might be the day? It feels like it's been a few hours since I last ate..."

But really, what is the date? How long was I drifting for...? I can smell food inside, but unless they let me at it, it's only going to provoke my hunger that much more.

((CaffeinatedKitty, human bodily consumption is greatly reduced when a person is unconscious, and probably the only bits of Katsu's skin that would ever be exposed to direct sunlight would be the backs of his hands, ears, and his neck. Even then, his tunic protects him against warmer climates. By the way, is the ocean salt water?))​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Airis-Guardian of Wind.

Place: Itoghar

Airis could see in Zelphar's face how excited he was to show him around. It was a beautiful day. Sun shining bright. "This is a feeling I'm not used to. This place had no sun. All of it was just dirt." -Airis thought while closing his eyes and looking at the sun. Feeling that warm sensation hitting his face. "Come on! Let's go, Big bird!" -Zelphar said impatiently while pulling Airis' hand. "I'm coming I'm coming." -Airis said while letting Zelphar pull him.

Both of them reached some kind of plain field in between the mountains. "Look! They're playing Waggy Ball!" -Zelphar said excited. "Waggy what? What's that?" -Airis asked. "Waggy ball is what we play here! It's always Breezers against Flighters. They use a ball to score in the opponent's side. It's fun! But..." -Zelphar said changing his mood one of the sudden. "But what?" -Airis said. "They never let me play... Because I'm a WingBreezer. They say I don't belong to any team..." -Zelphar said while looking at him with watery eyes. "Hey hey, don't cry. We're going to play. Come." -Airis said while walking towards the people in the field, Zelphar right behind him.

"Guys, take a look! The Curse is here!" -A guy with wings said while pointing at Zelphar. Everyone started laughing at him. "Hey, that's not nice. How about you stop showing your low speaking skills and show us how you play." -Airis said while looking at him. "And who the hell are you?" -The guy asked. People started to surround Airis and Zelphar. "My name's Airis. And we're here to play." -He said without hesitation. "That loser isn't playing." -The guy said. More laughs were heard.
"Why? Are you scared an 8 year old boy will kick your ass?" -Airis said with a smirk. "Fine. Let him play. But he'll be the one running to his mommy after the game is over." -The guy said. "We'll see about that." -Airis said to him. "Okay, we need to make the teams. Who wants to be with the lame kid?" -The guy yelled for everyone to hear. No one answered. No one wanted to be in Zelphar's team. Airis was boiling inside at seeing how cruel these people were towards him. "You know what? How about you all play together as a team against Zelphar and myself?" -Airis said with confidence. "Are you serious?" -The guy said laughing even more. "If that's what you want. We'll enjoy to see both of your faces after you lose this game." "Bring it on." -Airis said.

He then turned around to see Zelphar. "Buddy, we're going to win this." -Airis said while smiling at him and cleaning Zelphar's tears with his fingers. "But..." -Zelphar said. "No buts, kiddo. You're one special boy. Show them what you can do. I'll be right here helping you." -Airis said. Zelphar hugged him. "Thank you, big bird." -Zelphar said. "You're welcome, kid. Now, how about we show them how it's done?" -Airis said.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
(( hi i didnt take a month-long hiatus <3 ))

Rowan raises his eyebrows. Nothing from Marisa about him coming from the Eclipse? he thinks. She must've seen some crazy shit here. He shuffles through his mind. "Katsu..." he whispers absentmindedly. Nothing. Turning to the blue-clad boy, a strong whiff of fish and seawater hits his face. Rowan's nose scrunches.

"3rd day, 4th segment, 4,630. I don't really care why you want to come here, but if you want to go in, you'll have to take the Commoner's entrance on the right side of the building." He thinks for a while, then furrows his brow, caution spiking. "Actually, I do care. If you've supposedly been drifting from the Eclipse," he scoffs, "why do you want to come to a ball first thing you wake up?"

(( Catcocomics CaffeinatedKitty ))


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
"Oh, so that's what all the music is about. Well, I'm really just a bit hungry, and I really don't know this place, so my being here is kind of just by chance... I think.
I guess I could have tried to find a tavern or something, though I'm not too sure if my currency would be accepted."
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