No.1 Admin & Founder
What are you doing right now?
Finished up playing The Division, browsing Reddit, and figuring out which panels at Silicon Valley Comic Con I'll be going to tomorrow.
How's life been?
As interesting as ever. Moved to California, took a new job.
Did you get laid?
Where are you in your school or professional career?
Doing well in my career, made it up to the big leagues. Would like to go back to school for an unrelated field, but we'll see where that goes.
Are you ok?
What are you doing right now?
Finished up playing The Division, browsing Reddit, and figuring out which panels at Silicon Valley Comic Con I'll be going to tomorrow.
How's life been?
As interesting as ever. Moved to California, took a new job.
Did you get laid?
Where are you in your school or professional career?
Doing well in my career, made it up to the big leagues. Would like to go back to school for an unrelated field, but we'll see where that goes.
Are you ok?