- What name(s) would people most know you by?
Call me Gett.
- What are you doing right now?
Doing college stuff, learning IT things.
Haven't had a conversation to anyone for
months years?, both IRL and online. Unless family counts, but I just say sentences here and there about college/chores/house stuff.
I miss listening to people on TeamSpeak, even though I didn't talk much. Listening to acquaintances isn't really the same.
So, if you remember back in 2013/2014, I left because of a letter.
Fortunately, I haven't become a theory conspirator or edgelord or iamverysmart or some other personality.
Unfortunately, I think I have bipolar depression, need serious help, trying to pass classes, and have a tendency to be alone.
EDIT: Because of the Letter, I'm afraid of myself too.
Oh, and my parents divorced. I live with my mother, who's been pushy.
It's SO HARD for me to convince her to just give me her tax returns for financial aid. She keeps thinking I'll apply for loans, which I won't.
It was even harder for me to do paperwork when she refused to tell me when the divorce was finalized. I had to sneak and take my mother's papers... all over financial aid.
- Where are you in your school or professional career?
I finished all the IT classes. I'm just taking general education classes. I took the IT classes first in case I don't pass my general eds.
Making a resume for a helpdesk job through my college. I don't have any work experience, so my college's career center recommended a "functional" resume. I feel weird making one.
The Letter pushed me a little towards the InfoSec field, so I've been looking into that.
If I really have bipolar depression (maybe Type 2), then it'll be all hell. I'm a little worried I left Blocktopia by snapping at people. If that's the case, there's been a lot of times before and after I snapped at people.
My mother bitched at me using steroid cream and antibiotics for my first eczema flare.
I think I'll have a hard time trying to use antidepressants or whatever medication works for bipolar depression (if it works). Oh, and getting help.
I called the Suicide Hotline after a panic attack and the lady told me I was at high risk of suicide... And suggested to see a psychiatrist.
I saw a therapist/psychiatrist through college, but that didn't end well. I've yet to see another for a year now.
Tl;dr no, not okay. And I wouldn't lie.