Roll Call: Old Members


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now? : fuck dude school is so much fun
  • How's life been? : fuck dude school is so much fun
  • Did you get laid? : fuck dude school is so much fun
  • Where are you in your school or professional career? : fuck dude school is so much fun
  • Are you ok? : fuck dude school is so much fun
  • Etc. : aside from school everything's great it's just that fuck dude school is so much fun
  • also i have no future so thank fuck school is so much fun


Jul 7, 2012
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At the age of 3 years old, I was diagnosed with a very very mild aspergers. I didn't know about this until around the age of 16, I was kept in mainstream schools instead of special ed and it worked out just fine. Other students probably didn't even notice a difference because once you got to know me I seemed quite normal. This past year I was having massive sleeping issues to where I couldn't get to sleep until around 3-5 am almost nightly so I went to a doctor that deals with neuropsychology and he says that he believes I do not have aspergers but just a very severe generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety to top it off. As of late I have little to no issues with sleep now, anxiety has been minimized. But it still takes awhile to get to know me personally.

Now all I got to do is figure out what the hell I am going to do in life. Which I am leaning towards somewhere in the IT field vs the Meteorology I have always loved but am not into it 100%, but believe me someday I will be out in oklahoma/kansas storm chasing. ;)

One_One_Two - I wish you the best of luck, I can't fathom what you are going through.

Haven't seen some of the names on this thread in a long long time and there are still many others that need to post on here.

I joined January 2011


Discord Director, SMP Mod
Oct 27, 2011
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  • What are you doing right now?
Trudging through the second year of my law degree wondering why I haven't launched myself head-first out of my University's fifth story window. Right now I'm currently listening to Lemonade on repeat whilst playing League of Legends.
  • How's life been?
Terrible, but I have great friends and things seem to be improving.
  • Did you get laid?
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
Second year of law degree, also looking for a job too for the summer.
  • Are you ok?
I will be


In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Ok since there isnt really a timeborder
  • What are you doing right now?
Right now partially intoxicated from a pool night with friend on the couch at home. But atm in my last year of 'high school' so exams in a 3 weeks :eek:
  • How's life been?
Actually it's getting better at some points (I finally got over my GF's breakupbreakup and now I'm writing this I unofficially got a GF again (we got a relation nobody knows about))
  • Did you get laid?
Ofc, next question
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
Last year of school, next year college time (starting as as studend in Mechatronics) in Enschede so a new adventure will start.
  • Are you ok?
Apart from my finals and some personal issues, pretty good
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
Guess i'm a pretty old member if you count back as Seput before Qube.

Not doing much these days i guess, I'm working a lot and i'm just about to move into my first apartment on my own. Trying to figure out what i want to study further but its not easy, so i'm saving money to travel the world more with my friends in the meantime. I'm doing fine!

It's nice to see so many old internet friends are doing good in life, I'v tried to distance myself from the community but feel free to add me on steam if you want to catch up a bit.


The Weeb
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now?
Currently working on secret RoF features and working on my Final major project for college
  • How's life been?
Life has been weird, I've have a lot of life changing things recently but all is good really!
  • Did you get laid?
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
Currently studying Level 3 extended diploma in games design, currently on my last year of college and having to do my final major project which is fun and boring at the same time! ;)
  • Are you ok?
Yeah I'm fine, I hate the way I fuck up my grammar or spelling, but apart from that, all good (My dyslexia can go fuck itself)

  • Etc
I joined around the transition from theones server to Blocktopia, I remember viewing the old forums and I was really too shy to sign up and say hi, I usually lurked about in the games barely saying a word. but when blocktopia changed to these main forums, I signed up and said hi finally o/


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
I guess I qualify, since active members and members newer than I are posting here like crazy.

What are you doing right now?
Inking TURF!! also making things on Scratch, doing Minecraft, and currently trying to do a 100% run in Okami.
How's life been?
It keeps changing so much, I really can't tell you without it suddenly flipping to the extreme opposite. One day, I'm feeling all useless and completely incapable of doing anything, then I'm causing a dance-off in my English class to the song "Never Let Up!" from M&L: Dream Team (this literally happened today).
Did you get laid?
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but chance are, no, absolutely not. I'm a squid with solid morals, and I haven't had the chance to get laid off because I've never had a job.
Where are you in your school or professional career?
Last stretch of my Junior High School year. Seriously excelling in my Gold Seal/Program of Choice Digital Graphics and Gaming class.
Are you ok?
That's a complicated answer, and I should be fine as long as my friends can succeed in meeting our goal around mid-late November.
My life is confusing.


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now? I'm on my lunch break typing this up
  • How's life been? It has its' ups and downs. I got to move out due to how well my job pays and I'm currently taking night classes to get my CCNP certification so there's that.
  • Did you get laid? multiple times. (on witcher 3 <_<)
  • Where are you in your school or professional career? I work as IT. I currently work at a local bank in their IT Department.
  • Are you ok? sure, things could be worse and other things could be better but I'm happy with how things are right now.
  • Etc. I finished a book I've had on my bookshelf for 3 years


You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
What are you doing right now?
Writing this message, listening to music, and chilling on RoF. :p

How's life been?
It's been...okay I guess? Not too shitty, but not super great either

Did you get laid?
No comment. lol

Where are you in your school or professional career?
Still trying to figure out what I want to do as a career before I enroll into college. Currently stuck at my first job, but I work as a manager now. Not a good job, but it pays the bills for now. *shrugs*

Are you ok?
Depending on what we're asking? No. Not really

I've been making some changes in my life, left my partner of eight years, been struggling with some bouts of depression, and just trying to get through the days at my job, hoping I can find something that makes me genuinely happy. I try to keep my spirits up by playing Undertale, Destiny, and a few other games. The only real brightener I have right now is looking forward for the Vacation (unpaid unfortunately. Going to take a hit financially) I have in about a week and a half. Other than that. I'm doing as good as I can be. c:


Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
What are you doing right now?
-Writing this, studying for SATs, setting all the text I write in Verdana and in dark green, and having Feast of Fiction as a background noise.
How's life been?
-A bit harsh right now, sinusitis attacked me hours ago, but overall I'm fine.
Did you get laid?

Where are you in your school or professional career?

-Currently a Junior at (INSERT HIGH SCHOOL HERE), and I'm planning to be a computer or hardware engineer... along with being an animator along with one of those jobs.
Are you ok?
-Yeah, some minor health problems here and there but overall, fine.
-I've been also addicted to this game called "Hyper Light Drifter" and also been messing around with Wattpad (As PaperNinjaStar), so yeah that's currently my etc.


Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now?
    • Sitting here lisitening to "The Nights by Avicii" and working on this post
  • How's life been?
    • It's had it's up and downs, feels more positive than negative but thats all one can ask for.
  • Did you get lai?
    • Never been to Hawaii...
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
    • Never as far as I wish I'd be but I've got a steady full time job.
  • Are you ok?
    • OK is a relative term. Ok to me may not be ok to you. So Maybe?
Bonus points to anyone that knows who I am.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
What are you doing right now?
trying to try to get my grades in order before the summer (it's not working)

How's life been?
i got second place with my team at the national debating championships

feels good, especially since they let us have the first piece of the celebratory cake as conciliation for snatching the win from us in the grand final

Did you get laid?
i'll have you know my right hand and i have a very healthy sexual relationship

Where are you in your school or professional career?
i guess it could be worse

i could have been expelled by this point and i haven't, so it could be worse

Are you ok?
no, i'm actually a human

shoutout to my homies: all you memers know who you are, i don't need to call you guys out the way psycho did


Lego Block Op
Sep 12, 2012
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now?
    Decided to pop in, this was middle school years for me so I decided to see what was happening, also I finally got around to start watching attack on titan. I've missed out.
  • How's life been?
    Life has been good, I just need more dank memes.
  • Did you get laid?
    Sexually identifying as an apache attack helicopter makes my options limited, so no.
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
    About to graduate in the class of '16 mates, it's been fun.
  • Are you ok?
Nov 28, 2011
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now? Trying to fucking study/do homework, but playing games and surfing the net.
  • How's life been? It's been alright, I mean, school is 'very fun'.
  • Did you get laid?
  • Where are you in your school or professional career? Year 10, procrastinating a lot since year 8.
  • Are you ok? I'm pretty sure I am.


The Hell Raiser
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I cant believe it's been 5 years since I first joined this community. Sure Ive came and left but i decided to pop in this year and see how its going.

What am I doing right now? Working full time and waiting for the Walking Dead to return in October.

How's life been? Its been pretty meh for me right now, kinda iffy on this. Lost my uncle last year on new years day so....yeah

Did you get laid? What type of question is this?

Where are you in your school or professional career? What

Are you okay? Anne are you okay? Are you okay Anne?

Edit: I've only been talking with killer for a long time now on Skype, i still have a lot of people from this community on Skype just haven't talked to them in a while since they are almost always busy
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The Brutal Create Dictator
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
  • What are you doing right now?
    • Sitting here lisitening to "The Nights by Avicii" and working on this post
  • How's life been?
    • It's had it's up and downs, feels more positive than negative but thats all one can ask for.
  • Did you get lai?
    • Never been to Hawaii...
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
    • Never as far as I wish I'd be but I've got a steady full time job.
  • Are you ok?
    • OK is a relative term. Ok to me may not be ok to you. So Maybe?
Bonus points to anyone that knows who I am.



Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
What are you doing right now?

How's life been?
-Well enough. Been thinking a lot about college recently, specifically because I've been talking to my best friend who happens to be in a university only a city away from here.

Did you get laid?
-Nah. Wimali offered once. (Fuck context.)

Where are you in your school or professional career?
-Senior in high school, after botching my first go at senior year.

Are you ok?
-No, me and my son have recently been struck by a particularly smooth criminal.


From the burning depths of 2011


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
Reaction score
B Y P O P U L A R D E M A N D: I added the bulletpoint "What name(s) would people most know you by?"


  • What name(s) would people most know you by?
    • smell my ass
  • What are you doing right now?
    • Graduate school and undergrad simultaneously I ' m i n h e l l
  • How's life been?
    • Overall, I consider the opportunities and occurrences that have been bestowed upon me incredibly fortuitous. Occasionally, I panic because I'll be trying to rush into doing life milestones or trying to experience portions of the world that were denied to me during my younger years that I need reminded to slow down and that I pride myself in my lifestyle being aberrant. My approach to how the world operates is paradoxical as I have both a disenchanted but wanderlust view. Despite my hyper-check-list mode of ensuring that everything is going as planned, I know I'll be able to look at myself five-ten years from now thoughtfully instead of pitifully.
  • Did you get laid?
    • ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
    • Plans have somewhat changed as I've fully accepted the unfettered and wavering potential of the career (-s c r e a m s-). A lot of my first-hand experiences and accounts with other professionals is that everyone's background isn't necessarily what they studied. My sociology PhD mentor was a music therapy undergrad and my favorite CIS professor studied economics. I don't regret changing my plans from becoming a scholar due to my socio-economic status. I'll be incredibly happy earning a masters in data analytics. I'm only dismayed that I could only consider the opportunity and it never was a reality to me.
  • Are you ok?
    • It's very likely
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The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
  • What name(s) would people most know you by? Toiletprincess
  • What are you doing right now? Watching the Hunchback of Notre Dame whilst imploding from the unbelievable stress of my school existence.
  • How's life been? Aside from my current anxiety filled deteriorating mental state, p good.
  • Did you get laid? That's gotta be a no from me
  • Where are you in your school or professional career? Year 11, end of the school exams. Just realising now that I'm about to leave school in a year and shits getting real.
  • Are you ok? Absolutely not

2011 would be considered fairly old, right?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
  • What name(s) would people most know you by?: Hi my name is ColorWar
  • What are you doing right now?: Hi my name is ColorWar
  • How's life been? Hi my name is ColorWar
  • Did you get laid? Hi my name is ColorWar
  • Where are you in your school or professional career? Hi my name is ColorWar
  • Are you ok? Hi my name is ColorWar
  • Etc. Hi my name is ColorWar


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
  • What name(s) would people most know you by?
Call me Gett.
  • What are you doing right now?
Doing college stuff, learning IT things.

Haven't had a conversation to anyone for months years?, both IRL and online. Unless family counts, but I just say sentences here and there about college/chores/house stuff.

I miss listening to people on TeamSpeak, even though I didn't talk much. Listening to acquaintances isn't really the same.
  • How's life been?
So, if you remember back in 2013/2014, I left because of a letter.

Fortunately, I haven't become a theory conspirator or edgelord or iamverysmart or some other personality.

Unfortunately, I think I have bipolar depression, need serious help, trying to pass classes, and have a tendency to be alone.

EDIT: Because of the Letter, I'm afraid of myself too.

Oh, and my parents divorced. I live with my mother, who's been pushy.
It's SO HARD for me to convince her to just give me her tax returns for financial aid. She keeps thinking I'll apply for loans, which I won't.
It was even harder for me to do paperwork when she refused to tell me when the divorce was finalized. I had to sneak and take my mother's papers... all over financial aid.
  • Did you get laid?

  • Where are you in your school or professional career?
I finished all the IT classes. I'm just taking general education classes. I took the IT classes first in case I don't pass my general eds.

Making a resume for a helpdesk job through my college. I don't have any work experience, so my college's career center recommended a "functional" resume. I feel weird making one.

The Letter pushed me a little towards the InfoSec field, so I've been looking into that.
  • Are you ok?
If I really have bipolar depression (maybe Type 2), then it'll be all hell. I'm a little worried I left Blocktopia by snapping at people. If that's the case, there's been a lot of times before and after I snapped at people.

My mother bitched at me using steroid cream and antibiotics for my first eczema flare.
I think I'll have a hard time trying to use antidepressants or whatever medication works for bipolar depression (if it works). Oh, and getting help.

I called the Suicide Hotline after a panic attack and the lady told me I was at high risk of suicide... And suggested to see a psychiatrist.
I saw a therapist/psychiatrist through college, but that didn't end well. I've yet to see another for a year now.

Tl;dr no, not okay. And I wouldn't lie.
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