Day 4.
I haven't posted in a few days due to unforseen circumstances. So I'll give you all that I can remember of the last few days.
Firstly, I found another base. Also raided. This one had a mine, so I made do with all the ores I could find to build myself a pickaxe and axe to collect resources. Apples seem to be abundant in this wasteland, so I'm never without food. More undead seem to gather in the southern regions of the world. Maybe the radioactive fallout there is much stronger.
Found another place today. Called death's door. Shoulda recognized it as a trap. Walk in and see the floor smouldering. Poorly designed trap only gives me half a heart damage. Maybe it's time I settled down.
Day 5.
Found more signs of previous civilisations today. They appeared to be abandoned. Not much to loot there. There appeared to be a wooden cross in between the two treehouses. Turns out some people hadn't abandoned religion after all during these bleak times. I wonder if religion caused the nuclear war like so many previous wars.
Found a cave this evening. Spent a good hour clearing it of zombies. They appear to be getting more and more restless.
My apple supply is slowly diminishing. Maybe I should venture outside for a top-up.
Maybe tomorrow.
Day 6.
Maybe staying in my cave was a better idea.
Started off at the crack of dawn, venturing from my sizeable hole. Didn't see the creeping thing approach from behind. Damn thing took a chunk of my leg with it. At that moment, another one approached, stumbling, I ran away as fast as I could. At that moment, the server crashed. When I reawoke, I found myself once again in the abyss. Turns out I wasn't to play the hunger games after all.