Solitude V1 - Nuclear Winter


Dec 9, 2011
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Day 1:
I wake up in a forest,The only thing i remember before waking up was: You will be not alone,You will have to find more survivers and help them, The last person that tried to do the same died. he left a message in ice. I then waked up. I was in a forest covered in snow. i found a book and pen at my side.
I choped a tree. made a wodd pick and mined some coal,Then i mined some stone and made a sword of it.I made a new pick,then i got to walk around and search for more survivors.No one was there.
I got to dig a little spot,placed a torch down,and got to survive the night sleeping there.
Day 2:
I wake up,The torch is out of light.I re-light it,Take my stuff,And get out of my little spot.I walk and walk until i find a cave.I was afraid of going in it,i heard bones moving,I decided to keep walking.I then find a working bench, Someone was there.But it already was gone of the forest. Then i go to walk in frozen water,I see a tree on fire. I stopped the fire.Then i look behind the trees and see a flint and steel on the ground,I pick it up,Its all used.I look to the sky.Its almost night. I dig a little spot to myself and my stuff again.I place down a furnace and cook some iron i found where i waked up. i make a helmet quickly,And use it to sleep by the night.
Day 3:
I wake up. i go to see if its day. the sun was rising, I walk a bit and then i notice that i walked in circles. i go and follow a direction. i found a base, there was an radio on it. i could not use it...I found 3 graves, 2 of them i did not remember any familiar names,But one called my memory to a certain time.The name is shadowofgods. I did know a person called like that. but i did not remember anything that could help me. I searched for anything that could help me.
I feel strange.I need to first find people. then i can worry about me
Day 4:
I finally found someone.And i know him even before what is happening now. He is Smaned. I found him. He needed to leave me and walk more. He said i could find someone called "Duffie" I hope to find Duffie soon. or things can get worst for me. Something is very wrong with me. I need help. A creeper also exploded on me today.Those creeping things needed to exist?.I really need to rest.Its night right now.I found something that looks like someone was there. a pillar to get to a tree. 2 Work benches. Possibly Duffie? or someone else?My writing in english is bad. i just woke up in this place and here i am. i need to find more people. I remember some names...I remember someone called alee and Shande...i need to find them and soon...Or my death can take me away.
Day 5:
I sleeped for some days in a base tree someone made.I wake up for the first time in some days.I still feel strange...The sun rises and i'm surrounded by creepers. i see an black tall creature...I dont want to make eye-contact for some reason.I escape the tree jumping from it. someone survived in a little cave. i walk for 10 minutes and find a tower. I screamed "HELLO?!" No one.I screamed again,Nothing but silence.I enter by the front door.There was a trap on it.I got my hand in a little rock.That little rock saved my life.I then block the hole that makes its way to lava.And i get out of that place.The Night is near.I Mine a little place to myself and block it.I will stay the night here.I'm going to sleep.
Day 6:
I'm tired of trying to survive.I'm going to suicide myself.If someone finds this,Please,tell this story to other people and make them feel to survive more than i.I woul be honored if someone finds this.Good bye cruel world.


Dec 9, 2011
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Day 1:
I wake up in a forest,The only thing i remember before waking up was: You will be not alone,You will have to find more survivers and help them, The last person that tried to do the same died. he left a message in snow. I then waked up. I was in a forest covered in ice. i found a book and pen at my side.
I choped a tree. made a wodd pick and mined some coal,Then i mined some stone and made a sword of it.I made a new pick,then i got to walk around and search for more survivors.No one was there.
I got to dig a little spot,placed a torch down,and got to survive the night sleeping there.
Day 2:
I wake up,The torch is out of light.I re-light it,Take my stuff,And get out of my little spot.I walk and walk until i find a cave.I was afraid of going in it,i heard bones moving,I decided to keep walking.I then find a working bench, Someone was there.But it already was gone of the forest. Then i go to walk in frozen water,I see a tree on fire. I stopped the fire.Then i look behind the trees and see a flint and steel on the ground,I pick it up,Its all used.I look to the sky.Its almost night. I dig a little spot to myself and my stuff again.I place down a furnace and cook some iron i found where i waked up. i make a helmet quickly,And use it to sleep by the night.
This actually happened.Only the first (the strange voice part) part did NOT happen. someone made a sign with a flint and steel on ice. i think he died on fire :\
Jan 4, 2012
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I woke up in a small room of solid rock. questions were swirling in my head. Why was i here. How am i here. Why cant i remember a thing. All i could remember was a large bang and then nothingness. There were words forming on the walls around me, and i was then teleported to a strange land. I called out. nobody heard me. I yelled out louder and still nobody came. I kept screaming for help until darkness fell. I began meandering through the night with a hysterical smile on my face. I was alone, but i didn't care. I had the trees and, and, the grass and the wood for company. Then i saw a torch on a half chopped tree. It slapped me to my senses. There are others, i thought. I burrowed into the hard ground and waited for the night to pass.

I didnt sleep at all the night before. Strange moaning, rattling, and hissing sounds kept penetrating my thoughts. I walked outside to see a spider. I screamed and tried to run away, but it pounced and i was under is 8 hairy legs. You may think i am a wimp, but this spider was HUGE. At least twice as big as a man. I looked into the eight glowing red eyes with fury, uttered some words and thrust my fist into its belly. It scuttled back for a moment then pounced again, but this time i was ready. I mined out a trusty rose and bashed the sod to death. as it died, it turned over and melted into dust. I picked up the string it dropped and went fishing. Darkness was falling, i decided to sleep.

I mined down to the bowels of the earth. I found a strange red glowing substance but my stone pick was too weak to get anything. I gathered some torches, pickaxes, and a handful of swords and went exploring. My work payed off. I found a small settlement surrounded by a wall of cobblestone. I left a message in their house. I just hope that settlement wasn't abandoned. On the way out however, i was confronted by large green human-like animals with no arms, no legs, but four stubby feet. I turned back the way home and ran just as one exploded, setting off the others. i was thrown off my feet down into a valley. I slowly began to drag myself back home, missing half a finger. Those green things will pay. They'll pay. The night is falling, i must sleep. but i know those green things will haunt my dreams


Aug 6, 2011
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I woke up in a small room of solid rock. questions were swirling in my head. Why was i here. How am i here. Why cant i remember a thing. All i could remember was a large bang and then nothingness. There were words forming on the walls around me, and i was then teleported to a strange land. I called out. nobody heard me. I yelled out louder and still nobody came. I kept screaming for help until darkness fell. I began meandering through the night with a hysterical smile on my face. I was alone, but i didn't care. I had the trees and, and, the grass and the wood for company. Then i saw a torch on a half chopped tree. It slapped me to my senses. There are others, i thought. I burrowed into the hard ground and waited for the night to pass.

I didnt sleep at all the night before. Strange moaning, rattling, and hissing sounds kept penetrating my thoughts. I walked outside to see a spider. I screamed and tried to run away, but it pounced and i was under is 8 hairy legs. You may think i am a wimp, but this spider was HUGE. At least twice as big as a man. I looked into the eight glowing red eyes with fury, uttered some words and thrust my fist into its belly. It scuttled back for a moment then pounced again, but this time i was ready. I mined out a trusty rose and bashed the sod to death. as it died, it turned over and melted into dust. I picked up the string it dropped and went fishing. Darkness was falling, i decided to sleep.

I mined down to the bowels of the earth. I found a strange red glowing substance but my stone pick was too weak to get anything. I gathered some torches, pickaxes, and a handful of swords and went exploring. My work payed off. I found a small settlement surrounded by a wall of cobblestone. I left a message in their house. I just hope that settlement wasn't abandoned. On the way out however, i was confronted by large green human-like animals with no arms, no legs, but four stubby feet. I turned back the way home and ran just as one exploded, setting off the others. i was thrown off my feet down into a valley. I slowly began to drag myself back home, missing half a finger. Those green things will pay. They'll pay. The night is falling, i must sleep. but i know those green things will haunt my dreams

Meanwhile, here's some pictures.

@otter12 @Shadowofgods @twangfizz



Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
I woke up in a small room of solid rock. questions were swirling in my head. Why was i here. How am i here. Why cant i remember a thing. All i could remember was a large bang and then nothingness. There were words forming on the walls around me, and i was then teleported to a strange land. I called out. nobody heard me. I yelled out louder and still nobody came. I kept screaming for help until darkness fell. I began meandering through the night with a hysterical smile on my face. I was alone, but i didn't care. I had the trees and, and, the grass and the wood for company. Then i saw a torch on a half chopped tree. It slapped me to my senses. There are others, i thought. I burrowed into the hard ground and waited for the night to pass.

I didnt sleep at all the night before. Strange moaning, rattling, and hissing sounds kept penetrating my thoughts. I walked outside to see a spider. I screamed and tried to run away, but it pounced and i was under is 8 hairy legs. You may think i am a wimp, but this spider was HUGE. At least twice as big as a man. I looked into the eight glowing red eyes with fury, uttered some words and thrust my fist into its belly. It scuttled back for a moment then pounced again, but this time i was ready. I mined out a trusty rose and bashed the sod to death. as it died, it turned over and melted into dust. I picked up the string it dropped and went fishing. Darkness was falling, i decided to sleep.

I mined down to the bowels of the earth. I found a strange red glowing substance but my stone pick was too weak to get anything. I gathered some torches, pickaxes, and a handful of swords and went exploring. My work payed off. I found a small settlement surrounded by a wall of cobblestone. I left a message in their house. I just hope that settlement wasn't abandoned. On the way out however, i was confronted by large green human-like animals with no arms, no legs, but four stubby feet. I turned back the way home and ran just as one exploded, setting off the others. i was thrown off my feet down into a valley. I slowly began to drag myself back home, missing half a finger. Those green things will pay. They'll pay. The night is falling, i must sleep. but i know those green things will haunt my dreams


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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My Log 4:
The longer I sit here... The more I worry.
Although I am near completion of my Fort... I have not seen any survivors pass through....
But what worries me is this strange voice...
The sun has not risen again since its began, and many a creeper have attempted to breach the walls.
The voice... It wants cows and chickens... Or else it takes away the light...
And so I write this as I listen in my Radio Room.
Hopefully... This will end soon.

Log 5:
Today's been more productive than most. Met Maxx10680 early after the mysterious voice fell silent. He turned out to be hiding inside the mine under the depths of the Fort. Was glad to have company and it seems he's decided to stay.
Also started a Bridge to the mainland, connecting my fortified island to the mainland. Halfway through Smaned and dirtcake arrived. They said "Mr. Bone" led them to civilization.... It was shocking to find Mr. Bone is actually a Blaze... From the depths of a hellish place called "The Nether." dirtcake's carrying him in an egg.... I feel wary around it... Especially with the increase in Pigmen in the area....

Log 6: Finished "The Gate" and bridge to the mainland. "The Watching Tower" was also constructed to shine as a beacon to any survivors out there... I hope they can see it And at least stay safe... Wherever they are...


California Roll
Aug 6, 2011
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Day: Unknown

I can't remember how many days it has been, we've been on the run for so long. I've been forced out of my second house, along with @dirtcake, by this creature. We call it 'Mr. Bones'. It's destroyed my crops, and tried to kill us on multiple occasions. It seems to be an egg dirtcake carries, namely a spawn blaze egg. It makes demands to us, saying we must find chickens and cows, then turns off the sun. Oh god, we'll be dead soon.
We've encountered the remains of several homes, and are lost. Oh no, it's returned, and it has promised to 'lead' us to other people. With fire. At night. We encounter many spiders, and nearly die, and then we find the remains of ice cove. I get distracted, and don't follow. OH GOD IT BURN- it set me on fire. With new motivation, we start to follow it again, and nearly die sprinting through hostiles. Then we find JKangaroo's fort, again. He is friendly, and there I shall stay for the time being.


Aug 8, 2011
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I am a little bored waiting for the next epic installment :p
1st Feb needs to come sooner!
Thus, I ask you, the blocktopian community, to give me ideas for some epic art that involves the hardcore world we know and love (and some general primordia stuff if you would like it). Think of it like concept art :)

Much love, Torty


Aug 27, 2011
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Day ?
My memory is deteriorating rapidly. My memory is deteriorating rapidly. My fort is complete but I have seen no-one but my reflection in days. I have seen neither Listings or Adobe in weeks, I fear they may be with Notch now... I found a tower a few days ago, although it's name eludes me...Skullhold,Skullholm, I don't know, but I have taken aboard the quest to find the other survivors. You see, the Fort is void of all life but me, yet I fear that may not be strictly true, A matter of days ago, a fire broke out at Adobe's house! I extinguished it, but fear that this deranged arsenist may remain in the vicinity. Never-the-less I have left the co-ordinates of Fort Terranotgon in several places where civilisation is seen and will soon be traveling to where I am told people are seen to be appearing from no-where.... Also, my quest for Shande has never been more desperate... He can't be dead...he just can't! Wait! There is Omn!!!! He must have found my co-ords! I am alone no longer!



Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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The diaries like this do help keep it in chronological order. It's like reading a book from first person view, but switching views every so often.
I meant that with all the posts in between it, You'd forget it or find a new diary and read that one. Now I'll work on saving them all (Which I have atm) to put them on the wiki.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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Day 30.

Nothing much happend, we're enlarging the base so that we'd have more chance in an attack; God have mercy!

Day 31.

Avalanche did a great job on re-enforcing the panic room and helping me on the wall. No brainless muppets or skeletons should make it trough now; Awesome job Avalanche!

Day 32.

Got bored so I decided to look for people again, That nice feeling you get when you stretch your legs in a while is even more amazing if there's noone to ruin it for you; Lovely!

Day 33.

I had a feeling somone was watching me and I got paranoid, I ran on and on until I could no longer see or hear somone. Still had that feeling when my pip-boy 3000 started acting up again and received a new signal. I didn't know wheter it was the chinese or somone else, it didn't really tell me. However when it started about Archimedes II my heart stopped beating. I know what that thing is, In the military they told me about and guess what? It's a giant laser cannon that shoots combined sun rays causing a mass destruction. I directly dug myself underground until the signal announced that the testing was over and guess what I found; I took a photo of it with my Pip-boy 3000.



lmao i have a title
Aug 6, 2011
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The boss fight will be long, and it will be difficult. I suggest all the users to suit up before the battle.
Location of the battle will be the long abandoned Icecove, and there will be much burning.
A satellite is back up.
Supernatural beings are showing up.
Enclave scouts are showing up.

This will make for an interesting fight indeed.