Stories of Blocktopia Academy

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
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I really disagree with randomly tagging people for attention; People who want to participate will find the thread on their own. No need to tag a whole bunch of people just for getting them to look at it and maybe participating.

Can we do a day with Kylie after you do your day, fali? I haven't written much lately so I think this'll be fun. c:


Oct 20, 2012
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I really disagree with randomly tagging people for attention; People who want to participate will find the thread on their own. No need to tag a whole bunch of people just for getting them to look at it and maybe participating.

Can we do a day with Kylie after you do your day, fali? I haven't written much lately so I think this'll be fun. c:
When I tagged them here, it was for fun, when I tagged them at the other thread, it was because we were in need of a water Guardian. Got it?

Also, I'm waiting for Aksu to make a day for himself. I am still waiting...


Oct 20, 2012
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I have returned! It's finally Friday, and now I can use thy laptop. Now then, where's that binder I wrote that story in...

A cold.

That's what was stuck in my nose. A stupid cold. For an entire week. I still went to school, although I made sure ar that I sat somewhere far from the others. But I keep running out of tissues. I really felt like sneezing, but I didn't. I just stayed with noseblock. I couldn't eat ice cream. It was torture just thinking about it. No one was planning on eating ice cream without me, and I'm thankful for that. I also had coughs. I often cough at least 8 times a day. My little brother Fare also got stuck with the cold 'n' coughs. I know because he is right now at a clinic, reading a book and coughing every 3 minutes and having to blow his nose many times. My case wasn't as bad.

After school, Toilet and Aksu brought me to the clinic to get something more effective to get rid of this stupid cold. The doctor gave me some random... thing. You spray it in the nose, and then it makes you sneeze. It makes you sneeze more snot than usual, though. And some people lose the cold straight with the thing. It's pretty useful. Before use, make sure that you have tissues.

Of course, I still could go to arenas. The arenas are prepared for stuff like this, and have a stock of masks. Not those masks that you wear that might make you unnoticable or fancy masks, mind you. Rather, it's that mask you wear when you have coughs. You have to remove it when eating, though. I was wearing one of those during class. So the cold didn't stop me from playing daily Lava Survival.

It did stop me from taking Falcon Punch lessons. Oak said that I shouldn't do so because my cold was blocking my nose, and so, my breathing through my nostrils with it. So yeah, that sucks. So I just kept playing Lava until the arena cleanup.

I went back to my dorm and checked the forums and then read some fanfictions. Then, Grimm and Asian came and brought me dinner. "Thanks," I told them, and ate my dinner. They sent the plate, cup and tray back, and I continued to use the laptop. Then, I went to my bed, grabbed a tissue box, and then sprayed that thing into my nose. Then I blew my nose into the tissue, threw the tissue into the trash can and went to sleep. The thing actually did help, so yeah.

Well, sorry if it was a bit too short. I have a cold, what do you expect? Also, here's the link to that fanfiction website:

Just one more thing:

Done. Bye, have fun! I'll be at Lava.


Oct 20, 2012
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Watermelon1388, what you said has saved this thread. I shall now post a new day. I'm using the iPad, so no cyan typing.
I wake up in the morning, refreshed. The cold is GONE now, so it feels refreshing. My cold had evolved into fever, so I didn't go to class for a week. Fare has gone off to Ghostcraft to hunt for ghosts.

I prepare myself for the day. It was a Friday, so we have assembly. Toilet, Kylie and me followed dancing Grimm.

"Hey Fal, you ok?" asked Aksu.
"All better!" I said cheerfully.
"Great!" said Piggy.
"Shhhh! The assembly is gonna begin!" said Asian.

And then Wil came in with all his glory.

"I will tell you the most important thing first," said Wil. "Herobrine has returned..."

"WHAT?!" we all exclaimed. Herobrine's back?!

"Yes, I'm afraid we will need extra precautions. Even more so, I don't want to respawn in the swamp filled with all those creepers..."
We all sweatdropped. "How did you respawn there?" asked Trngl.
"Idk, I then died and respawned where I was supposed to spawn. When I came back, I just saw my items despawned," he said grimly.
We all looked at each other. What were we supposed to do?
"Us staff advises you to return to your dorm and grab your weapons, just in case. Also, like last time, school is closed," said Wil.

After he said some other additional stuff, we all returned to our dorms.

I put a piece of glowstone into my basket. I also out my bow, arrows, snack, pouch and other stuff in there.

"So what are we gonna do first?" Toilet asked.
"We're gonna check the treehouse. I'm worried about it," I said.

So, when we were walking down the path, we stumbled upon Oak.

"Yo," said Oak. "Escaped the fever?"
"Yup!" I said.
"Alright, then after this we shall continue. Where you goin'?" he asked.
"We're going to the treehouse, we're worried about it. Remember last time?" I said.
"Yeah... Lemme come too!" he said.
"Sure!" me and Toilet said.

And then we reach the pond where the treehouse is only to find Mintie, Nico and Sz to beat us there.

We all looked into the treehouse. It was safe. Thank goodness.

We all played around. Checked the forums, checked out My Life as A Mutant, played board games, went to the clear spot just next to the treehouse. There, I continue my lessons with Oak.

"So, do you wish to learn the ways of the Falcon Punch?" Oak asked Aksu.
"I still don't know," he replied.

I sighed and then we all went to the arenas. We blew some stuff up, humiliated the lava god, GET KILLED BY THE ZOMBIES HUHUH, and then we had lunch at a restaurant. It was a fast food restaurant, McDonalds. I always eat nuggets there.

Then we went to the school living room. It's a bunch of couches and TVs, and some coffee tables, PCs, DS, DSi, PSP, 3DS, bookshelves with books, a little shop to buy food (I'm saying we could've went there for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but never mind), another shop to buy stationery, iPads and bunches other stuff.

We all ate dinner, and played hide-and-seek. Also, there was a creature party there at the moment, so we all took part. Toilet, of course, never lets Perncess battle, but she never feeds it, so I feed Perncess instead. She says battles ruin her fur, but it also ruins her fur if she doesn't eat. So it doesn't make sense. So yeah, we feed poor Perncess.

Then when we went back, Asian, Hender and Grimm were already asleep. We sighed and I played chess against Kylie. Toilet went to sleep, but me and Kylie were wide awake. The bunks are all side by side, not leaving any space between, so you could actually roll over to the other side and annoy them in your sleep. Me and Kylie managed to get to the top bunk before others. We read a book until we were sleepy, and went to sleep.


Oct 20, 2012
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I'm not really in the mood to write a story right now. So...

Dot Dot Dot
A review by Axman13
Date: February 3rd, 2010
i reley dont wan to say this, but i have to now.
this game is so esey. i mean, all you do is hit the spacebar. thats it! how is this an RPG anyway? you cant contrail anything but what it says on the screen! what if i didnt want to buy the potion? what apout quests? all you can upgrade is stranth? there is no way you can lose to the boss at the end! this game is crap! its not even an RPG at all! i mean look at it! in what way is this supposed to be an RPG if you can do quests and stuff? all you do is press one butten the entier time! explain to me! the athore coments al totol lies! is it supposed to be stick dudes? i dont even know how this damn game got the daily 3rd prize, or a rating of 4.26!
pepole think this review is worthles.
go ahead! say it! i dont care! im just trying to make a point here!
blam this piece of crap!!!!

P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the voices where pretty good. but thats it!

Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

Couldn't resist. These are the two most random videos I've seen so far.

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
Eh, sorry I couldn't post it soon. I've had a very busy week, and right now the air conditioner dudes are fixing my air conditioner. They've been here for like, 3 hours. Thank god for iPads! Might as well write my turn now, as it'll be a little boring waiting for them to finish, as it seems far from finished.
When I use a message inside brackets it means the chat is not part of the story.

I woke up and yawned and stretched. I looked around, wondering why no one was up yet. It was unusual, as usually everyone would already be awake and trying to wake me up. I sat up and stretched again and looked around the dorm. Just on top of the door there is a clock. It's a neatly carved wooden clock. I squinted, trying to make out what was written on the clock, as my vision isn't too good (Fun fact: in real life I wear glasses). It was 5:13 in the morning. What the heck? I lied back down on my bed and then went back to sleep.

"KKKYYYLLLIIIEEEEEE!!! Wake up!!!" I almost jumped out of my bed. Well, I should've expected it anyway, as this happens every morning. The cheerful voice that was currently shouting in my ear belonged to Toilet. "Ahhhh!" I yelled. Me and Toilet giggled and then we went to wake up Aksu and Fali, and then we all went to brush our teeth and showered. School started, and the daily event of me eating Zombie's hand occurred yet again. He said he was going to actually punish me this time, but then I lowered my white ears, widened my eyes adorably, and looked up at Zombie. He fell for it yet again and just gave me milk. It works every time.

After school, we went to play in the arenas as we usually did. Thing about me is, the Lava arena is my favourite, so instead of going with the others to the different arenas, I spend my time at the Lava arena. I suddenly see a figure flash before my eyes for a split second. It looked like a usual Steve, but I couldn't make out the figure very well. I felt a little creeped out now, but I just decided that it was my mind playing a trick on me. I continued playing and then eventually left. I decided to go to the school living room.

Faliara and Toilet sat at a coffee table with headphones on, ignoring Shadow (My creature. Shadow's my cat in real life and my creature on Lava. He's a black cat with greenish yellow eyes) constantly meowing at them and dragging a little toy pug around. The toy pug used to be my toy. I had gotten it as a present from my Dad. When I got Shadow, the pug became his favourite toy. I came over and scratched shadow under the chin and pressed the back of the toy pug. If you press the pug's back it makes his head move and bark. Shadow went to pawing and then attacking the pug in a playful manner as I sat over by the table and watched their game of chess.

When they finished their game of chess (it ended in a stalemate), we sat down and chatted as they took off their headphones. I ate Faliara's bow and then spat it out, as I knew it was important to carry a weapon out. I had a dark brown wooden longbow with a shaft full of black arrows. The bow was packed in my bag while the shaft was steadily hung over my shoulder. I looked at the nearby window and saw something fly by. It went by quite fast so I couldn't make out what it looked like, but I knew it was a human-like creature. "What was that?" I asked, still gazing out the window. "I saw something fly by!" "It was probably a bird." Responded Faliara. "It looked more like a human." I said. I was starting to get a little scared, as weird things were happening today. "It might be just your imagination then! Sometimes your mind does float off." Toilet replied cheerfully, smiling warmly at us. "'Sometimes'? That's an understatement." I said jokingly, recalling all the times I've napped and day dreamed in the middle of class. We all chuckled.

We changed the subject and chat about other things. We then went to the treehouse where the others were there, and we started playing board games and checking the forums. Soon it was time to go to sleep. We all went to the dorm. Today I felt rather sleepy, and that's strange, as I usually stay up to late times, like 1 or 2 in the morning. I fell asleep soon, but before I did, I couldn't help noticing the door creak open slightly and two little white glowing orbs gaze around the room. It felt like a dream, so I just went to sleep.

So yeah, I think someone's stalking us. I don't think I'm the only one effected, as everyone seems to be keeping quiet about their encounters.


Oct 20, 2012
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Ha ha... I now shall write a story. Also. masternico012345, you're reporting in the wrong place. If you're going to report, do it at Guardians of the Elements -_-
Now, let us start!
I wake up in the morning with a jump. Toilet was doing hyper mode.
School is still closed. New record, Herobrine, you've been seen everywhere and all the schools are closed. My brother is staying here currently, because Herobrine gets seen more frequently in Blocktopia Academy. Either it's after me or another student. My best guess is that it's out for revenge on the academy, especially Oak, because he used the falcon punch on him...

I showered, packed for the hunt and me, Kylie and Toilet went to the treehouse to meet the others. Sz and Oak was already there, with Fare with them. Fare slept with Sz, Oak and Nico, in a beanbag. I don't know who are their other bedroom mates, but I pushed the thought aside. Mintie and Nico went to grab breakfast. When they came back, we all ate, and then we started the hunt.

Sz and Nico are mission control, so they stayed by the laptops in the treehouse. Oak and Fare hunted the rest of the school. Kylie and Toilet hunted the town. Me and Mintie? We went through the forest.

The forest is full of different kinds of trees, from oak trees to maple trees to willows. There were even jungle trees! There were also different kinds of flowers, mooshrooms, and grass. There were also signs of life, like mooshroom cows, chickens, ocelots, wolves, pigs, crocodiles, lions, and much more (the lions and crocodiles idea I got from Tale of the Kingdoms mod). And there was this meadowy part of the forest that had bunches of flowers, so I grabbed a bunch and made a bouquet with them. We also had a picnic for lunch there. And then we continued the prowl.

In the end, we had to discontinue it for tomorrow because the sun was setting. We packed up some items in case we get lost, and we had a GPS app...

Then again, me and Mintie have always wanted to go camping.

So yeah, in the end we decided to camp in the forest. I brought an iPhone as well. I called Grimm and told her we were camping out for the night because we want to. I think there was a tone of jealousy in her voice, but I pushed the thought aside. We put up a tent and made a fire in a clear spot that won't set fire to anything, and put stones around the campfire. I already said we packed up things in case we get lost, so I used a match to get the fire going. We cooked some marshmallows, and then put out the fire before we went to sleep.
So, what do you think? No speech bubbles this time :p
Also, I made a fanfic called Rika's Tale. It's on Go search it up. If you say there's already a character by the name, bugs to you, I didn't know until it was too late.