Survivor Tetepare


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
This Challenge has been in different Survivor Seasons. I'll make it a bit different.​
I'll ask you a several questions. Which you need to answer clearly. (Without joking). You can only choose ONE Survivor for each question. (Except for queston number two. Which I ask for two names). If you can not make up your mind between two Survivors, well, think harder. Because I need just ONE.​
The Questions:
1. Who do you trust the most?​
2. Which two Survivors you would want to go to the Finals with? (So far)​
3. Who deserves to leave the Island?​
4. Who's the biggest threat right now to you?​
Answer these questions and send them to me by inbox. It's mandatory to answer them. I'll be posting them as soon as everyone answers. So the point of this challenge is? Knowing where you might be standing in the game so far. This kind of challenges changes the game a lot. It open the eyes of many people. Some will be happy with the results. Some will be upset with it. You can either choose to answer honestly OR you can as well lie.​


Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
GEE GEE I AM A BAUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That plan went well, LOL. Last few statements reveling all the secrets I have found in the PM convo's. Smoggy is planning to go to the finals with Kattzen and will betray any other allies. Awwwyea is in a secret alliance with Xfolo which is why he betrayed my alliance. The art of confusion. Good Luck, to the person did not betray me. and no hard feelings <3
I walk to the dock waving my farewell and get on the boat heading out into the sunset.
dont forget about our secret alliance


Voting for raxo and Nitasu heads up ansoro2112

Gmerg plz h8 me Moar guiz

Erm Pm it dude? That's a bad Idea saying who you're voting for out loud...
I coudnt really pm on my ipod it just kept crashin so why not here I have nothing to hide


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I think it was fine that Vati announced who he was voting for. I mean, ansoro tells everyone the details anyways. In addition, vati has been in the danger zone a few times now, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was in it again.

Yeah, and since he's played his immunity, its critical to his game that he saves himself for as long as he can. I agree, I won't be surprised if he's in the zone again, but y'know anything can happen.. Best not to make enemies when something weird could happen. (Won't say what I'd give as examples for fear of Ansoro and Notty getting ideas)

And now for some RP

I decide to sleep in my bed, because I'm tired from partying.... but I wake up due to a strange noise coming from Raxo's hut. There was a weird light inside, and I hear Raxo chanting.. I snuck up to the window and saw some sort of idol on a makeshift altar that Raxo was bent over, making really odd movements. Then the candles he made started to burn purple fire, and I thought 'Oh crap is this some sort of Pokemon, like Chandelure or something? Dammit why did I leave my Pokeballs at home, I'd love to cuddle with Beartic or Infernape....' I decide that this is waaay too creepy, so I go over to the dock we all made and sit down and put my feet in the water. A while later one of my fellow Survivors came and we talked about who we were gonna vote out and stuff. After a weird night, I go back to bed, and dream of a Bear playing a Lute on top of the Western Watchtower who's featured in a random Mod Spotlight. ()

ZZzzz.................. zzzZZZZ................ *Snorrree*............... ZZZZZzzzzzZZZzzz........


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Well then, I don't know how since Ansoro said 2 survivors got the immunity, and digi got the other one from the minigame, so..... That seems highly implausible and I would not be surprised if you do or do not weasel your way out of getting voted out again. That said, I believe the stars are aligned in the favor of those other than you and I, so In conclusion, never trust Jeff Probst with a torch snuffer. Ever. Or you'll regret it.

Hail Sithis!


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
This Challenge has been in different Survivor Seasons. I'll make it a bit different.​
I'll ask you a several questions. Which you need to answer clearly. (Without joking). You can only choose ONE Survivor for each question. (Except for queston number two. Which I ask for two names). If you can not make up your mind between two Survivors, well, think harder. Because I need just ONE.​
The Questions:
1. Who do you trust the most?​
2. Which two Survivors you would want to go to the Finals with? (So far)​
3. Who deserves to leave the Island?​
4. Who's the biggest threat right now to you?​
Answer these questions and send them to me by inbox. It's mandatory to answer them. I'll be posting them as soon as everyone answers. So the point of this challenge is? Knowing where you might be standing in the game so far. This kind of challenges changes the game a lot. It open the eyes of many people. Some will be happy with the results. Some will be upset with it. You can either choose to answer honestly OR you can as well lie.​



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
This Challenge has been in different Survivor Seasons. I'll make it a bit different.​
I'll ask you a several questions. Which you need to answer clearly. (Without joking). You can only choose ONE Survivor for each question. (Except for queston number two. Which I ask for two names). If you can not make up your mind between two Survivors, well, think harder. Because I need just ONE.​
The Questions:
1. Who do you trust the most?​
2. Which two Survivors you would want to go to the Finals with? (So far)​
3. Who deserves to leave the Island?​
4. Who's the biggest threat right now to you?​
Answer these questions and send them to me by inbox. It's mandatory to answer them. I'll be posting them as soon as everyone answers. So the point of this challenge is? Knowing where you might be standing in the game so far. This kind of challenges changes the game a lot. It open the eyes of many people. Some will be happy with the results. Some will be upset with it. You can either choose to answer honestly OR you can as well lie.​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I actually have the other immunity just saying so vote me kthx
I don't think this statement is true. Digital got the challenge immunity and I don't think ansoro would give someone two of the original immunities. However even if this was true, it would give us all the more reason to vote you out.

Like I said.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I was studying japanese magician book, then I found nice spell about hyperspace containers.
They all were in sphere shape. One of them, standard one had red half and white half, seemed to be doable with resources, that I had.
In meantime I noticed Storm staring trough window, while I was doing magic rituals.
Some time after I finally built one. I tested it on Storm. It worked very nicely.
I released him after I went on opposite edge of island. He was dazzled and confused.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I was studying japanese magician book, then I found nice spell about hyperspace containers.
They all were in sphere shape. One of them, standard one had red half and white half, seemed to be doable with resources, that I had.
In meantime I noticed Storm staring trough window, while I was doing magic rituals.
Some time after I finally built one. I tested it on Storm. It worked very nicely.
I released him after I went on opposite edge of island. He was dazzled and confused.

So THATS what was going on.... Now I realize why I hadn't seen storm for a bit XD


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I can't wait for Smoggy anymore. Game needs to continue. I'll post all the answers right now. Once Smoggy sends me his answers I'll post his as well. So don't worry. He won't skip this challenge.​

Alrighty then :D

While I await the answers to the challenge, which will probably either play a major part in the undoing of some, possibly even myself (I hope not though) or have a mediocre impact on the game, I make a little jungle gym (Literally, a gym in the jungle) for friends and cool Survivors to work out and keep in shape. Smoggy agreed to be the gate-guy, letting cool people in and keeping the n00bs out, so he forgot about the challenge.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Challenge Answers
Storm's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- Nitasu​
2. Final 3 with- Mario and Nitasu​
3. Deserves to leave- Xfolo​
4. Threat- Vati​
Xfolo's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- Nitasu​
2. Final 3 with- Nitasu and Awwwyea​
3. Deserves to leave- Vati​
4. Threat- Storm​
Raxo's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- Xfolo​
2. Final 3 with- Awwwyea and Xfolo​
3. Deserves to leave- Vati​
4. Threat- Vati​
Vati's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- 77​
2. Final 3 with- 77 and Hype​
3. Deserves to leave- Nitasu​
4. Threat- Digital​
HypeBurst's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- SmoggyWaffles​
2. Final 3 with- Storm and Awwwyea​
3. Deserves to leave- Mario​
4. Threat- Raxo​
Nitasu's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- SmoggyWaffles​
2. Final 3 with- Smoggy and 77​
3. Deserves to leave- Vati​
4. Threat- Vati​
Kattzen's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- Awwwyea​
2. Final 3 with- Awwwyea and Smoggy​
3. Deserves to leave- Nitasu​
4. Threat- Nitasu​
FruitNinja's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- HypeBurst​
2. Final 3 with- 77 and Xfolo​
3. Deserves to leave- Raxo​
4. Threat- Raxo​
77's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- HypeBurst​
2. Final 3 with- Hype and Vati​
3. Deserves to leave- Mario​
4. Threat- Nitasu​
Awwwyea's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- Kattzen​
2.Final 3 with- Raxo and Digital​
3. Deserves to leave- Vati​
4. Threat- Digital​
Mario's Answers​
1. Trust the most- Storm​
2. Final 3 with- Storm and Raxo​
3. Deserves to leave- 77​
4. Threat- Vati​
Digital's Answers.​
1. Trust the most- SmoggyWaffles​
2. Final 3 with- Nitasu and Storm​
3. Deserves to leave- Nitasu​
4. Threat- Awwwyea​
SmoggyWaffle's Answers​
1. Trust the most- Mario​
2. Final 3 with- Nitasu and Raxo​
3. Deserves to leave- Xfolo​
4. Threat- Storm​
This means:​
The Survivor who people trust the most in general is SmoggyWaffles (With 3 votes).​
Nitasu with 2​
Xfolo with 2​
HypeBurst with 2​
77 with 1​
Awwwyea with 1​
Kattzen with 1​
Storm with 1​
Mario 1​
(That means noone trusts Vati, Raxo, Fruit and Digital).​
The Survivors who people most likely want to take to the Finals are Awwwyea and Nitasu(With 4 votes).​
Storm with 3​
77 with 3​
HypeBurst with 2​
Raxo with 2​
Xfolo with 2​
Smoggy with 2​
Mario with 1​
Vati with 1​
Digital with 1​
(That means noone wants to take Kattzen and Fruit to the finals)​
The Survivor who most people think deserve to leave is Vati (With 4 votes)​
Nitasu with 3​
Mario with 2​
Xfolo with 2​
Raxo with 1​
77 with 1​
(That means noone thinks Storm, Hype, Kattzen, Fruit, Awwwyea, Smoggy and Digital deserves to leave).​
The Survivor who most people believe it's a threat is Vati (With 4 votes)​
Digital with 2​
Raxo with 2​
Nitasu with 2​
Storm with 2​
Awwwyea with 1​
(That means Xfolo, Hype, Kattzen, Fruit, 77, Mario and Smoggy are not consider as threats)​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Wow, How... EXPECTED!

Obviously this tells a lot about what everyone thinks, and so now we know who's pretty much allied with who :D

And digitalmez your answer makes no sense, how I deserve to leave but I also deserve to be in the Final 3. I'm not one of those people you can carry to the finals like Dawn and Sherri. Hehe, Cochran made it so easy.