Survivor Tetepare


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
Soooo.... Am I the only Malcom Fan here?
Yes. I really dislike the way Malcolm plays. I root for the weaker members who aren't as physically able. They have to work much harder than the guys who just waltz around winning every immunity. My personal favourite contestant ever was Courtney Yates from China and Heros Vs Villains. She wasnt a good survivor but she was a really entertaining character :p.



Fjm12 watches the past Survivor seasons on the television with the other players...
"I honestly don't see how you guys put up with this... Eh, I'm gonna go back to ansoro2112's and Nottykitten's house. Have a good night everyone."
Initially, Fjm12 seems very uninterested, but as the season goes on, his interest grows... eventually leading up to an unexpected event...


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Parvati is also amazing at survivor. For a female, she can rival most guys in challenges and she usually owns the whole game from the beginning.
Yeah I've been watching the After Show, she's really good (She's one of 2 girls on my top 10 list):

Malcom/Cochran (Tie): Both are just so awesome :D
Boston Rob: So inspiring and amazing at the game
Ozzy: One of my favorites in South Pacific!
Erik: I loved watching him in Caramoan, so sad he got medevaced.. and No time to talk at the reuinion ;-;
Phillip: Crazy Phillip is so funny and I really hoped he'd get farther in Caramoan! Here's to Stealth R Us 3.0!
Andrea: She was pretty awesome, and caused Malcom's elimination pretty much.
Parvati: What Hype said
Trozyan: He was the true underdog in One World and one of the only people I liked from that season
Reynold: I thought he was gonna get a lot farther, and I like his gameplay
(Honorable Mention: Tarzan): He was so funny!


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
Mine would be:
Courtney: Just because she is amazing.
Sandra: Won twice and kicked Russel's ass.
Yul: Fucking Genius
Parvati: I shouldnt have to say anymore.
Hatch: Amazing.
Stephanie: Strong as hell, but just got into the wrong circumstances.
Todd: He beat Courtney but he is still cool.
Cirie: She is one independent black woman.
Kim: Like well yeah, I dont need to explain.
Boston Rob: Cant have a list without him