Survivor Tetepare


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Survivors that received the most votes against and were in danger of leaving the game are... raxo2222, storm886, nitasu987 and vati180.​
But the Survivor who is out of Survivor Tetepare is... nitasu987
Raxo, Storm and Vati. You're all safe.​
Raxo received 10 votes​
Storm received 7 votes​
Nitasu received 5 votes​
Vati received 5 votes​
Awwwyea received 3 votes​
Kattzen received 3 votes​
Digitalmez received 2 votes​
HypeBurst received 1 vote​
Who voted for who:​
Fruit- Raxo, Nitasu and Awwwyea​
Storm- Vati, Raxo and Kattzen​
Raxo- Vati, Storm and Hype​
Hype- Raxo, Awwwyea and Storm​
Digital- Raxo, Awwwyea and Storm​
Smoggy- Vati, Storm and Raxo​
Nitasu- Kattzen, Vati and Digital​
Awwwyea- Vati, Digi and Raxo​
77- Nitasu, Storm and Raxo​
Kattzen- Storm, Nitasu and Raxo​
Mario- Raxo, Storm and Nitasu​
Vati- Raxo, Nitasu and Kattzen​
Nitasu, please leave every Survivor conversation you were on.​
Nitasu, you can say one last statement if you wish​
Nitasu, the Tribe have spoken.​
9 down. 11 left.​


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Very interesting indeed. A week or two ago after Hockey was voted out and Xfolo betrayed the alliance, I looked for a new alliance. I knew that this choice could affect my later gameplay.

I ended up choosing Hypeburst and digitalmez. I figured that they probably were already in a major alliance but I thought that they might latch onto me in hopes that I might take them to the finals. Reasons: Those major alliances only last so long until something breaks. Kind of like the Moving Company if you watch Big Brother. And they might see me as a bigger target than them.

Anyway, I told them everything about my gameplay and it was all true. From my conversation with nitasu where I attempted to get him to not vote for digital, I tried. To my conversation with Smoggy about why he voted for me.
I thought everything was going well until this vote.....

I feel betrayed. I feel backstabbed. I don't know if Hype and digital's major alliance know about their relations with me yet but if they don't, reconsider who you are aligned with. Hype and digital are a pair. Whenever I think about Hype, I think about digital. Just like when you think about thunder, you think about lightning. This is part of the reason why I chose them for an alliance. Hype would do anything to keep digital safe and digital would do the same for Hype. I feel like they could have at least told me that they were going to vote for me. But the way that they did it..... I just can't trust them anymore.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Mini Challenge
Each Survivor needs to choose a number between 1-11. Can't choose the same number as the others. So make sure the number you choose isn't taken.​
The Survivor who chooses the number I thought about will have a "Free Pass" for this Tribal Council which no one can vote for him/her and he/she will immediately be in the top 10. (He/she will still have to vote though)​
Post in this same thread which number you want
1- Taken by Raxo​
2- Taken by Hype​
3- Taken by Awwwyea​
4- Taken by 77​
5- Taken by Mario​
6- Taken by Smoggy​
7- Taken by Vati​
8- Taken by Digital​
9- Taken by Storm​
10- Taken by Kattzen​
11- Taken by Fruit​



Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
Considering I haven't done any serious role playing yet I think I shall start now.

I start the new day like any other, being on fire duty may mean a few sleepless nights but at least I dont have do all that straining work like collecting wood and fish and all that other shit. While sitting next to the fire, I look over to the other end of the beach and notice Kattzen relaxing on the beach. Then the thought hits me, how can I call myself a social butterfly if I havent connected with everyone. I make a brisk walk over to Kattzen and sit down. He is at first, apprehensive at my uninvited arrival to his spot on the beach. "Hey Bitch" I say, without I care in the world. Kattzen didnt take very kindly to very informal greeting. Then I remember, Crap, I cant talk the way I talk to digitalmez to everyone else. I make a slight change in body position to seem more friendly and say "I mean, Hello Katt". I think that went down well, I think. We start to really hit it off, the conversation flows pleasantly and I learn a lot about him.
I lay my head on the sand and start to relax. I take in a sniff of the fresh air, only to be greeted with the unsavory greeting of smoke. I sit up and turn to camp. Fucking shit has hit the fan. An overhanging tree has caught fire and was starting to burn all over. I sprint over and do some hero shit up in dis bitch. I grab the hatchet and start smacking the base of the tree with in. If this tree stays up, our whole camp is burning down, luckily everyone else in either fishing or collecting wood at the time so I dont have any lives in my hands. I do many swift blows on the tree while Kattzen goes to pour seawater on the campfire. When the tree is left with an inch left of base, I psuh the hardest I have ever pushed and direct it to the beach. It falls and the fire is quickly smothered by the sand. I turn to Kattzen "No one else needs to know about this" holding the menacing hatchet in my hands.