The Splash Challenge Results
Hunter decided to release Aika's chains, making her fall into the water and becoming the 11th and last Survivot out of the Challenge.
Eliminating Neutrals from the Challenge.
Which means,
Heroes and
Newbies are the winners of this Challenge. Heroes with a perfect 4! And Newbies with a major comeback.
You've both won immunity and are safe from elimination.
Good Job, Theoo, Ooglie101, French_Fries, ChronosStar542, Faliara, Hunter, Wink, CaffeinatedKitty, BiggestKirbyFan, Infect_Alien8_ and 755someone755.
Villains and
Neutrals lost the Challenge. Therefore you're no facing on a very simple Mini-Challenge.
Using your Tribe PMs, try looking for a extremely fun GIF. Post them on the PM and then vote for the one you consider to be the funniest one.
The Tribe with the funniest one will win immunity. While the other one will be going to Tribal Council.
Several people (Outside the game) will be voting. Since not all of us have the same sense of humor.
This is your last chance.
Good Luck.