Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Just to see if I understand this correctly:
I send you a PM saying which door I'd like to go through. Once everyone does that, are the results public? Or do we have no clue who is behind each door?
The second PM I send you should then tell you what I want to do (depending on what door I chose). But how does this work? Say, for example, that I chose the "stop" door. Do I have to use my ability? And if I do have to use my ability to stop, raxo for example, who wanted to kill tim, what will you tell raxo? "Tim didn't die because 755 used his powers to stop you"? And will you tell Tim who tried killing him and who stopped him?

If one round of this isn't enough for only two people to be left standing, do the remaining contenders get to pick a different door? (If not, that may give a few people a great advantage, since, going back to the example of raxo, he, if you told him what happened, knows more than me, and Tim, if you didn't tell him about what happened.)


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I send you a PM saying which door I'd like to go through. Once everyone does that, are the results public? Or do we have no clue who is behind each door?
Once everyone send me their door picks, I'll inform them by PM what they got. Depending on what they got, they'll tell me what they'll like to do with their action. Aftet that, I WILL make the actions public for everyone.
The second PM I send you should then tell you what I want to do (depending on what door I chose). But how does this work? Say, for example, that I chose the "stop" door. Do I have to use my ability? And if I do have to use my ability to stop, raxo for example, who wanted to kill tim, what will you tell raxo? "Tim didn't die because 755 used his powers to stop you"? And will you tell Tim who tried killing him and who stopped him?
And yes. You'll have to use your ability immediately in that turn. You can't save it for later. Except if you get an extra life.
Yes, I'll make everything public. With details.
If one round of this isn't enough for only two people to be left standing, do the remaining contenders get to pick a different door?
Eventually there's going to be 2 winners. So don't worry about it.


Also, waiting for these Survivors to send me their door pick:

755someone755 77thShad nitasu987 Theoo Hunter Timdood3 CaffeinatedKitty Enderfive French_Fries



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Another important note: If several people decide to kill the same Survivor, the one that sent me their kill first will get the kill. The others will be informed by me to change their kill.

-If a Survivor decided to kill someone with a bomb, he/she will die as well.

-A Survivor with the Stop Door can stop any kill, a steal, an extra life and even safe someone who picked a bomb.
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Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Door Challenge Results. Part #1.

French_Fries killed BiggestKirbyFan
FoxMccloud64 killed French_Fries
77thShad killed FoxMccloud64
Wink killed Fruit
755someone755 killed ChronosStar524
Enderfive killed Mythelf
Timdood3 got an Extra Life. BUT Mythelf stopped Timdood's action (Therefore he got no extra life). And then CaffeinatedKitty killed Timdood3.
Ooglie101 terrorized Infected_Alien8_. But Infected was already a Bomb. So it was a waste of a kill. Since Infected was going to die anyways.
Jivvi chose the Bomb. He exploded.
Nitasu987 chose th Bomb as well. BUT, ChronosStar524 stopped him. So he saved Nitasu987 from his death.
Hunter was going to terrorized Enderfive. BUT, BiggestKirbyFan stopped him. Saving Enderfive and even Hunter from suiciding.
Theoo was going to kill Enderfive BUT Fruit stole his action. Fruit then decided to kill Theoo. Saving Enderfive for a second time.


Survivors that died Round 1: Theoo BiggestKirbyFan Infected_alien8_ Ooglie101 mythelf Fruit Timdood3 FoxMccloud64 French_Fries and ChronosStar524.

Keep your eyes open. This might tell you who's after you.


Round 2

Survivors still alive and advancing to Round 2: nitasu987 Enderfive Hunter 755someone755 Wink CaffeinatedKitty 77thShad

For this Round there's just going to be 6 Doors.

There's going to be one of each. So 1 of Life, Steal, Kill, Bomb, Terrorist and Stop.

So send me by PM which door you'll like.

Only 5 more Survivors need to die.

Good Luck.