Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The SuperHero Challenge Results

The winners of this Challenge are... InfectedTimMccloud!

Congratulations Infected_alien8_ Timdood3 and FoxMccloud64
You three have won immunity and CAN'T be voted out.


Let me just say this was such an easy Challenge to judge. I didn't even need people to vote.
And I'll explain why: The WHOLE point of this Challenge was to make a SuperHero with an ability never seen before. And when I say "never" I mean NEVER. That was the whole point.


InfectedTimMccloud's SuperHero:

Name: Mysterious Stranger
Super Power:
Can silence screaming children without anyone noticing that he's actually done anything at all.
He wears casual clothing like shirts and jeans and his appearance gives no hint that he has any super powers at all. He is quiet and humble, seeking to help the world in the small ways. He requires no recognition or praise and uses his power in secret. He could be sat on a bus with a screaming child irritating everyone, and without showing any sign of him doing anything, silencing the child and restoring peace.
His/Her slogan:

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Out of the 3, this was the ONLY one with an ability never seen before. Silencing screaming children? Call it dumb if you like, but it's hella creative and completely new. And the fact that he's a quiet guy that barely talks and likes keeping it to himself is clever.[/BCOLOR]

BiggestOogElf's SuperHero:

Name: Tyler Might
Super Power:
Create “time gates” which he can travel through. Almost like teleportation but can involve a different spectrum.
Description: 18-year-old male, 6ft tall, wavy, flipped, blonde hair, white pale skin, muscular, a bit chubby, blue eyes. Calm personality, up to a point though, sometimes 'derp' under large amounts of pressure. Is a lolicon.
His/Her slogan:
Loli is love, loli is life.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]-Teletransportation/Traveling through spectrums is something we see a lot in SuperHeroes. I think there's not really some creative idea behind this.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffff00]Here's one (Of many) with that ability. His name is "Gates".[/BCOLOR]

755KittyTasu755's SuperHero:

Name: Autumn Thorne, aka Druidess
Superpower: Control of Plantlife. Druidess can summon gigantic, writhing tendrils of plantlife to ensnare and whack her enemies using her innate connection to nature. She can also command existing plantlife, such as trees, transforming them into giant Ents that she can ride on top of and command to take down the baddies.
Description: Autumn has always loved being outdoors and when she learned that her ancestors were Celtic Druids who were the keepers of a special talisman: the Fáinne an Nádúir. However, it had been lost many years ago in an unknown event. Determined to find the talisman, Autumn scoured her family's history and even flew to Ireland to find the graves of her ancestors. When she arrived there she discovered that she could control plantlife after being attacked by some wolves, and she was able to recover the talisman. Now, in addition to heading her High School's Environmental Club, she fights the evils of Metro City on top of her favorite Ent, Ironbark. Her Superhero costume features a flowing forest green cloak with an olive green suit underneath as well as a mask woven of leaves and flowers.
Slogan: "Mother Nature called, she wants her Earth back!"

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->I have to say this sounds so badass. Out of the 3, your description and slogan kicked ass. But again, controlling plantlife is another ability we see a lot. And I understand you tried adding the ents thing, but that's from Lord of The Rings. Here's a clear example of one:[/BCOLOR]


I know you all made an effort with this Challenge, but when I give you guys a task I expect you all to read it very well and present to me what I'm asking.


Tribal Council

I'll need you all to send me the votes of TWO Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Remember that Tim, Infected and Fox are safe.

Survivors in Danger: 755someone755 CaffeinatedKitty nitasu987 mythelf BiggestKirbyFan Ooglie101

Good Luck.



Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
If there's this challenge next time, and nobody can think of any other idea, I'm totally reserving this idea >:)

Name: Choco-man
Super Power: (Just ONE. And please explain how it works) Telekinesis of chocolate, allowing him to control someone's last chocolate snack in their bodies to strangle them from the inside. He could also use his telekinesis to project liquid chocolate, either in the aim of getting it in someone's mouth to use against them later, or just to distract them.
Description: How he/she looks physically and what's his/her personality. Wears a dark brown costume with a cape. The costume has a white 'C' on the chest. He wears brown boots and white trousers/pants. He is very mysterious and isn't as well known as many other super hero legends, but in a great time of need he can be found helping others in battle against evil forces. He keeps himself to himself and has a private life outside of stopping criminals and saving lives that revolves around his family. He is also used a lot in conducting interrogation for criminals, forcing the subject to eat chocolate and using it against them when threatening for answers. He is also known to encourage healthy eating as opposed to eating junk food or chocolate, and it is thought that his super power is a result of his distaste towards an unhealthy diet.
His/Her slogan: (That one sentence your SuperHero is always saying and known for) "Next time, try a salad."

(influenced by the diary villain on Misfits, so it's still technically (sort of) original because this guy controls chocolate instead of cheese, and also Misfits isn't known in California (I don't think) so the voters won't have heard anything like it before >:])


Shh, no one is supposed to know that someone cut his tongue out when he was a child being rowdy on a train .
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Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... CaffeinatedKitty and BiggestKirbyFan

CaffeinatedKitty received 6 votes.
BiggestKirbyFan received 5 votes.
Mythelf received 3 votes.
Ooglie101 received 2 votes.
Nitasu987 received 1 vote.
755someone755 received 1 vote.


Duel #16

CaffeinatedKitty vs. BiggestKirbyFan

I'll PM you both with the Duel's details.

One of you will be joining the others in the Jury House. The other one will still be on the game.

Good Luck!​