I wanted to back off ltin because I saw the mafia bandwagon too late.
And who's to say you aren't just Mafia trying to back out on a vote you knew was going to result in a lynch and didn't want to quite be roped into those who voted off a townie?

Who knows?...
Though really that's just some silly speculation for a silly reason that tends to be brought up in games, though it could be a possibility~
Although I guess that could also apply to Jivvi or anyone else not voting given that idea.
But that does give me a chance to quote something I said in my inn last night:
I also think its safe to say we'll probably find most if not all Mafia lynching Ltin yesterday since it was a fairly runaway lynch by the end of the day with little opposition. Possibly some not on the lynch or on others, but really that's a safe bet to imagine on Ltin (even if that is a bit of a bad line of reasoning or theorizing but it's just a general idea of things)
Ltin - 11 -CoffeusKittus, nottykitten, endersteve5, Ooglie101, 77_is_the_best, timdood3, samlen, xXxFruitNinjaxXx , cooliorules, the road to ruin, Defiant_Blob
We know 3 of the 11: CifKat, Knotsberry, and Slenderman, Caff claiming Jailer-Doctor something, alignment up for debate; Notts claimed Third-party Inventor, and Endersteve was "cleared" by notty's invention (which I still feel is true from the same reasoning as I said in the thread).
I'm almost certain about Notty/Ender, unsure about Caff.
Then there's the other 8 people. I suspect at least 5 to 6 mafia(in the game total) based on general Mafia-to-Total Players ratio thats usually around in these games, so at least 3 is in this group.(rough estimate)
So my general stance would be to look at people yesterday~
However in terms of Lee's vote on Jivvi:
That's the fact, he KEPT saying how big of a towntell was going on. Either he was scum covering his own arse by saying 'jee I think ltin is towntelling, thus on my side' While in fact jivvi being scum would in fact know ltin was a town. If ltin rolled third party 'oh well I guess those towntells were right'
I ended up reading back to roughly page 70, and as far as I can see, I feel like you're example here isn't very good to go off of without some better reasoning.
I only found 2 instances (I believe I saw a third but couldn't find it again my 2nd time reading back) of Jivvi ever saying he thought Ltin was "towntelling;" once on page 72, and a second time on page 77, neither times saying it was a big towntell, rather it was from "his point of view" and the second "slightly less towntelling" (due to the lies iirc from what I read).
And though I do not necessarily condone or support the vote, I feel like, given the circumstance, I can also quote something I talked about in my inn last night because I'm still generally wary of alignments despite role claims (exceptions are Notty and Ender of course, but that's just me):
I just realized something that, in my opinion, is a bit suspicious, namely Jivvi and his role:
I missed that one too, dear <3
Used the bleed on hunter, so I'm guessing I was visited
(didn't want to risk blocking him)
I know he says that he probably was visited... but now that I look back on it... I'm not so certain to believe in that. It's like when Ltin claimed that he was "probably roleblocked" (even though that all ended up in being lies+Ltin being town); it itself seems kind of flimsy.
Even though Jivvi has been fairly talkative, he's also been somewhat on the sidelines, not really being focused on too much. Especially his claim, it was never really touched on, like everyone essentially ignored it with no real questioning of it. Everyone elses claims have been fairly blown up.
So I'm kind of suspicious of that.
Which frankly isn't that strong of a reason to be skeptical(or a basis for a lynch because I don't really see any point in lynching Jivvi since there hasn't been much of a reason to do so), It's only something I thought was curious and worth keeping in mind (since we never can be sure of a roleblocker actually existing until investigated or dead by some means, which was also a thing which made people skeptical of Ltin in the first place).
But that's just my opinion on the subject.
I would also love to know what everyone did last night, like
Notty's invention was used or Jivvi's Jack-of-all-trades usage or something, since those roles already claimed could give us some insight onto why we only had 1 kill last night (namely by 77)
I would imagine someone at least has to have bulletproof or something similar, or was roleblocked, or anything along those lines. Or maybe they can only kill every other night since we've only had 2 nights... I don't know.