The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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He stated that both Fiesta and me did not visit anyone.

Tim only stepped in because I asked him to. It's obvious tim wouldn't claim yesterday, I mean a cop claiming day 1 is not the best thing ever. And he did try his best to defend Std.
Also, in his signup post he stated that he has only played a few games of epicmafia, no forum mafia. Epicmafia usually has cops claiming day one, and the town can often work from there. Considering this is apparently his first forum mafia experience, I feel that he has had some help in how to act.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I didn't step in earlier because I didn't want to risk getting killed too early. As I said: I didn't want to claim until absolutely necessary.

Fiesta survived two visits because he was visited by a watcher and a tracker, neither are roles that kill.

And...what she said, because she ninjas me all the freaking time x3
Realisticly, this wasn't neccecary at all. As you said youself, we remain at a standstill.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Things to Consider:

-Tim stepped in with an innor report for Std at a rather convenient time, surely if he was really cop and Std was really town he would have cleared his name earlier on.

-Std is still in the limelight through Tim's shifty reports

-Notty may or may not be inno, reported inno by Tim

-While Fiesta has Rough Sleeper traits, he may or may not be town-sided. Being visted by two people and not dying seems odd. Another thing I feel is off is the fact that we now have claims for a Tracker and a confirmed Watcher for town, when the same role is known to exist in the Guild.

@Std, if you are yet another Tracker, who did Fiesta visit?
Also other reports please. You informed Notty that you followed her, but didn't reveal any details. Which, since you've claimed, you have nothing left to lose by revealing your reports.

^ This is my standing at the moment.
I disagree Jivvi, I'd say he did step in at the right moment. Being a cop is tricky because you have to choose the right moment to claim. Without this claim std would likely have been lynched today.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I disagree Jivvi, I'd say he did step in at the right moment. Being a cop is tricky because you have to choose the right moment to claim. Without this claim std would likely have been lynched today.
I myself have an mildly investigative role, even less useful than the tracker or watcher, but I deemed this moment utterly useless to claim and share reports.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Also something completely random, the first 4 people to post a mask have all died. That being in correct order: Ender, Nit, Hype and Coolio.

With Ansoro being the odd one out and being the 19th person to post a mask.
Do....Do you have ADHD? That's a really weird thing to notice, though, I really like your observational skills :D

. _. Jivvi, what's your theory?


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Do....Do you have ADHD? That's a really weird thing to notice, though, I really like your observational skills :D

. _. Jivvi, what's your theory?
Jivvi said:
Hype, Notty, and Coolio were all quite influential in the previous game, with particular nods to Notty, who turned the game around after the town lost both cops Night 1 and 2, and Hype, who completely turned the game in a U-turn at the last second, securing the mafia victory.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Do....Do you have ADHD? That's a really weird thing to notice, though, I really like your observational skills :D

. _. Jivvi, what's your theory?
Nope, I got dem m4d skilz.

Hmm so Jivvi's pattern is that experienced/influential players are being targeted. Also, I bet Ansoro got targeted since he turned out to be quite right about who is mafia last games. Maybe the mafia was afraid we'd actually listen to him this time.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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@Timdood3 May I ask why you investigated Notty on Night 1? And not someone who was heavily suspicious that day such as Fiestaguy? It seems awfully convenient that you happen to drop in confirming the innocence of Notty and Std (std is more understandable for being the only living main suspicion of yesterday)...

Anyway, as promised, I'll write up the post I said about my suspicions on the Mafia although in recent light of Tim has changed my idea a bit so I'll write up two posts/one bigger posts on my two suspected mafia teams \o/

also I want to take this moment to laugh in Notty's face. ha. ha. i was right scrub.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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@Timdood3 May I ask why you investigated Notty on Night 1? And not someone who was heavily suspicious that day such as Fiestaguy? It seems awfully convenient that you happen to drop in confirming the innocence of Notty and Std (std is more understandable for being the only living main suspicion of yesterday)...

Anyway, as promised, I'll write up the post I said about my suspicions on the Mafia although in recent light of Tim has changed my idea a bit so I'll write up two posts/one bigger posts on my two suspected mafia teams \o/

also I want to take this moment to laugh in Notty's face. ha. ha. i was right scrub.
I didn't investigate Notty N1, I investigated her last night. Std was my investigation N1 because he hadn't said much and because he voted without clearly stating his reason. I investigated Notty last night because her (badass) research tying Nitasu to the assassins, did seem a little flimsy, though I have to admit I was swayed initially. Since she did turn out to be wrong, I thought she might have been mafia, trying to weaken the other killing faction.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Final votecount last night:

nitasu987 - 9 - nottykitten, 77_is_the_best, std1997, Old_Man_Oak_63, Prizyms, Timdood3, xXxFruitninjaxXx, Storm886, Alpha102 (Lynch in 2)

std1997 - 5 - JKangaroo, Ooglie101, Ltin, Sploorky, Digitalmez (Lynch in 6)

Final votecount from the No-Lynch:

No-Lynch - 13 - digitalmez Mmarz11 timdood3 std1997 Prizyms Jivvi nitasu987 nottykitten Ltin Fiestaguy HypeBurst Duffie Alpha102 (NL chosen)

As sploorky said on page 11:
Otherwise, I guess all that's been discussed is NL vs Lynch. I understand where the town is coming from with NLing, however there must be some mafia thrown into the NL crowd as well, I am guessing. I don't think a mafia member would start the NL bandwagon, but they generally want to get it going once it is started, so I would guess that at least one of the mafia is someone who voted no lynch, did it semi-early to get the ball rolling, lets say the 4th-7th no lynchers.
As said, mafia wouldn't usually start the No Lynch vote and vote on it so fast. So Digi and Mmarz can be excluded for now. [Not saying they aren't mafia, just saying that I doubt it ATM].

Then as sploorky said, the mafia would try to get the ball rolling once people aren't suspicious anymore for voting No-Lynch. Which is usually when there are a few votes already. So as Sploor said, there is probabily one mafia hiding withing the 4th-7th No Lynchers. The 4th was Std, and the 7th was Nitasu. And both the Third and the 8th are practically Innocent[Tim and me].

No-Lynch - 13 - digitalmez Mmarz11 timdood3 std1997 Prizyms Jivvi nitasu987 nottykitten Ltin Fiestaguy HypeBurst Duffie Alpha102 (NL chosen)

So out of that list, it sort of leaves Priz and Jivvi being the vote I would expect a mafia to be. So my idea would be that we vote one of those two.

There is also Ltin, Duffie and Alpha. We can't really say anything about Duffie and Alpha. Being the last two votes can be either the mafia ending the day or the town going along with the general idea of No Lynching. Ltin however is also in the "red zone" of people who are still in a suspicious spot for voting No Lynch.

So my idea for today: Lynch either Priz, Jivvi or Ltin.