The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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Sploorky doesn't have much to go on tbh, my suspicions on him could be him being anti-town but they could also just as easily be a difference of opinion. I'm waiting for a bit more evidence before i'm ready to vote him.
Ahh yes, here the real answer to the questiob I asked earlier. You tried to skate your way around it the first time, but here it is.

You are not ready to vote sploorky, so if I was not playing, you would not vote for him. Tell me then, who WOULD you vote for?


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I am the Matchmaker.

Essentially, I am a town-sided alien that receives information each night on whether or not the two players' alignments matched. So far I can tell that~

Nottykitten is not of the same alignment as Cooliorules
Nottykitten is not of the same alignment as Sploorky

So why Nottykitten both nights? Well, Night 1 I had little to go off, and Notty and/or Coolio were against town, we could be in trouble. Night 2 I kept Notty as my first choice so that I could begin to make comparisons, and I chose Sploorky because everyone generally trusts him, and I guessed that a proper investigative role would take care of Std.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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First off, I trust Jivvi's claim. I know it's strange to just go from feeling somewhat against someone to then drastically changing views after one post, but just from the way he's been acting, I'm inclined to believe it.

And as we know Notty to be town (Well, for those that don't dispute my claim), so Sploorky is possibly third party, but ti's more likely he is Mafia or assassin.

And Jivvi, wtf? Your role is so much cooler than watcher or tracker xD

Sploorky, besides the likely claim of "Well, I know I'm town, so Notty, Tim, and std must be lying!" What do you have to say for yourself?

Dear Doctor: Good luck ;-;
You've been faced with so many things that you may or may not believe.
The way I see it you have three main options:
1- Me - Cop - tends to be a general priority in a doc's mind
2- Jivvi - Matchmaker - Can have the same effect as cop (when matched with a clear) or could cross check two suspects to see if they're on the same side, which would be useful for checking potential teams.
3- Digi - Died...Ressurected?! - She's so sure that a mafia member will die tonight, and it looks like she'll be pivotal in it.

Is it just me or do none of my posts really contain any attacks? It feels like the only thing I do is defend people I know are innocent ;-;

Jivvi, one more thing. If you match Notty and Endersteve, ( @GmK can he match with a dead person?) you could confirm Notty as town, and thus std and me by association, right? And the best part: none of us would have to die!


Nov 29, 2011
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Town, Mafia, or Third Party ;)

Yes, I am a third party role. No, I can not kill at night. No, my win conditions are not directly "win if the town wins".

HOWEVER, my win conditions(which I will not divulge on, I am still playing for myself), are put at a very high risk with the mafia and evident assassins guild running around. If I fulfill my win condition, the game does not win and I am simply moved out of the game, so...lets make a deal.

Don't vote me, get a PR who will help the town where he can, provided I don't die in the night. This is about the best choice I can make for myself, because if I fought and possibility got notty lynched, if I was wrong, I was dead. Rest of the decision is you folks, I guess.


Nov 29, 2011
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To my knowledge, we have no role that can tell a third party from a townie through investigation, Sploorky, I don't know what to say x3....and Ltin, what about your role would get in the way?
how would you know this though o.o? No matter what role notty is, my "alignment" is different, as we are playing for different win conditions.


Jul 2, 2012
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Town, Mafia, or Third Party ;)

Yes, I am a third party role. No, I can not kill at night. No, my win conditions are not directly "win if the town wins".

HOWEVER, my win conditions(which I will not divulge on, I am still playing for myself), are put at a very high risk with the mafia and evident assassins guild running around. If I fulfill my win condition, the game does not win and I am simply moved out of the game, so...lets make a deal.

Don't vote me, get a PR who will help the town where he can, provided I don't die in the night. This is about the best choice I can make for myself, because if I fought and possibility got notty lynched, if I was wrong, I was dead. Rest of the decision is you folks, I guess.

So, with this claim by Sploorky, I now know that either mafia or notty is mafia, but both anti town.

Why you ask? Well, I am the manager of the "The Wild Boar". I can read what the people post there, but cannot reply. The participants of this are Fiestaguy, Duffie, Nottykitten, and the deceased endersteve.

Now Duffia/Fiesta/Notty can you confirm this?

Anyways, in this chat, Notty claimed thirdparty. And if Notty and Sploorky are both third party... obviously one of them is lying, due to them not being in the same allignment.

So, Notty claims to be a bulletproof investigating role. Her win condition is surviving to the end of the game. She also admits to having obtained a vest that she can use a night of her choice that will protect her from dying.

Now, of the two, I say we lynch notty. If notty flips scum, we have two mafia. If she doesn't, we know Sploorky is mafia. Either way, we can't lose, we will be lynching an anti town.

Love you Notty <3.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score

So, with this claim by Sploorky, I now know that either mafia or notty is mafia, but both anti town.

Why you ask? Well, I am the manager of the "The Wild Boar". I can read what the people post there, but cannot reply. The participants of this are Fiestaguy, Duffie, Nottykitten, and the deceased endersteve.

Now Duffia/Fiesta/Notty can you confirm this?

Anyways, in this chat, Notty claimed thirdparty. And if Notty and Sploorky are both third party... obviously one of them is lying, due to them not being in the same allignment.

So, Notty claims to be a bulletproof investigating role. Her win condition is surviving to the end of the game. She also admits to having obtained a vest that she can use a night of her choice that will protect her from dying.

Now, of the two, I say we lynch notty. If notty flips scum, we have two mafia. If she doesn't, we know Sploorky is mafia. Either way, we can't lose, we will be lynching an anti town.

Love you Notty <3.
.....I believe each third party counts as their own different parties in a way. Meaning, even if they are both third party, they have different allignments unless they have the same win condition