The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Note that if Tim is Mafia he can still say that some people who are innocent are innocent to get them on his side. Also the Mafia may have an investigation role too which could still determine the allignment or even role of any player which would also get them on his side. Or there is a mafia investigation role which isn't Tim but they just talk over night about who eachother visited. Or Std and/or Notty are mafia roles that show up as innocent upon investigation.

For some reason my scumtelling is telling me Notty is good but not what they claim to be. Std I do get several scumtells off of. Tim I'm mixed about but I have one issue about his claim.

If Std said yesterday that he investigated Nita and got him as guilty, why did Tim also vote for Nita knowing that Std was lying?

I'm inclined to voting Std/Tim after the stuff that just hit my mind.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I need for you guys to discuss the day a bit more. It's 11:29pm and I usually wake up 2:35am to get ready for work. I just spent the last few hours catching up.

To answer some of your questions.
Did I know whether or not I'd be protected/revived?
Yes, I did. Which is why I made a sarcastic post.

Did I protect myself?
No, I didn't.

Why am I hell-bent on killing std1997?
I have no idea as to why we're overlooking the fact that Day 1 he went back and forth on his explanations - ugh, I'll just be repeating myself. We all know why std1997 is guilty of being Mafia. The only thing that's stopping us from lynching him is Timdood's investigation. All the reasons have been explained by JK and Oooglie. I stand by my vote.
Also, I'm just going to put this here--

I know for sure that at least one of the Mafia members will die tonight. And if we lynch @std1997 there will be two Mafia members down.

Heed my word...
I'm doing what's best for town.
Can I bring up the Assassin's Guild again here?


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
^ just to add to that

Std votes and claims to be an investigation role which found Nitasu as guilty although previously claiming they investigated Fiesta
Tim unvotes
Alpha unvotes
(there were more votes after this of course but at the time I sent my post yesterday the voting was this far in \o/)


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Hmm, Jivvi's graph of suspicious players is starting to become a bit subjective.

I'm going to say this: I generally trust Notty, std, and Tim.

Tim had a realistic cop claim, because honestly things just happen to not work out and more people turn up as innocent than you expect. Considering there's no CCs, that only reinforces whom I support.

That doesn't mean I approve of the people they're targeting.

The whole idea of voting based on a no lynch pattern I don't really agree with. Jivvi I think is suspicious enough regardless, but I'm starting to have my doubts since I can sort of see what he's saying.

The previous day of targeting Nitasu I initially agreed with, but then got frustrated when I saw the real reason a bit late.

Tim's cop claim is what is keeping me on their side, and I trust the claim. On the other hand, Notty/std could be a third party or even a godfather, but in general I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt for now.

Who I think is suspicious

Jivvi, storm(sorry buddy), possibly myusername due to his agreement posts, FruitNinja. I'm surprised his vote for Notty hasn't gotten more attention. storm vs FruitNinja is something I want to explore in a little bit.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Also another man we've not heard from in awhile. I believe is @UltimateBudgie. I don't think we've had a post/opinion from you since Day 0/1. :( Sorry if you're busy with something but I just wanted to know what your thoughts were on the current day and it's activity.
Ive seen him in the "Users watching this thread" thingy several times.


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
As much as I'd like to inquire onto how a mafia will die in the night, it's better not to discuss that and simply see how things turn out.

Again I do wish to say that I do not combat timdood's cop claim, or that I don't think it's believable, I simply don't trust it, and won't unless there is inarguable evidence. I feel the town is at a standstill right now based on if they believe or don't believe the cop claim. I do not wish to lynch std or nottykitten now because while I am hesitant to go gungho and believe the cop train, I also am not wishing to combat it right now. It is simply there for me to glare at. I'm not really sure who else to vote for. Dare I say it may be best to focus on the lurkers right now, because I feel like we're going to be at a long standstill if we don't discuss different suspicions right now.

The lurkers in question? UltimateBudgie, 77_is_the_best, Oldmanoak, Mmarz, storm, Duffie(not so much you as the others though).

Really wouldn't be surprised if at least one of those guys were scum.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks man <3

Also I'd like to know what ' JKangaroo's opinion is on the current situation and if his vote on me still stands. I miss his long posts and I am curious as to his opinion even if it is to lynch me.
I'll try to post; kinda had virtually no time yesterday besides a few times to rate as I read through some of the material (yesterday was kind of a dump-tests on all the students day, yay!), plus I have exams in a week so since I take like 2 hours to make a post (I'm kinda slow) I kinda wanted to have more time to study.

But I have tons of free-time at school today, so I'll try to. \o/
My stance still stands from last time I posted.