The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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I'd just like to point out that both of us will reveal the occupation of who we visited earlier only on the second day in the main chat rather than any sort of faction chat
My role reveals my targets role the following day in the main chat. I'm not sure why you're mentioning a factional chat bc my role doesn't mention one.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Wherein - oh wonderful, more modkills!

Good Skele and JurgenVW have been modkilled for inactivity.

Good Skele was the Private Eye. [Town-Aligned]
Occupation: Private Eye
Alignment: Town
You take pride in your skills with background checks and detective work being among your skills. However, it takes you time and resources to make a proper deduction.

Night Action: You may visit one person.

Vice: Books
You enjoy a good read from time to time. Reading different books gives you the motivation you need to make the important discoveries your job requires.

Vice Objective: When you visit a player and have a Book in your inventory, you will learn if the person you visited is Mafia or Not Mafia. The Book will be removed from your inventory. You will get a ‘No Result’ message in all other cases.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

JurgenVW was the Design Cultist. [Neutral-Aligned]
Occupation: Design Cultist
Alignment: Neutral
You tend to be on the side of chaos whenever possible, and you know that whoever teleported you in to the Institute wants to cause maximum chaos, so you support them!

The Mafia know who you are, but you do not know who they are. You do not count as a number for factoring in the Mafia victory.

If all the Mafia are terrible and die except you, you gain their factional kill and your Win Condition will change to being a solo killer.

Vice: Bandwagoning
Being complicit with executing people is fun!

Vice Objective: Every day that ends with you picking an option that becomes the consensus, you will learn the exact number of people visiting you during the following night.

Win Condition: You win with the Mafia, when they gain control of the vote with all threats to the Mafia eliminated.
Votes have been wiped; thank you everybody that's still in, I'm sorry that the game has to come to this but at the very least we can salvage what's still remaining. Four modkills so far, we probably hit a record somewhere so that's something...

Stranger from Planet 9

13 players remain, so it will take 7 votes to come to a consensus.​


AoD Dev and Admin!
Tech Lead
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AoD Staff
Jun 4, 2014
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I think you should since imo it's not like I'm only gonna consider lynching between the pairs since i can imagine a scenario where they all exist together, just seems unlikely, but if another claim comes that makes less sense then we can get them instead (also if we let some people off for now and they're scum they know to prepare claims tonight and it could make it harder to suss the false ones out)
Im more meaning, assuming at least some of the double claiming is mafia (which it may not be who even knows), it may mean that nobody in these pairs gets killed during the night to maximise the chance of a wrong lynch. But yeah I see your point in that its possible both claims are accurate

Ill wait a bit for anymore claims then before I claim myself


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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this is also why i pushed tim to claim as much as i did, because i thought he was softclaiming the same vice i had and obviously wanted to know more, especially since we would probably be competing for happy pills, if this was true
My vice is also happy pills, but it works differently than yours. We're not competing for them.
Then who killed Poke, the cult?
Please, we have 0 reason to believe there is a cult.
My claim is that telling you about my role would turn my action actually 100% useless and turn me into a vanilla so I'm keeping it to myself xoxo. I can however tell you that my role indicates theres multiple third parties this game (Oog can confirm this is what I said!). I don't know how many but unless Alisha is trolling me with this role I'm assuming 3+.

3+ of you are third party and I don't trust any of you except Oog.

Next person to claim is literally anyone who comes online
Ok, Now it makes more sense as to why you think I'm a cultist. I'm still not, though.
tbh i think tim is third party
Nope, 100% town.
i want to know NOW
Again with the aggression, yikes.

Deleted member 4601

What does this mean btw

Why second day and why are you assuming strangers role doesn't send results to a faction chat and why were you mentioning that anyway
My role reveals my targets role the following day in the main chat. I'm not sure why you're mentioning a factional chat bc my role doesn't mention one.
Probably should've elaborated.

Both me and stranger will reveal the occupation of our targets after a night kill (by "second day" I meant the following day). The occupation is revealed on this thread, rather than any sort of faction chat such as mafia chat, which makes the role inherently pro-town - as opposed to if the results were to be revealed in mafia chat instead

Stranger claimed a role that was very similar to mine so it was natural to make a statement that both of us have the results revealed on this thread (and Stranger has confirmed that)

I mentioned "faction chat" as a hypothetical role to juxtapose it with the roles me and Stranger have so that I could make my point that the role was pro-town


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I wanted to claim in a separate post for more convenient access/readability.
@Timwhats your vice. Also what two items did you get last night?
Every night, if I have a happy pill, I'll consume it. It essentially sedates me and keeps me mellow. On the second night that I don't consume a happy pill, I will unleash my darker side, and kill someone (only happens once). My night action as I've said before is an auto-targeting visit that has me visit a person that can give out happy pills, and if they don't die, I get and consume one. The kill targets whoever I designate.

Night 1 I chose not to visit anyone because I wanted to have more control over when my kill happened; I didn't want to postponed too long. Night 2 I chose to visit and postpone my kill, since I really didn't know who to target because I missed most of Day 1. I was given two pills instead of one, meaning I still have one that I'll compulsively consume tonight, meaning my kill is 100% not happening tonight [unless someone steals it I guess.]
In case anyone is wondering, my designation N2 was Poke.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I'll stay up a little bit longer to answer questions, but it's getting really late for me and I'll need to go to bed soon.
A doctor and a jailor walk into a bar right as the bartender was mailing a drink to a sad cow. I dont know how the joke goes but it ends with the doctor having the drink and the cow and jailor having nothing.

What do you think? Also what do you think in Ender/Inf and Mulb/Stranger?

Also i ate my previous order so its time to order another

Big Mac


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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What do you think? Also what do you think in Ender/Inf and Mulb/Stranger?
I'm more inclined to think Ender is scum based on what someone (HK?) was saying, and I trust inf (my real vice is trusting inf too often).
As far as mulb and stranger, I'm really not sure. I'd at least one of them is probably town. I'm sure there's some conspiracy world where Boo managed to investigate the real one and the other one is mafia who decided to just reskin the role. Given how many pairs there are, I find that improbable, but I thought I'd toss out the idea.

If no one has any preferences on who my designation should be tonight, I'm open to suggestions. The chance of my kill happening are slim to none though. Otherwise it'll probably go to mulb.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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um, but you see, mac is still mafia, my inactive mafia theory is 100% correct i have said 0 wrong thing
So now that we know Mafia had some active people there

Why was poke killed????

My two main theories are:

1) poke was scum and they could make his role flip town and since he was in such a sticky situation (Ender ccing him) they predicted he'd be lynched anyway so drifted to take matters into their own hands and at least make his death useful by framing ender

2) the Mafia like to make risky kill choices, which would put my top suspects as stranger and twg since out of everyone I could see them taking risks like that the most

The only person i want to hear from now is Tim and maybe Mac if they get online.

Also there goes the first cultist!!! Even though they werent like part of an actual cult.
But I mean if you want to claim your vice then feel free to do it.

Nottykitten claim.

Timdood3 claim.
Why don't you guys care about Ltin's claim


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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JurgenVW was the Design Cultist. [Neutral-Aligned]
Occupation: Design Cultist
Alignment: Neutral
You tend to be on the side of chaos whenever possible, and you know that whoever teleported you in to the Institute wants to cause maximum chaos, so you support them!

The Mafia know who you are, but you do not know who they are. You do not count as a number for factoring in the Mafia victory.

If all the Mafia are terrible and die except you, you gain their factional kill and your Win Condition will change to being a solo killer.

Vice: Bandwagoning
Being complicit with executing people is fun!

Vice Objective: Every day that ends with you picking an option that becomes the consensus, you will learn the exact number of people visiting you during the following night.

Win Condition: You win with the Mafia, when they gain control of the vote with all threats to the Mafia eliminated.
Also I think it's important to note that Jurg's role is more like a Mafia traitor than a SK, and I still believe there to be a SK/another kill mechanic out there.
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