... Esyay, I'may ureSay. Iay on'tday owknay...Isay oingday isthay ightray?
SparklyMuffinz-sensei, help out a bit?
... Esyay, I'may ureSay. Iay on'tday owknay...Isay oingday isthay ightray?
parklysay uffinsmay = astermay aceray... Esyay, I'may ureSay. Iay on'tday owknay...Isay oingday isthay ightray?
SparklyMuffinz-sensei, help out a bit?
Isay oingday isthay ightray?
Amay Iay oingday itay ightray
yBay eThay ayWay...Isay oingday isthay ightray?Amay Iay oingday itay ightray
Yes and yes. Except French, you got most of it."Is doing this right?" Unless that was intentional then it's perfect!
I'may orrySay?UB3R H4X0RWait, I was trying to make mine intentionally incorrect
How did I get it right
eallyRay?People really need to get it into their heads that a vowel-starting word stays the same but 'way' is added. :3
I becomes Iway
Ass becomes Assway
Etc etc..
Also, the first sound is what you move, not necessarily the first letter. Like stop becomes opstay, not topsay.
Anywayway, osay isthay isway orrectcay, utbay otnay --> histay. <--
Iay admitay, Iay on'tDay elieveBay ouYay. orrySay :cEsyay, indeedway.eallyRay?