IC The Waiting Game

Feb 19, 2015
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Ash's eyes widen with excitement as she gets handed a bottle of water. "Oh my gosh, Aleta. Thank you so much." She says as she takes a swig of the water, feeling it wash away the dry stickiness of dehydration. Sighing happily, she hands back the bottle. "Well, I guess we should probably head back in. Thanks again." She says with a smile. Feeling content with the conversation, she nods towards the door, indicating for Aleta to follow, and heads back inside.

((CaffeinatedKitty, Toiletprincess, Timdood3, S_swimmer, Naoh, Enderfive))
Feb 19, 2015
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Ash walks in with Aleta behind her. She sees Fredrik look over at her and the kid as they walk into the room. "I really have to figure him out sometime soon." She thinks as she walks in. Looking over the area she sees that the bodies are gone. "Oh good. They cleaned up nicely."
"We're back. Whats the plan?" She hears Aleta say. Catching her dry tone she chuckles softly to herself and looks Blake in the eye wearing a smirk on her tilted head that reads, "See? That's how you get someone to follow you."


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Riley shot a sharp glare at Blake, who was babbling away furiously. We need all the help we can get, "she hissed, seething, "Get your head out of your ass and look around, we're in the fucking apocalypse and you can't even let one girl assist us." She threw her hands up in the air, brows furrowed into a scowl. "If you have an issue you can take it up with the entire group. You may be making the plans but no one made you leader."


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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"'Nice home?'" She echoes, raising an eyebrow. "I was doing just fine by myself, thank you."
(ugh, she was right)
Scowling, she restlessly bumps her bat against her leg. "Anyway, one would think you'd be happy to have as much help as you can get. The bigger a group is, the smaller the chance it'll be overwhelmed, you know."
(I don't like this guy)
Feb 19, 2015
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"What could have possibly happened, Blake?! It's called people skills and being trustworthy. Some skill you could learn." She said glaring at Blake. Hearing Riley voice the thoughts she had been thinking, she gestures towards her, framing her like a ringmaster frames his lion.
Feb 19, 2015
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Realizing her current tactics will be ineffectual in the current situation, if not make it worse, Ash takes a step back. Putting her hands up by her bowed head, Ash inhales deeply before talking. "Okay. We all need to take a step back. We all have the same end goal, correct?" She says, doing her best not to let her suspicion creep into her voice. "I think we all need to develop a plan. As a group. And then, I don't know, we could vote on what we think is best to do, considering the information we have." She glances back at Kaes, Riley, Fredrik, and Aleta for any form of affirmation.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Blake opened his mouth, then closed it again. It was useless trying to convince them now. These idiots are going to get me killed one day, he thought. I should leave as soon as I get what I need from them. "Well, before that, just hear our plan out first. I'll let Chris explain."


Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
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"Thank you, mon ami!" Chris cartwheeled to the center of the group, to grab everyone's attention. "Drum-roll please!" Chris patted his hands on Blake's head, making fake drum sounds. "Und now, for your very enjoyment," Chris shouted, in a corny german accent, "I, Christopher Theodore Caspar Josiah Lloyd ze Shird, vwill explain to you, ze master plan!" Chris did a one handed handstand. "Our rezident scientist, Herr Blake, has some very special tools for our use in ze raid on ze White Thorns. Smoke bombs! Ya! Smoke bombs und special slippery plates!" Blake produced the items, and handed several baseball sized balls out to Riley and Ash. "Ven we arrive at Valmart, Riley und Ash vill throw the smoke bombs out at the main entrance, and vhile the area is cloaked in smoke, Blake und I vill place the special plates down. Ven they send out their small fries, they vill slip und fall. Then we rush them, killing the minions, and taking them by surprise. Ve zen rush through, und slaughter the rest."
Feb 19, 2015
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Ash listened to the plan carefully. "Riley and Ash will throw the smoke bombs out at the main entrance..." she heard Chris say. "I don't like the sound of coming in the main entrance...Though it would be a nice diversion so that others could come in somewhere else. Perhaps the lawn and garden area."
"While the area is cloaked in smoke, Blake and I will place the special plates down."
"What exactly do these plates do?" Ash wondered.
"Then, they send out their small fries, they will slip and fall. Then we rush them, killing the minions, and taking them by surprise. We then rush through, and slaughter the rest."
"Ah. So that's what they do. Rushing them like that won't necessarily work. There is only seven of us. That means each of us would have to fight nearly 3, each. Plus, they'll have guns. Possibly, better guns than what they had here.
"Riley, Kaes, and Fredrik, since they are such great fighters, could sneak in through the lawn and garden area. Aleta could take Rileys part of the plan and help me throw in smoke bombs.
"Seeing that there were only four people, chances are their guard would be quite low. However, during that distraction, the three going in the back would have to move quickly because, the four of us in the front would have about five people to deal with each. You could give the three each a gun. Assuming they each had 6 bullets before the initial attack, we should have 17 bullets , subtracting out the bullet that was fired. If they do it correctly, they should each be able to take out 2 people before they are noticed. That'd leave us with 14 vs 7. However, we should have killed the 'small fries' by that time, we'd then be about 9-10 vs 7. Much better odds. So by the time the surprise has worn off we should have taken out about 10-11 people."

Clearing her throat, Ash says, "Not a bad plan, but if you don't mind, I'd like to add on to that plan."

((S_swimmer, Toiletprincess, CaffeinatedKitty, Timdood3, Enderfive, Naoh))
Feb 19, 2015
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"Well, what if it was Aleta and I throwing in the smoke bombs, instead of Riley and I? That way Riley, Kaes, and Fredrik can sneak in through the lawn and garden area. We could give them each one of the guns, they'd have about 17 bullets between the three of them. It'd add to the element of surprise and they could take out approximately six additional people, before the Thorns knew what was going on." She said, trying to keep it short and to the point.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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"Fine, feel free." As long as Chris was able to get to the Unseen member before anybody else, the plan would be fine. After all, the alterations didn't really concern him. He took a step forward and signed behind his back to Chris, be very quick. Without breaking stride, he walked over to his backpack and picked it up, checking one of the pockets for the plates. "So, shall we go?"


"Let him in! Let him in!" a faint cry from the front yelled.

"Daddy, who is it?" Ella asked, eyes sparkling. "A new friend?"

"Shh," Steven said, hovering his hand over her lips. "Daddy's gonna go look. You stay here, okay?" Quietly, he strode across the aisle towards the door. As he grew closer, voices became louder, and people were running around frantically, calling others and trying to get medical supplies. Steven gasped. #72 stood on the ground, kneeling. He gripped his side, covered in blood, sloshing onto the white floor. Eric was next to him, holding a limp body. No, it wasn't just a body, it was Roy. Covered in blood. His only son. Steven had never seen Eric cry, but now his shrieks were bone-chilling, and tears cascaded down his cheeks. They welled up in Steven's eyes, as well. Gareth's image flashed in his mind.

"Daddy, Daddy, what's going on?" Ella poked around the corner and a violent pang of fear attacked his chest. He raced over to Ella and put a hand over her eyes, lifting her up into his arm. "Don't look, Ella," he said, as he watched time slow down in front of him. All the chaos around him started to fade in the background, and he looked straight at Eric. But then, Eric and Roy started to change, and before he knew it he was looking at himself holding Ella. His worst fear.

Blinking, he saw #72 get up and talk to #53. Terror was in his eyes – Steven had never heard of an Unseen being afraid. He tried to listen in through all the motion, taking a couple steps closer. "... it's him. While we were fighting, I saw him..." Him? Who's "him?"

"Are you sure? Then we have to leave right now."

"It's useless. They're coming..." Who? Who's coming? After a few more short exchanges, #53 ran off somewhere and #72 began limping over to Steven. He stood still, tightening his grip on Ella. "Steven... Ella... hide her... don't let her go out..." With that, #72 trudged past him. Waves of fear attacked him. Gareth was right. It was finally time.

At this point, it didn't matter. He deserved it. And he had his own happy moments. But he would fight to his last breath to protect Ella. It didn't matter if whoever was coming struck fear in the hearts of the Unseen. They would never get to her. Not while he was alive.
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Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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"Sounds alright." She says, in response to both of them. Charging right in doesn't sound like the best plan, but what else is there to do?
(if I could get onto the roof...)
But that's not a likely choice at all.
(wait, where did this guy even get this stuff?)
He grates on her nerves- both do, actually- and she refuses to ask, lest he answer in that mockery of an accent.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I'm sorry, but I will not be a part of this. I came here passing through, not planning to settle down." Kaes looked around, making sure he had everyone's attention. After all, that was probably the most he's ever said at once to these people, and he wasn't about to stop. "Frankly, I don't trust these two. A crazy scientist- probably one of the very ones that caused this mess- and a demented kid." Kaes looked Chris straight in the eye as he said it, making certain that this child knew that his words were deliberate, challenging the whelp to correct him. "I'm not going through with this plan. I will not. It's suicide. I'm going back out into the wilderness on my own. If anyone wants to come with me, speak up now."

I've still got a few days worth of food and a proportionate amount of water. Game has become scarcer, but not nonexistent. I have no reason to risk my hide for some harebrained scheme plotted by two maniacs.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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"A crazy scientist- probably one of the very ones that caused this mess-" Blake's eyes shot open. Every cell in his body came alive. He tried to dam the rage boiled up inside him, but it was becoming unbearable. The words rang in his ears over and over. Probably one of the very ones that caused this mess. He could not stand it. When Kaes finished his rant, Blake was ready to sprint. Finally, he let go, and was upon him in the blink of an eye. Before he could turn around, Blake sprang up and sent a flying kick into his head.

"Did you say what I think you did?" Blake's voice rose, and his calm attitude broke. "Don't you dare. Don't you FUCKING dare. Do you realize exactly what you're saying? Do you think I wanted this? Get off your fucking high horse! You've been living your life peacefully in your little fucking woods, not giving a shit about the world around you! Are you happy? Are you peaceful? Do you think you can come and go places as you please? Do you think you can idly chat? This is the fucking apocalypse! People die every day and are turned into monsters! Families are broken up! Lovers turn and kill each other! It's a cesspool of greed, distrust and evil and you're fucking in it!

"Don't you dare say that I started this. If you think for one second that I let this happen, I will kill you right now. You have no idea how much pain this has caused me, and I will not let you say that I started it. You want to leave? Be my guest. Fucking go."


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Blake, in a fit of disgusting rage, attempted to kick Kaes in the head. He had only a mild degree of success, but Kaes remained unfazed for the most part. Despite the mild amount of anger inside of him, Kaes' tone was cool. "First off: You just admitted to causing this. Second, Yes, I was happy, I was peaceful, I do think I can come and go as I please. That's literally how I live my life. You think I care about anything the 'civilized' world has to offer? I lived alone my entire life. No bonds. No ties. No friends. No families. No lovers. Just me and the forest. And it was just great until you came along. Because you're right. This is the apocalypse. And like it on not, it's on your shoulders. And I wouldn't recommend another hasty attack.

"And before I go, I want you to tell these nice people what you actually have planned for them at that Walmart. I know you're not trying to further the group's goals, only your own."


Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
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"Frankly, I don't trust these two. A crazy scientist- probably one of the very ones that caused this mess- and a demented kid." Kaes looked Chris in the eye as he spoke, as if challenging him. Chris's eyebrow twitched. "Kid. Kid. Kid. Kid." His voice grew steadily hysterical, and he dropped his inane personality. A knife slid down Chris' jacket, and he flung the blade past Ash's head in his rage. "KID. BLOODY HELL." The man, seemingly unfazed by the blow to the head delivered by Blake, explained how happy he had been before he had met us. "Tell me Mr. Lumberjack, if you're so keen on surviving this whole affair, then why are you so keen on upsetting me and my friend?" Chris looked over to Blake, then back to Kaes. "Chris?" Blake called out. Another pair of knives slid down his right sleeve, and he tossed them to Blake.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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"Admitted it?"

Blake snapped.

"You have no idea who I am. Chris?" In a flash of silver, Blake caught a knife in each hand and kicked Kaes against the wall, lunging toward him with each knife.

Dad, I don't want you to kill people for me, okay? Blake gasped The knives plunged into the wall inches from Kaes's face.

Be a good Daddy.

Blake stood there endlessly for a few seconds, breathing heavily. Taking the knives out of the wall, he walked out the door. "I need some time."
Feb 19, 2015
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"BLAKE! CHRISTOPHER!" Ash yelled as a knife flew past her head. Ash walked over to Chris and grabbed his hair and backhanded him before rounding on Blake. "Blake! WHAT THE HELL?!" Either he didn't hear her or he ignored her, because he walked out the door. However, there was still another person she could go to for answers. Adrenaline rushing she turned on Chris. "You need to explain something really quick, before I put a blade through your skull. What the hell are you planning?!" She says looking him with a murderous look in her cool grey eyes.
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