IC The Waiting Game


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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For being alone most of his life, Kaes sure knew what made people tick, goading them into revealing their true motives and only putting himself in mild danger. In a theatrical display, Kaes allowed himself to be displaced. He was surprised at how many knives this kid had. He could have hundreds, that wouldn't give either of them the will to use any of them.

Standing and pocketing the knife nearby, Kaes watched Ash intervene, partially on his behalf. Also partially because she could see the truth in his words. Someone had heard him through the chaos- That's all that mattered.

Unsure of what next to say, Kaes decided to resume his role as the quiet hulk standing in the darkened corner, watching Ash divulge the information he already knew. Or at least, knew most of.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Blake, Chris (sorry we're doin this again c:)

Chris whipped around Ash's arm and threw her into a wall. "I don't need to justify my actions to you 'darling'." Before Ash had the opportunity to grab him again, Chris dashed out the door to catch up with Blake.

He walked a short distance, and found Blake sitting on the ground, looking into the night sky. "Hey Blake," he called softly. "What's going on?"

Blake waited a moment for answering. "Questioning my beliefs, I suppose."

"Oh..." mumbled Chris, still confused. Why did he care what Blake was thinking about? He was just additional help to make Chris' job a lot easier. Still- it wouldn't hurt to get to know him better. "Uh... did you have a loved one?"

"Yes, I did." Blake sighed. "I'm just... I'm not sure what to do right now. I don't know what I think is right and wrong anymore, and it makes me angry, but I can't vent out my anger."

Did... Chris thought. "Uh, what kind of person where they like?" Maybe talking about this person will make him feel better.

Blake hesitated. "I don't really want to tell anybody, sorry. Well... I guess you could say they were pure-hearted."

"I understand," said Chris. "What are we going to do about the others?" Chris said, attempting to change subject.

"I don't know... but I don't think they exactly want to cooperate with us right now." Blake paused. "Chris... I'm going to ask you this now, and you tell me yes or no. Is it wrong to kill people in this apocalyptic world?"

Chris remembered all the people he'd killed since this whole thing had started. "I- I think it's wrong to kill- I don't think it's wrong when- It depends on the situation," Chris decided.

"That's–" Blake turned around and punched the wall. A couple knuckkles split open and began bleeding. He thought. "I guess that's good enough. Chris, go inside. Go ahead and tell them what I wanted to do."

"Alright." Chris turned around and began walking back to the building.

"Wait, Chris. Before you go inside, can you give me a few knives?"

Chris turned and smirked. "Of course." A couple blades dropped for both sleeves, and Chris handed them off to Blake.
Feb 19, 2015
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Chris threw Ash into a nearby wall. Her head hit it with a 'crack' making her vision go white. By the time it cleared again, Chris had bolted out of the door. She started to go after him but decided it wouldn't help. With a betrayed look that mingled with her previous look of murder, she walked to Kaes, and slowly sat at his side. Burring her head in her hands, she sighed before asking, "What are they planning, Kaes? What's going on?"
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Kaes watching Ash be thrown into a wall and was about to lunge at the demented child, but he bolted. Ash came over and sat down next to Kaes, "What are they pllaning, Kaes? What's going on?"

Kaes responded in barely a whisper, "They're not doing this for us. They're not even doing this for survival. They're doing this to further their own selfish goals. They don't care what happens to the rest of us. They don't even care what happens to each other once they accomplish their goals. As far as I'm concerned, they're immoral fools hunting for sport. And I won't stay with them. I'd recommend you and Aleita come with me."


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Riley boiled silently, digging her nails into her palms and turning her knuckles white. "Kaes, I would leave," she hissed, shooting daggers at the two schemers as they both exited to avoid the conflicts, "But unfortunately on the way here whilst I was looking for additional supplied I lost the few I had due to Blakes damn noise maker bullshit he pulled on me on the way here, which you may've heard." She shrugged, letting out a exasperated sigh. "Which is why I need to get supplies from that Walmart, though slaughtering them in all isn't my first choice."
Feb 19, 2015
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Ash leaned in a bit closer to Kaes so that she could hear. "What he's saying makes sense, but how did he know this? Should I go with him? (I want to.) He obviously isn't with them, and he's given me no reason not to trust him. Unlike Blake and Chris. (What's gotten in to that demon?) But, I do need supplies. (But, are you willing to kill people for it?)" Ash thinks as her adrenaline levels start to lower.
Hearing Riley state her reason to stay, she slides her bag of jerky over to her. "Here you can have a piece." She says with a soft smile. "So can you three." She continues, pointing in their directions.
Turning her head to look at Kaes, she asks, "How did you know this?"


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"I've spent my life living alone. That's not to say I've never encountered people. I had to know who I could trust and who would use and betray me. I learned to read people. And doing it as long as I have been, you get good at it. These two have nothing to offer us."

"And to prove to you that you don't have to kill and steal to survive, have this." Kaes swung his pack around, pulled an orange out of it and tossed it to Riley. "I left home because the animals were leaving, not because there was nothing to eat without them."


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"I hope to be long gone before those two come back. If anyone else is coming along, it's time to go." Kaes made a move toward the window. It was a bit lofty, but he could climb and/or jump down no problem. Kaes turned and looked at the others. "Well I'm not going to use the same exit they did."
Feb 19, 2015
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"Ok..." Ash walked over to the leftover jerky and put it into the inside pocket of her jacket. "You coming, Aleta?" Ash asked with her head tilted to the side inquiringly. She was almost reluctant to leave without them. It wasn't necessarily that she's miss them. But she did enjoy having someone trustworthy to talk to.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Fredrik had a curious feeling of not actually quite being there for the whole ambush and the planning afterwards. Weird.

Anyhow, now the uneasy alliance the people at the radio tower had made was pretty much broken. Kaes and Ash were leaving, asking anyone to come with them. Fredrik needed supplies, sure; pretty much everyone did . . . but he wasn't going to risk his life going against that many enemies with nothing but a sword. A gun was out of the question. Maybe he could've stomached a bow or a crossbow, but not a firearm. The Viking had a deep dislike for those things. Besides, Kaes had gotten Blake and Chris right, for the most part. Chris was a kid, clearly driven insane. Blake was the mad scientist Kaes said he was. They were too chaotic and unpredictable.

That meant going with Kaes and Ash. "I'm coming with you," the Viking called out. "And Kaes is right, there are better and safer ways of getting supplies than attacking an enemy that has twice your numbers, better cooperation and discipline."


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Riley looked at the orange in her hand and sighed, running her other hand through her short, messy hair. "You know, the supplies thing isn't all about having something to eat," she sighs, putting her hand down to rest idly on her blade. She looked to Kaes, gesturing to the fruit, "This is not the point. Food is easy enough to get," she replied, "It's things like medicine and bandages and anti-septics that are hard to get hold of."


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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"You go there and I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll waste all the medicine and bandages and anti-septics anyway, because they will not go down easy. And then you will have wasted it all, since you'll die of your wounds no matter what you do." Fredrik was really painting the worst-case scenario here, but it wasn't all that unlikely, really.

"Look, we can't stop you, of course, or force you to come with us, but as I already said, there are better and safer ways of getting supplies than this. This single Wal-Mart is hardly the only place on earth left that still holds food, or medicine or weapons. Whatever it is you need, there's more of it elsewhere." Honestly, if Kaes was thinking of going back to his cottage in the mountains or wherever he lived, Fredrik wasn't going to follow him. He still had the task of bringing more survivors back to Chicago, and he wasn't really a nature-and-farming or whatever kinda guy. But for now the lumberjack made a good enough companion, which could not have been said about Chris and Blake.
Feb 19, 2015
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"Well that was a pretty grim picture...." Thought Ash. "I know it isn't the best medicine, but I know what plants and their uses. Like medical stuff. But that doesn't cover bandages..."
Another "yes" to coming came from Aleta. "Fantastic." she thought with a smile playing on her lips.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"You bring up a good point; I must admit that. But fortified Walmarts aren't the only places to get them. I've become good enough at tending to wounds using only what's around me. Typically, that means poultices and salves. Bandages are easy enough, and antiseptics are hardly necessary. Though if that's the most you have to worry about, I have a piece of advice: Don't get sick. I don't mean to sound like I'm stating the obvious, but really it's an easy thing to avoid."

"I'm not asking you to come with me, I'm not even trying to dissuade you from staying with them. If you don't want to go, I don't know why we're still having this conversation. I guess I'm just trying to defend my way of survival." Without waiting for any form of response, Kaes pushed himself out the window and was on the ground (unscathed, mind you) moments later.

(edit: wow I got ninja'd twice . _. )


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Well, that lasted all of half a night. Blake stalked across the dark night road, the moon hanging brightly overhead. Oh well, I always work better alone. He felt a mixture of emotions. He was unsure and questioned himself at every turn, but he had to lock that away from now. It was about time to get on to the main task.

He stood outside the entrance to the Walmart and peered inside. The gang was in disarray; people ran around madly while a man held a dead corpse. His cries pierced through the walls and filled the outside air. Fortunately, the area was devoid of the Pusermites, so the only threat to Blake was the White Thorns. And now was the perfect time to attack.

As he watched their movements, he made careful note of their patterns and their numbers. It was 17, unlike the 19 that should be there – which means that the two Unseen must have already escaped. Shit, he thought. Quietly opening his backpack, he brought out 4 trip plates and put them in the right pocket of his lab coat. He hooked his two hunting knives to his belt and held the two throwing knives in one hand. With his final free hand, Blake brought out a square piece of paper and closed his backpack. Without any of the people inside noticing him, he walked straight in front of the door and stood there for a moment. It was finally time to begin.

He flipped the piece of paper in his hand and stared long and hard at the image of him and his son's smiling face as anger burned inside him and exploded into a fireball, a fireball that devastated anything and everything in its path. He slid the picture back in his pocket, took one knife from his other hand, and took a deep breath.

The backpack was too heavy. Running inside, he slung it off his shoulder and lobbed it at the crying man, hitting him in the back of the head. Continuing his sprint as he toppled down, Blake grabbed the backpack again and used his head as a stepping stool, thrusting downward with all his might and feeling a satisfying crumple. 16. Jumping off the head, he twisted his body in the air and threw his first knife into the nearest body. 15. He landed on the ground lightly, and threw his next knife in the same direction. 14. But it was far. Blake had lost precious time.

By the time he was able to recover the two knives, a group was already running wildly towards him from the other side while the others in that area went to get their weapons. 4 people – the perfect number for 2 knives. Blake rocketed towards them and whipped his knives into the skulls of the first two. Immediately recovering the knives, he jumped up and flipped over the others' attacks, slitting their throats upside down. 10.

The sound of a gunshot resounded throughout the Walmart and a loud ping pulled Blake's knife out of his hand. With a small pang of fear, he crouched, body parallel to the ground, and watched the wave of bullets fly over him. Time was now extremely strained. Blake dropped his other knife and slipped both hands into his lab coat pocket, immediately sliding the 4 plates on the ground. As predicted, they all met their marks and the corresponding 4 men fell to the ground on their face. Keeping his low angle, Blake rushed forward and grabbed the two hunting knives from his pocket. There was still 1 standing, but his trigger hand trembled uncontrollably and the bullets flew everywhere. When he caught up to their position, Blake sprang up and spun, swinging the knives in wide arcs that slit the throats of the 4 fallen men and plunged into the neck and skull of the one standing next to them. 5.

He rolled to lessen the impact of hitting the ground, but his momentum drove him into a checkout aisle and black spots danced in his eyes as his skull exploded with pain. He was now injured and weaponless. He had to get up quickly, but he got dizzy and lurched to the side. He grabbed the counter, panting, and surveyed the scene around him. 4 more were coming, though far away, from different directions – 3 with knives, 1 with a gun. God dammit. He had to fight through it.

He ran towards the 5 corpses and grabbed two hand guns from their pockets. Heavy guns weren't his style. But getting them out were a pain, and a bullet appeared in his shoulder. Blake screamed and clutched his shoulder, falling to the ground and dropping his guns. Frantically, he squirmed over behind the checkout aisle before the next bullet could plunge into him. He shook his head. Not today. With his good arm, he groped for the gun, heartbeat echoing in his skull. Finally, he found it, retrieving it. He loaded it, stood up, and fired. 4.

With the gun in his hand, Blake was unstoppable. 3. 2. 1. Each recoil ruptured his body and new pain found itself in his shoulder. He looked around and confirmed that nobody was near before he allowed himself to sink down and rest.
Feb 19, 2015
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Kaes looked around at the group the followed him: Ash, Aleta and Fredrick. His goal had been accomplished; he'd gotten himself and the others away from those...how to say it....less than savory individuals....before they gotten everyone hurt or killed. As for what to do now, everyone seemed clueless. "Ash, you know the city, right? If we're not going straight out into the wilderness, where do we go?"

"So everyone came then. Great." Thought Ash.
"Ash, you know the city, right? If we're not going straight out into the wilderness, where do we go?" She heard Kaes ask.
"Erm well...there's not much left that this city can offer us. So it's up to you guys. As to what to do."

((Timdood3, Toiletprincess, CaffeinatedKitty, Enderfive))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Fredrik knew he had to say it now, before anyone could suggest something else. "We can go to Chicago. It's a bit of a walk, sure, but there's a survivor colony there. A good one, with food and medicine and plenty of people. When I left in search of people to join us there, we had about sixty people behind a crude wall and we're making the wall better every day." Now it was up to them to take up on his offer.
