-sigh- They weren't that important anyway, at least one of them was just so I could make a joke. :c
...And I just got ninja'ed by Samlen with the inn thing....I was going to say that...Most of it anyway...
Now for my list of thoughts ^-^ (in no particular order)
He's claimed alien. Alien=thid party, but not exactly anti-town. He can live, but that doesn't mean I have to like it..
My hunch on him still remains!!!~
However, there's still nothing really to support it, and I'm beginning to doubt it.
Feels pretty town, and I'm seeing myself agreeing with a lot of what he says.
"Mini-JK" ...I don't like this. It's totally personal.
But on a more serious note, that is a very accurate title, even if I was striving to get it myself

His logic is pretty well thought out, and I'm agreeing with most of it.
I really want to think he's town, but I don't think I can....Something about the initial argument seems flawed, but the rest of the evidence seems somewhat solid...Why am I so damn hesitant to have an opinion half the time, yet other times I'm so set? ;-;
Speaking of set opinions! I'm as set in my thought that Ooglie was insane as JK is the Ooglie was sane...I feel with the utmost certainty that Digi is town. As for her name, "Abhorrent Adam": If she felt that the name would incriminate herself with the name, I'm sure she would have invented something more innocent-sounding. The fact that she was forthcoming and honest about it just makes me think it was an unfortunate coincidence. As Ender(?) suggested, it's probably because of the story, Adam takes part in something that's maybe taboo in the little desert community...Or maybe he just doesn't shower!
I remember one of the quotes I'd taken! :D
She mentioned something about me getting advice from the mafia or an inn...My response: Or I'm just a townie giving my thoughts? ;-;
I'm not in an inn and I'd imagine mafia can only talk at night. If I was getting advice from the mafia, I'd probably just drop it all at the start of the day and then I'd end up quiet. That hasn't happened (has it? o-o ).
I guess I just don't like that you find me suspicious because I've been trying to help? ;-;
Now on to what I think of her.
She doesn't really strike me as anti-town, but she doesn't exactly scream "town" either...I'm leaning towards town, but one can never quite be certain with Coolio.
Recently inactive, World Cup. It's pretty reasonable, if you ask me. As far as I can remember, he's been helping the town, and as such, feels town.
I know GmK is good at mafia, and that scares me a little. He's been seeming fairly pro-town, but now that people have pointed it out, I'll be keeping an eye on him. If he
is mafia, then he's had me fooled this whole time. o-o
My idol right here. I'm trying not to be biased, but his logic is always impeccable, and he always seems to have things pretty well thought out. Just because we disagree on Digi's alignment doesn't mean I find him suspicious. This guy's probably one of our best tools. (Totally not biased at all ;-; )
This guys strikes me as a third party. Or at least he does to everyone else...
Practically confirmed town. HELP US.
Town vibes, but hasn't done anything really outstanding.
And to clear up any doubt of my activity level over the next two weeks: I will try to keep up with the game, and post when I can, but don't expect many postzillas coming out of me. I'll be back in full action no later than the 15th.
Now for this inn business.
1/2 of the following players are likely to be mafia:
Samlen, std, JK, GmK, Digi, Hype, Ansoro, and Tim
Honestly, it seems like good odds, despite myself being on that list x3