Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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Holy lord I, for once, ninja'd someone :'3

But yes, I claimed my role in my inn.
Just to clear that up for anyone else who may get confused by that
Well we *could* just forgo any caution and do/assume the following:

- Samlen / Std1997 / cooliorules / 77_is_the_best are together in an inn.
- We assume (no matter if I personally highly doubt it) that there must be a scum in each inn
- 77 is safe, coolio is safe (due to whatever claim and stuff happened)
- Leaves samlen and std1997

-> We now have a 50% chance to lynch scum.

We lynch one of the two, and if it's not scum, we have something to go off for tomorrow.

(but boy oh boy is this flawed in many ways, on the other hand, we're getting to a point where people will have to vote upon their gut feeling)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Yes, well, as much as this can be flawed logic, we have to rely on something to make our decision. Considering the fact that there has been a mafia in every inn in every single game Blocktopia has had to date, I think it's our safest bet.

I see this as the best option we have at the moment, to be honest.

vote std1997


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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If I wanted to post them, I would have done so with my vote.
That doesn't exactly feel very helpful for the town... not sure why you wouldn't post your suspicions for a vote since that usually comes off as anti-town =S

Now on the subject of inns and possibly being one Pirate per inn, I believe these are the people in the inns.

The Small Crappy Saloon:
Fiesta (Dead townie)
Jivvi (Dead Sheriff)
Ooglie (Dead Sheriff)
Uknown (Most likely living, plausible Pirate)

The Smallest Crappiest Saloon
Samlen (Living unknown)
77_is_the_best (Living (assumed) townie)
Cooliorules (Living unknown)
std1997 (Living unknown)

The Saloon I Can't Remember the Name of
Endersteve5 (Living Unknown)
Jeercrul (Living Unknown)
Swate (Dead sort of Unknown (I'm assuming Pirate here for now))
Storm886 (Living third-party Alien (presumably))

8/13 living people in inns

If we look at this, then yes, it IS possible that the 'one Pirate per inn' theory could exist, and since the last member of The Small Crappy Saloon hasn't outed themselves (after being asked for many times), then I believe that the last person could very well be a Pirate.
My personal theory on the inns is that they were mostly randomized (hence two sheriffs in one inn), but were made sure to have one Pirate per inn. Though another possibility is that they were purposefully set up this way, but I'm not completely certain on that either, though it would still most likely mean that there was one Pirate per inn.
With this in mind, I suppose it sort of makes Ender and Jeer look innocent from my standpoint (since I still feel like Swate was a Pirate). This would also make it look like whomever the remaining member of The Small Crappy Saloon is would be a Pirate also. The only bit I'm not sure of is my own inn. I do feel that 77 is (most likely) town-sided, which from my viewpoint, would leave Std and Coolio as suspects (Since I do claim to be town). I don't feel like I've really seen anything to make either of them seem town-like, but the way Std has been acting does make him seem more anti-town to me than Coolio, but I can't say I'm completely certain about this, since I haven't seen much of anything to suggest town from either of them, and I don't feel like I've had enough to properly judge about from either of them really.
Then again, there's a slight possibility that the inns really were completely randomized, and we're chasing after nothing, but it does feel more likely that this is not the case (at least to me).
On another note here, if we believe there's just one Pirate per inn, and we believe there's most likely 5 pirates total (4 living since Swate's dead), then at least 2/5 remaining people not in inns is also a pirate. Since we don't know the last member of the Small Crappy Saloon, then it's likely that 3/6 of the people whom haven't claimed to be in an inn are a Pirate (Which includes these people: Jkangaroo, GmK, Digitalmez, Hypeburst, Ansoro, Timdood).
If we look at this, then agreeing with the idea of 'One Pirate Per Inn' would lead us to two groups to lynch from. Either someone from my Inn (which is a 1/4 chance) or someone whom hasn't claimed to be in an inn (which is a 3/6 chance). Now, these numbers could vary, depending on what viewpoint your are looking from (i.e., I see myself as town and 77 as likely town so it looks like a 1/2 chance to lynch someone from my inn instead of 1/4 chance), but it DOES suggest that we're a lot more likely to lynch a Pirate if we look outside of the inns than inside of them.
Back to the topic of lynching someone from my inn, I'd prefer to hear more (don't know what of yet, just more) from my other inn members on the matter before I decide whom I think is most likely a Pirate among my inn members. As for the people whom haven't claimed to be in an inn, I haven't decided whom among them seems most likely to be a Pirate yet, but since (from my reasoning) 3/6 of them are Pirates, I'll be looking at them closely.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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That doesn't exactly feel very helpful for the town... not sure why you wouldn't post your suspicions for a vote since that usually comes off as anti-town =S
Bandwagoning without reasoning is suspicious. Having reasons and initiating a vote based on them, while not revealing those reasons is not. People can trust me on this and follow my lead, or they can choose to ignore me and vote for whoever they deem most suspicious, with the way the winds are blowing right now, that would be std, which would also be favourable from my point of view, although I'd much rather lynch you at this point.

On another note here, if we believe there's just one Pirate per inn, and we believe there's most likely 5 pirates total (4 living since Swate's dead), then at least 2/5 remaining people not in inns is also a pirate. Since we don't know the last member of the Small Crappy Saloon, then it's likely that 3/6 of the people whom haven't claimed to be in an inn are a Pirate (Which includes these people: Jkangaroo, GmK, Digitalmez, Hypeburst, Ansoro, Timdood).
If we look at this, then agreeing with the idea of 'One Pirate Per Inn' would lead us to two groups to lynch from. Either someone from my Inn (which is a 1/4 chance) or someone whom hasn't claimed to be in an inn (which is a 3/6 chance). Now, these numbers could vary, depending on what viewpoint your are looking from (i.e., I see myself as town and 77 as likely town so it looks like a 1/2 chance to lynch someone from my inn instead of 1/4 chance), but it DOES suggest that we're a lot more likely to lynch a Pirate if we look outside of the inns than inside of them.
Nice diversion.

Then again, if we look at the facts that 77 is next to confirmed as a townie due to his role, and coolio apparently claimed something in the inn that makes her look very town-like in 77's eyes, I guess that still leaves us with 1/2 chance from your inn as well. We're not gonna go after the ones that seem to be more town than not, are we?

And just as a sidenote, GmK is still just as suspicious to me as he was when I posted my opinion on all the living players.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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-sigh- They weren't that important anyway, at least one of them was just so I could make a joke. :c
...And I just got ninja'ed by Samlen with the inn thing....I was going to say that...Most of it anyway...

Now for my list of thoughts ^-^ (in no particular order)

He's claimed alien. Alien=thid party, but not exactly anti-town. He can live, but that doesn't mean I have to like it..

My hunch on him still remains!!!~
However, there's still nothing really to support it, and I'm beginning to doubt it.

Feels pretty town, and I'm seeing myself agreeing with a lot of what he says.

"Mini-JK" ...I don't like this. It's totally personal.
But on a more serious note, that is a very accurate title, even if I was striving to get it myself :p
His logic is pretty well thought out, and I'm agreeing with most of it.

I really want to think he's town, but I don't think I can....Something about the initial argument seems flawed, but the rest of the evidence seems somewhat solid...Why am I so damn hesitant to have an opinion half the time, yet other times I'm so set? ;-;

Speaking of set opinions! I'm as set in my thought that Ooglie was insane as JK is the Ooglie was sane...I feel with the utmost certainty that Digi is town. As for her name, "Abhorrent Adam": If she felt that the name would incriminate herself with the name, I'm sure she would have invented something more innocent-sounding. The fact that she was forthcoming and honest about it just makes me think it was an unfortunate coincidence. As Ender(?) suggested, it's probably because of the story, Adam takes part in something that's maybe taboo in the little desert community...Or maybe he just doesn't shower! :p

I remember one of the quotes I'd taken! :D
She mentioned something about me getting advice from the mafia or an inn...My response: Or I'm just a townie giving my thoughts? ;-;
I'm not in an inn and I'd imagine mafia can only talk at night. If I was getting advice from the mafia, I'd probably just drop it all at the start of the day and then I'd end up quiet. That hasn't happened (has it? o-o ).

I guess I just don't like that you find me suspicious because I've been trying to help? ;-;

Now on to what I think of her.
She doesn't really strike me as anti-town, but she doesn't exactly scream "town" either...I'm leaning towards town, but one can never quite be certain with Coolio.

Recently inactive, World Cup. It's pretty reasonable, if you ask me. As far as I can remember, he's been helping the town, and as such, feels town.

I know GmK is good at mafia, and that scares me a little. He's been seeming fairly pro-town, but now that people have pointed it out, I'll be keeping an eye on him. If he is mafia, then he's had me fooled this whole time. o-o

My idol right here. I'm trying not to be biased, but his logic is always impeccable, and he always seems to have things pretty well thought out. Just because we disagree on Digi's alignment doesn't mean I find him suspicious. This guy's probably one of our best tools. (Totally not biased at all ;-; )

This guys strikes me as a third party. Or at least he does to everyone else...

Practically confirmed town. HELP US.

Town vibes, but hasn't done anything really outstanding.

And to clear up any doubt of my activity level over the next two weeks: I will try to keep up with the game, and post when I can, but don't expect many postzillas coming out of me. I'll be back in full action no later than the 15th.

Now for this inn business.
1/2 of the following players are likely to be mafia:
Samlen, std, JK, GmK, Digi, Hype, Ansoro, and Tim

Honestly, it seems like good odds, despite myself being on that list x3


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
And to clear up any doubt of my activity level over the next two weeks: I will try to keep up with the game, and post when I can, but don't expect many postzillas coming out of me. I'll be back in full action no later than the 15th.
Just remember that we have a deadline in 48hrs from this post, so if you want your voice to be heard (after all it's the 'only' proper power we have against scum during daytime, to vote) make sure to vote until then.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Then again, if we look at the facts that 77 is next to confirmed as a townie due to his role, and coolio apparently claimed something in the inn that makes her look very town-like in 77's eyes, I guess that still leaves us with 1/2 chance from your inn as well. We're not gonna go after the ones that seem to be more town than not, are we?
Looking at this, I do trust 77 as being town, but I'm undecided as to whether or not I should believe Coolio's claim or not. I had to even look back to find Coolio's claim, since it was small and said almost nothing other than she was claiming to be town (unless I somehow missed something, but I rechecked all nights of our inn chat to make sure I didn't miss anything). Of course, other than that, Std still has 'felt' less town-like than Coolio, but, like I said, I'm still uncertain on this and there's not a lot to back up suspicion for either.

People can trust me on this and follow my lead, or they can choose to ignore me and vote for whoever they deem most suspicious, with the way the winds are blowing right now, that would be std, which would also be favourable from my point of view, although I'd much rather lynch you at this point.
I saw this, and I'm trying to make sense of it right now... it looks like you're saying that lynching Std would favourable (most desired), but then say you'd rather lynch me. Other than being completely contradictory, I don't know what to think of this ._.

I can't say I know how else to respond to your post, since it doesn't even completely make sense to me, but on the subject of whom would be a better idea to lynch, I'm still going to see what the rest of my inn says before I finalize my decision.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
I know this is slightly pedantic, but please:

@GmK I'm in the same in as 77 (claimed that one a while back). I claimed in the inn one night. 77 said that the role I claimed seems believable. I won't be claiming in the open thread for now, however.

I had to even look back to find Coolio's claim, since it was small and said almost nothing other than she was claiming to be town (unless I somehow missed something, but I rechecked all nights of our inn chat to make sure I didn't miss anything).

I'm still going to see what the rest of my inn says before I finalize my decision.
Not a lot of respect for what your inn-mates want, or?

(This post has no big relevance, I just had to smile when I saw your post in comparison to coolios wish not to claim openly)


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I just reviewed my (limited) knowledge of Mafia terminology, and I think I might have slightly derped in trying to understand Coolio's claim in our inn chat. I'd ask you guys for help in this, but that might give away Coolio's role (if it is her role, which I'm still not *completely* certain on) =S My view is still mostly the same, but I can see why 77 might believe Coolio's claim right now.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I think I'm just going to remind everyone that there's a good possibility of std's role not showing upon death. We had a lynch not show, and night kill show, and now...will this lynch? I'm just saying this because I sense most of the plans forming around the confirmation of std's alignment.

If his role doesn't show, I don't know where we'll be.

And I just had a thought: instead of a structured pattern of what shows and what doesn't, as far as roles go, maybe it's 50/50 on whether or not it shows....Just a thought, and voicing thoughts is generally better than not doing
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