Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Jan 23, 2012
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Std, there's so many wrong things right now. First you're saying you didn't noticed Ooglie's claim and then you say you DID read it but didn't trust him? I've said this many times. I dislike when people contradicte thenselves. That's a big alert for me. And saying you just "Gave Up" doesn't do it for me.

Then you make a "mistake" with your name calling yourself "Bloody Drake" instead of "Bloody Blake". Which I don't actually believe you made a mistake there. Nice catch there, Coolio!

It just doesn't fit together at all. This feels like a huge lie to me if I were to be honest.

Besides you lurking the entire game and now all of this happening I'm sure about my vote now.

Vote Std1997


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Soooo sketchy claim, I do have a few questions. You claim to be Bloody Drake (Then Blake, seems bit of a large misspelling to just overlook ._.), yet in your message you say you are the 'Mistletoe'. Did your role pm say you were Bloody Blake and Mistletoe? I figured that the role pms were given a name and a description of what they did (or at least I did) and not a name, description, and a role name that doesn't even fit (Maybe one or more people could help confirm this, as long as you understand what I'm trying to say). From what I've seen, mistletoe = match making of some sort, which your claim has very little to nothing to with. It all honestly feels... like a rushed defense, not thought out very well.
I'll wait to vote until tomorrow, partially since I want to see what std wants to say, and partially since I'm curious about the answers to my questions, but I don't think there's anything that could change whom I'm going to be voting for anyways (If there's no answers to either, I'll still vote anyways).


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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There's four votes for Std ~ GmK, HypeBurst, coolioruless, ansoro2112

Sorry it's not pretty, I'm doing this on my phone :c
Almost ;)


std1997 (4)
- GmK, HypeBurst, cooliorules, ansoro2112 (3 to lynch)
samlen (1) - endersteve5 (6 to lynch)

Not voted (8) - THE REST(Jeercrul, digitalmez, std1997, timdood3, storm886, Samlen, JKangaroo, 77_is_the_best)

It needs 7 to lynch


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Soooo sketchy claim, I do have a few questions. You claim to be Bloody Drake (Then Blake, seems bit of a large misspelling to just overlook ._.), yet in your message you say you are the 'Mistletoe'. Did your role pm say you were Bloody Blake and Mistletoe? I figured that the role pms were given a name and a description of what they did (or at least I did) and not a name, description, and a role name that doesn't even fit (Maybe one or more people could help confirm this, as long as you understand what I'm trying to say). From what I've seen, mistletoe = match making of some sort, which your claim has very little to nothing to with. It all honestly feels... like a rushed defense, not thought out very well.
I'll wait to vote until tomorrow, partially since I want to see what std wants to say, and partially since I'm curious about the answers to my questions, but I don't think there's anything that could change whom I'm going to be voting for anyways (If there's no answers to either, I'll still vote anyways).
Samlen, using the role PM mechanics for an argument is not allowed, since it could lead to people unfairly breaking a setup as well as figuring out things they shouldn't know at that time. Any further posts from anyone using PM mechanics as an argument will have their post content edited out and/or deleted, to keep the game fair.


Dec 10, 2012
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Doctor or mistletoe?

Doctor saves someone.
Your claim protects two people or kills two people.
My name is Bloody Blake and my role is Mistletoe but it seems for the purpose of this game. I serve to the effect of Doctor instead of Matchmaker.

Also I don't kill people. People kill people. Literally. My power tries to save two people by immunizing them to night kills for that night (which I thought sounded more like protecting) IF they are of the same alignment but if they are not and one of the two players I select are NOT of the same alignment. They both die from the night kill, not me.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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There seems to be quite a lot against him, but he does seem sincere in his defense....I'm torn ;-;
So what happens if we lynch std and he turns up town? And then because of the theory of "1 mafia per inn" we go and lynch Samlen, and he turns up town, too.
That'd be a townie lynched, a townie shot, then another townie lynched.
Currently we have 13 players, and the above scenario alone, even excluding the nightkill after that, would leave just 10 of us. Assuming we have five pirates left, that leaves us as, guess what, game over: pirate win! :c

That's just hypothetical, of course...I just really don't want that to be the case, because if std comes up town (Which he might not come up at all!) I feel like people will go straight for the throats of Samlen and/or Coolio. 77 trusts Coolio, and I trust 77 (he's practically clear). I also trust Samlen (Samlen you should probably claim in the inn tonight, and 77 can decide whether or not he believes you, blah blah~).

However...If std truly is mafia, then the above hypothetical never has to go down. I'm just saying what we shouldn't do if he flips town. Which, I think is 50/50, but I'm basing my belief mainly in that he seems sincere, which isn't really the hardest thing to fake...

I don't want to do this, but it seems to be the best option.

Vote std1997


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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One person having the ability to save two people per night or kill an anti-town w/ a town person doesn't sound... plausible. What can you say that'd convince me otherwise? You say you can protect or potentially kill two people per night, yet we've lost multiple very useful people during the nights whom claimed the day before. I still find it hard to believe your claim, but I do want to stay as cautious as possible. Maybe you can start with telling us whom you've 'protected' each night and why.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Maybe you can start with telling us whom you've 'protected' each night and why.
God damn it, I knew I was forgetting something.
I started making a post last night about std also being able to clear people, similar to a cop.
The post was then lost when my computer started having issues with the power source.

It will not clear them 100%, but it could give them a bit more credibility o-o


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Ok, so the quick version of why I find that std is more likely to be mafia than Samlen is here:

His behaviour just suggests it much more than Samlen's does.

-Once GmK and I stated we found him suspicious, guess who he regards as suspicious? GmK and I. Seems like an attempt to divert suspicion off of himself and at the same time, to discredit those who do view him as suspicious. He has one vote on him and only a couple of others who view him as actually suspicious, not just "lurking", but he goes out of his way to try and get this suspicion off of himself. While it doesn't exactly scream "MAFIA ERMG LYNCH NAO" to me, it does show a little that he's panicking. And mafia are much more prone to that than town.

-Lurking and posting only when "he deems it necessary", meaning he only ever posts to either defend himself or to avoid being seen as a lurker. I think he actually even stated it himself somewhere, although don't quote me on that, as I'm not too sure of that.

-The claim. First of all, why not protect Ooglie by pairing him with 77, who was pretty much confirmed town? If he was who he said he was, he'd be protected and std would know he's town. If he was lying, we'd lose one blue in exchange for one mafia/third-party. Seems like a pretty reasonable exchange to me. First saying that he didn't see his claim at all and then saying he did see it but don't know why he didn't protect him because it was a while back isn't exactly helping his case either in my eyes.

(I also had something else in the last paragraph, but to be on the safe side, I decided to exclude this as I am not sure if it would mean I would use PM mechanics or not.)


Dec 10, 2012
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N2: I selected Hypeburst and Digitalmez. (I had hoped someone would hit one of them considering I considered them both scum during the first day and thought I could take out two mafia with one thing but they were not and instead Notty died. I think that's why I selected them anyways)

N3: GmK and Timdood3 (Once again, was hoping to protect two players I thought were important that day. I don't remember my exact thought process but I think that was roughly it.)

N4: Storm886 and JKangaroo (I was once again hoping to take out a mafia by getting storm and JK killed but once again, someone else got hit that was actually important to the town.)

-Once GmK and I stated we found him suspicious, guess who he regards as suspicious? GmK and I. Seems like an attempt to divert suspicion off of himself and at the same time, to discredit those who do view him as suspicious. He has one vote on him and only a couple of others who view him as actually suspicious, not just "lurking", but he goes out of his way to try and get this suspicion off of himself. While it doesn't exactly scream "MAFIA ERMG LYNCH NAO" to me, it does show a little that he's panicking. And mafia are much more prone to that than town.
I also said I found JKangaroo and Samlen suspicious because they both unvoted as soon as I did even though they were practically the people who made the massive case against her but yes. I do find you suspicious because GmK comes out with this far-left fielder idea of how every 3rd vote usually means that person is mafia or can mean they are because mafia try to hide in the middle ground or "the butter zone" as I believe he put it.

Also I tend to panic when everyone in the game seems to have their main FoS on me merely because I was lurking and tried to defend myself against the double team by GmK and you.

-The claim. First of all, why not protect Ooglie by pairing him with 77, who was pretty much confirmed town? If he was who he said he was, he'd be protected and std would know he's town. If he was lying, we'd lose one blue in exchange for one mafia/third-party. Seems like a pretty reasonable exchange to me. First saying that he didn't see his claim at all and then saying he did see it but don't know why he didn't protect him because it was a while back isn't exactly helping his case either in my eyes.
Hypeburst asked why I didn't re-read the discussion of that day and what I meant was that I did and saw Ooglie's claim but I didn't see it until after he had been killed because I didn't read the day's discussion until AFTER he had died.

Also what reason would I have to lie about that? Why would I claim to be an idiot and make myself look stupid like this? To hide my super-genius mafia plan behind my back so I can get off the hook by playing ignorant?

And saying you just "Gave Up" doesn't do it for me.
I've got a lot of other things than this game that I participate in and I ended up losing a mass of my interest in this game and activity but I didn't want to ask for a replacement considering how far into the game we were and it seemed like I was doing OK in my eyes.

-Lurking and posting only when "he deems it necessary", meaning he only ever posts to either defend himself or to avoid being seen as a lurker. I think he actually even stated it himself somewhere, although don't quote me on that, as I'm not too sure of that.
I wanted to try a new playstyle for this game with me putting more thought into posting and trying to play more defensive than going after someone and making a fool of myself everytime I misunderstood something. Though it would seem this new playstyle is not working out because my opinions were of weak quality and unnoticeable and then defending myself against people with this new and sudden aggressiveness made me seem more scum more than a townie. Which means this playstyle is definitely out the window for the future.

I also don't believe I said I post to avoid being a lurker but I did say I'd try to post my opinions more often in hopes of picking the game up and if nothing else just to be avoid being called lurker.

I think I've already explained the whole "what I deem necessary" thing quite a bit ago but if not then I'd more than happy to explain it again.

tl;dr My case of defense is that I've been lazy and playing ignorantly with my role thus far and I promise I will try to actually play my role correctly if I survive today. I know my defense so far has been overly aggressive and mainly has made me seem more scum than townie but I hope you'll leave me one more day to try again because I promise you that if we lose me (our doctor) today than the town will be in deep dish trouble from here on out.

Hopefully this cleared somethings up for everyone.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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N2: I selected Hypeburst and Digitalmez. (I had hoped someone would hit one of them considering I considered them both scum during the first day and thought I could take out two mafia with one thing but they were not and instead Notty died. I think that's why I selected them anyways)

N3: GmK and Timdood3 (Once again, was hoping to protect two players I thought were important that day. I don't remember my exact thought process but I think that was roughly it.)

N4: Storm886 and JKangaroo (I was once again hoping to take out a mafia by getting storm and JK killed but once again, someone else got hit that was actually important to the town.)
Pssst, I think you messed up the labels.

Aside from that,I think you may have misunderstood your role (Or just forgot how you faked it? :O ). As you described it, you choose two players. If both of those players are of the same alignment, they are both protected. If they are different alignment and one of them is hit, both die.

That said, you selected hype and Digi because "I considered them both scum" and so, if you were correct in that, they would have been protected, with no chance of them dying.

This part isn't exactly incriminating, I just found it confusing. "Once again, was hoping to protect. . ."
Were you hoping to protect Hype and Digi, thinking they were mafia? Just strikes me as odd....And ....Actually makes me kinda suspicious of them ...Hype at least, because I'm confident that Digi is town (reasons listed a million times).

It's probably a bit late for this, considering all that's happened, and whether or not your claim is real, but it seems like a really good and versatile role. A mistletoe of this description could choose two town members and protect not one, but two players a night. Another use of the role would be to choose one mafia (based off of the mistletoe's own suspicions) and one townie that he thinks is likely to be shot at night, potentially killing a mafia member.

Also...d'aww you tried to protect me <3


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Pssst, I think you messed up the labels.

Aside from that,I think you may have misunderstood your role (Or just forgot how you faked it? :O ). As you described it, you choose two players. If both of those players are of the same alignment, they are both protected. If they are different alignment and one of them is hit, both die.

That said, you selected hype and Digi because "I considered them both scum" and so, if you were correct in that, they would have been protected, with no chance of them dying.

This part isn't exactly incriminating, I just found it confusing. "Once again, was hoping to protect. . ."
Were you hoping to protect Hype and Digi, thinking they were mafia? Just strikes me as odd....And ....Actually makes me kinda suspicious of them ...Hype at least, because I'm confident that Digi is town (reasons listed a million times).

It's probably a bit late for this, considering all that's happened, and whether or not your claim is real, but it seems like a really good and versatile role. A mistletoe of this description could choose two town members and protect not one, but two players a night. Another use of the role would be to choose one mafia (based off of the mistletoe's own suspicions) and one townie that he thinks is likely to be shot at night, potentially killing a mafia member.

Also...d'aww you tried to protect me <3
As I've said I messed up using my role pretty badly so far... <_>


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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@Timdood3 how exactly does it make me suspicious if someone targeted me one night? Honestly that doesn't make sense at all
I...I don't really know..The fact that he was trying to protect you while thinking you were mafia just seemed a bit odd. I tend to just hit post before making sure everything makes sense....And thanks to ADD my train of thought tends to go all over the place, putting thoughts where they don't belong. That doesn't make you suspicious at all wtf was I thinking? xD
It was just a matter of his odd wording messing with my thought process, don't worry about it <3
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