Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Sep 15, 2011
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Before I come to the defence of std1997, let me address one thing, even though it's already been addressed -
std1997 said:
"Abhorrent Adam" is just red lights for me.
Oh hello there...
std1997 said:
I'd rather trust an Alien for another day than a killer.
I'm the Mistletoe. I protect two people every night. If they're of different alignments and one is hit during the night, they both die. If they're of the same alignment, neither die.
I don't understand your vote against me given the similarities of our roles. I would have expected empathy and for you to make the connection between our characters. Which is that, we were both given unfortunate pseudonyms with abilities that are out of our control. Without assurance from investigative roles we are left to our own devices and are forced to go with our gut instinct each night.
I believe your claim, but I wish that you weren't so hapless in the management of your role. There are all these scenarios that could have helped town a great deal, but we're here now and perhaps you can focus a bit more.
I understand the mistakes you've made, but I don't feel that you're guilty of Mafia. I think what's important now are the readings of the pairings you've made. Just so I'm clear, are you ever made aware of their alignments?


Sep 15, 2011
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I ask if you're made aware because of this - Mistletoe

Also, with the Inns. Have we established who the Unknown is that resides in The Small Crappy Saloon?
I've deduced it to GmK, Ansoro, Timdood, JKangaroo and Hype. There's myself included, but I know I'm definitely not in the Saloon and I wouldn't be asking if I was.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I ask if you're made aware because of this - Mistletoe

Also, with the Inns. Have we established who the Unknown is that resides in The Small Crappy Saloon?
I've deduced it to GmK, Ansoro, Timdood, JKangaroo and Hype. There's myself included, but I know I'm definitely not in the Saloon and I wouldn't be asking if I was.
I know for sure JK and I claimed to not be in inns long before anyone in the inn was dead, so it's impossible that either of us could have lied about it in order to not be accused of being a pirate for being in an inn. There may be others included in this group, but I'm not about to go back and check x3

That may have been confusing. Basically, it can't be me or JK (and possibly others).


Sep 15, 2011
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I know for sure JK and I claimed to not be in inns long before anyone in the inn was dead, so it's impossible that either of us could have lied about it in order to not be accused of being a pirate for being in an inn. There may be others included in this group, but I'm not about to go back and check x3

That may have been confusing. Basically, it can't be me or JK (and possibly others).
Then that would leave GmK, Ansoro and Hype.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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So Digi can official be added to the list of people that are for sure not in the inn.
Also, The name of the inn everyone forgot is the damp attic saloon \o/

I think if the anonymous inn patron was town, they would have outed sooner, so I think it's probable that at least one of GmK, Hype, and Ansoro is a pirate.

And just because we aren't in inns, it's still possible that Digi/JK are mafia, though I don't think it's very probable.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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N2: I selected Hypeburst and Digitalmez. (I had hoped someone would hit one of them considering I considered them both scum during the first day and thought I could take out two mafia with one thing but they were not and instead Notty died. I think that's why I selected them anyways)

N3: GmK and Timdood3 (Once again, was hoping to protect two players I thought were important that day. I don't remember my exact thought process but I think that was roughly it.)

N4: Storm886 and JKangaroo (I was once again hoping to take out a mafia by getting storm and JK killed but once again, someone else got hit that was actually important to the town.)
We've had four nights total so far (The last night's kill still hasn't been put up yet) and Notty died the first night, not the second night =P Also, you seemed confused by your own roles mechanics from N2 (as you put it) when you try to 'kill' two people whom you believed were both Pirates (which, if they were both were Pirates, would have been protected). I can understand that replacing Sploorky may have caused the confusion in the number of nights you protected people (He wasn't replaced until after night 1, right?), so can you answer this (just for confirmation); Were you informed of whom Sploorky 'protected' night 1?


Dec 10, 2012
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We've had four nights total so far (The last night's kill still hasn't been put up yet) and Notty died the first night, not the second night =P Also, you seemed confused by your own roles mechanics from N2 (as you put it) when you try to 'kill' two people whom you believed were both Pirates (which, if they were both were Pirates, would have been protected). I can understand that replacing Sploorky may have caused the confusion in the number of nights you protected people (He wasn't replaced until after night 1, right?), so can you answer this (just for confirmation); Were you informed of whom Sploorky 'protected' night 1?
Sploorky did not use his ability on Night 1.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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So Digi can official be added to the list of people that are for sure not in the inn.
Also, The name of the inn everyone forgot is the damp attic saloon \o/

I think if the anonymous inn patron was town, they would have outed sooner, so I think it's probable that at least one of GmK, Hype, and Ansoro is a pirate.

And just because we aren't in inns, it's still possible that Digi/JK/Tim* are mafia, though I don't think it's very probable.
These are all... what is the term?
I guess these are all basically "ultimatums" or some sort of fallacy, or something along those lines, with assumptions or logic which essentially leaves no real room for other possibilities / reasons / etc based on general assumptions, which I'm frankly not a big fan of.

Digi cannot be crossed off that list, because frankly, even though some players claimed long ago that they weren't in an inn (only me, tim, and Duffie as far as I could find after reading back; I think oak did as well somewhere?)
That doesn't pertain much to the current scenario.
All but 1 of an inn is dead, personally, anyone who says they aren't in an inn currently I would say has a claim that needs to be taken with a large grain of salt; how do we know they aren't lying?
That would especially be the case if we go with what you are saying: "if they were town, they would've outed themselves sooner"
Seeing as I'm assuming that you are merely crossing digi off that list as you trust her claim, and that I don't, that doesn't really help matters; all options should be open.

And that "if they were town, they would've outed themselves sooner" argument... I feel like there was a similar argument (similar, seeing as there weren't any inns in the older seasons) similar to that.
I don't like this argument, though that may simply be because I believe that there is no "1 mafia per inn room" theory (seriously though, that's already been used in past games, why do it again? It's too predictable, especially after it was just used in the past season that also had inns, it makes no sense)
And what about the theory that the final player may be a helpful town role who doesn't want to out themselves simply as it would put a big target on their heads both 1) on players who follow that "1 mafia per room" belief who may or may not be convinced of the final person outing, and 2) Mafia who will undoubtedly kill them should the role be important whatsoever (as killing an important role is better than to kill a blue or blindly). They did that to Ooglie last night who had revealed that morning, as well as Jivvi, the other cop (despite the Mad Mike claim).
Frankly, I believe that more than the 1 mafia per inn idea, which I deem silly (possible, but not the most probable, imo)

Because that is what I believe, I would like to request those players who haven't revealed if they're in an inn or not (even those that have already claimed such, like digi, which could be a lie or not) to keep such information to themselves.
That is of course, a request depending if you trust in my logic or not, so I can't stop you.

I was actually hoping to get more responses from other players before I made a final vote, but seeing as the deadline is soon, I don't think I will get those, so I will also be voting std here.
I still feel digi is anti-town in some regard, Ooglie could not have been insane, though there are too many outside factors (which I went over before) that I'm tentatively holding my vote.
Std up to this point, as made little sense in regard to his claim and frankly, I can't find it believable.
Incredibly strange reasons for picking certain players to "protect/save" or "hope to get killed" just seems bizarre and with how long this game has been going on, especially with how early in the game Sploorky was replaced, it's hard to believe that the role wouldn't be understood to such an extant.

I'm also not wholly convinced that you simply "didn't see Ooglie's role until it was to late" ordeal as the reason to why you didn't try to protect him.
One reason is mainly due to your "savings" during that night, being me and storm, the same night Ooglie died:
N4: Storm886 and JKangaroo (I was once again hoping to take out a mafia by getting storm and JK killed but once again, someone else got hit that was actually important to the town.)
Now, up until this point, you haven't exactly "stuck" with any 2 players, just going on two different players every single time, which cements my aleady held belief that this is all a very contrived means of a defense to avoid being lynched (using your role in strange ways like if you believed Hype and Digi were scum and targeted them, then they would probably be protected and not attacked at all, as is the case here).
But it also somewhat clashes with what you said previously:
because I didn't read the day's discussion until AFTER he had died.
Your target was storm that night. Storm claimed third-party alien, which must mean you assumed I was Mafia, which also doesn't make sense in regards to what I said above^^.
If not however (of the above and he did use his role according to what he said is its abilities), he thought he would kill at least one of us(should we both have been different alignments, thus both get killed if attacked), I can only assume that std DID see storm's claim about the alien, so he would be 3rd party and I would be Mafia in this instance. Due to this I can, again, only assume that you did read yesterday in some regard.

And really, shouldn't any doctor read the previous day BEFORE making a decision as important as the possibility of saving someone?!. A doctor is a HUGE town-PR that could save the town from a lot of scenarios (I mean look at digi back in that one Mafia Lite(right season?); how did you even come to the conclusion that either me or storm was Mafia/scum if you didn't read anything that day. It's extremely random.

The misspelling of "Blake" to "Drake" adds onto what I feel is like a horribly rushed defense to simply avoid getting lynched.

I want to believe it, because its a doctor, no one wants to take a chance on killing a potential, powerful, town role, but everything just seems so... wrong with your claim.
If anything, you're a 3rd-party, not a Mafia, and part of your claim is true but your hiding part of it from us with a frontload of other information that may or may not be true, like Prizyms, who WAS a doctor, but also a serial killer at the same time. (and that was a lynch I am quite glad happened).
I'm going to have to Vote to lynch std1997


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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And seeing as I'm still suspicious of @digitalmez I was reading around, I noticed something I wanted to get clarification on
Since we just asked std to clarifying the night actions, seeing as I can't find them anywhere else (like, who you targeted each night, like N1, N2, etc, not general) can you also clarify that? (seeing as all I can find is this basic list):
In the three nights I've deflected my ability onto -
Jeercrul - There was something you posted in the beginning of the game that made me suspicious of you. I cannot recollect what it was.
Duffie - For all the silly suspicions I had towards him.
Timdood3 - I didn't trust his defence of Duffie.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Digi cannot be crossed off that list, because frankly, even though some players claimed long ago that they weren't in an inn (only me, tim, and Duffie as far as I could find after reading back; I think oak did as well somewhere?)
That doesn't pertain much to the current scenario.
All but 1 of an inn is dead, personally, anyone who says they aren't in an inn currently I would say has a claim that needs to be taken with a large grain of salt; how do we know they aren't lying?
That would especially be the case if we go with what you are saying: "if they were town, they would've outed themselves sooner"
Seeing as I'm assuming that you are merely crossing digi off that list as you trust her claim, and that I don't, that doesn't really help matters; all options should be open.
I crossed her off the list because She claimed that she wasn't in an inn around the same time we did.

That said...It's time to end this day :c

Vote std1997


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
And seeing as I'm still suspicious of @digitalmez I was reading around, I noticed something I wanted to get clarification on
Since we just asked std to clarifying the night actions, seeing as I can't find them anywhere else (like, who you targeted each night, like N1, N2, etc, not general) can you also clarify that? (seeing as all I can find is this basic list):
Give me a bit to find the posts that made me suspicious of the following people that I chose.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I don't think we're even supposed to be posting...unless, of course, std miraculously doesn't have enough votes on him.
Yeah, I thought we weren't supposed to post after twilight started, or is that me being mistaken? (and I went back and checked, even after you unvoted he needed 2 more to be lynched, which just happened).
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