Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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I'm going to say now that Swate and/or GmK must have been scum sided otherwise I'm pretty sure we would have already been overrun, having a starting mafia count lower than 5 for a twenty person game seems improbable, so I trust Digi to be town sided if we believe that Ooglie was just insane and not random.

If he was insane, we don't know the nature of Ooglie's role, in that third party could have been included in the 'innocent' category (which I believe to be the scum) meaning that one of them could have been third party.


Sep 15, 2011
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Personally, I disagree with the one pirate per inn theory. It's exactly what happened last game, and It'd be too predictable. Not only that, but all of Coolio, 77 and Samlen seem above average on the credibility level.

As for this, GmK and Swate were both innocent on Ooglie's (insane) investigations. That means that they are the same alignment. You labeled GmK as a pirate, but Swate as innocent....I find it highly unlikely that ooglie was a confused cop.
Woop woop, it's the sound of the police.
Well Sheriffs.

HECK YEAH! Hello, my name is Ooglie101, or as I am called in this town - Sheriff Steve... I don't know what else to say really.

Night 1 I investigated Swate and he came up as innocent, which is why I went from attacking him harshly on Day 0 to not saying anything about him Day 1.
Night 2 I investigated Digitalmez but my results were delayed until last night.
Night 3 I received the investigation on Digitalmez - GUILTY. This was during the party but I wanted to save it for the day since if I revealed information and a possible doc had already made a save and couldn't change it to me and then the mafia came to kill me I would be screwed.
I investigated the remaining member of my inn last night but I can say that my results are still delayed and I wasn't told that I received the cursed tome last night so yay.

If anyone is curious, I did ask and I could not investigate myself or know if any Paranoid, Insane, etc roles existed. Since there were two cops it is possible that either me or Jivvi were paranoid. I will be voting Digi so if they come up as mafia/third party (not sure if third party falls into guilty) then I'd presume Swate is innocent or a godfather if one exists.

Seems like the tactic of playing suspiciously on the first few days to make the mafia think it'd be good if I stayed alive helps I guess \o/ And obviously I will...

vote digitalmez
I put that into consideration a long time ago: again, insane + lazy? seems off.
And again, there are too many different scenarios that frankly no one is going to agree on until we find out their actual roles when the game ends(if they release the convo roles/we get closure from dead peoplesss) so really, it just seems strange to me that he would be insane at any point in time.

Say for example, Ooglie WAS insane at first: Swate, his first investigation, turned up Innocent: but he was actually Mafia, we made the right lynch. This of course should we ignore that Swate may have been the Godfather (where I believe, I don't know how insane cop works when investigating Godfather but I would assume it would show the opposite, so instead of innocent it would show up as Guilty; also ignoring possible lawyering / framing / etc)

But, I would say its safe to say that Ooglie did become lazy after Donut Dan died (there's enough evidence to support that); lazy AND insane? seems improbable, but not impossible: I choose to believe he was only lazy, so its a matter of opinion.
If he WAS insane but BECAME lazy instead, then we can say that his other 2 investigations were---

blah blah blah etc etc now im just repeating myself from all the other times I said it before.
Let me just finish my actual post D:<
Just because Swate and GmK came out with innocent does not dispute the fact that different actions occurred on the nights they were investigated. I know I'm not Mafia - but there's no way to prove it. I can't really debate a Cop claim. What I do believe is that someone meddled with Ooglie's investigations. JK's post was just an example, since I don't think that Swate was Mafia.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I’ll stop causing confusion with the “Was Swate Innocent or Not” theory and instead focus on what people are talking about today.

Given Day 5’s events, what's your thoughts on Samlen and the lynch switch?
What do you think about Ender's and Samlen's suspicion on Storm?
Not only that, but all of Coolio, 77 and Samlen seem above average on the credibility level.
What's been said to make you think that now Samlen is credible after you hopped on that wagon on Day 6?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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What's been said to make you think that now Samlen is credible after you hopped on that wagon on Day 6?
"Also, what was up with the tag team vote from Hype, Ender, GmK, Timdood and Storm?"
To be honest, I had almost taken on a defeatist attitude, thinking that "Eh, he might be scum. If he is, great. If he's not, well...We don't have many other leads, and the game will end anyway."

However, it seems that a governor role trusts him, or he is the governor himself. The lynch being turned makes me feel like that whole bandwagon was a mistake. That said, I trust Samlen to indeed be town sided.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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digitalmez Towards what you said about how the arsonist might be overpowered if they continue another chain after the fire was set, when you have an important role to play in mafia, you have to prepare yourself for any worse case scenerio. I couldn't just say "ok, I'm preeeeety sure the arsonist won't be able to continue their chain after they ignite, so i'll just give myself up to him". Things COULD have backfired awfully and town would be left the in horrible position of having an arsonist on the loose with no firefighter. I had to do what I had to do.

Any other questions about it digi?


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I'm alive, again!

I don't believe Samlen one bit tbh. I just don't. Don't know why.

Storm I also don't trust either because he was generally out of the picture yesterday, but as soon as it was 1 vote left until the Samlen lynch, he just pops up, makes a small post (I'll quote that under here) and votes him to end the day.

Your posts are always so long! So many suspicions but they all have some reasoning behind them. It's just a matter of detecting the good and the bad. Samlen is all over the place. I think he could be a sk.

Vote samlen
Small post with a day-ending lynch. I don't like this.

Now yeah, they sort of contradict each other.
Imo, Samlen isn't town. But neither is storm. So that would generally mean that storm came in to lynch a town person, yes. Bussing and all though, so I believe that's what happened.
Honestly there isn't enough hard evidence (which I absolutely hate) to lynch either of them as of now, so I'll stay off that topic. If anything pops up, I shall make sure to point it out.

Tim brings up a good point about Duffie not being That overpowered. What I gather from the being able to re-ignite the flame, is that one night he would choose a person, the next night he would light them on fire.
If that's so (or even if it was the same night) it is just a modified version of the Serial Killer (or even Vig, just not on the same team) so it wouldn't be so overpowered as everyone makes it out to be. I don't see a reason for there to be a firefighter, honestly. I mean yeah, it counteracts the arsonist, but the arsonist isn't extremely overpowered, now that I take a step back and look at it.
Imho, I don't believe there is a firefighter. I just find it hard to believe.
I never really had an opinion on this, but now I do, and it's an opinion that is here to stay. Unless Hype dies and the role shows up (what witchcraft and wizardry would that be.. o_o ) I won't believe there is a firefighter.

I'll let you, Hype, respond to this before I decide if I'm going to vote or not.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
cooliorules I do agree that looking back on the role of the arsonist, it doesn't seem all that overpowered. But the problem is that we are really uncertain of the characteristics of the role. I'm pretty certain that Priz has not left one role unmodified and to our dismay we have been sticking to closely to what epicmafia or mafiascum (whichever site you use) has to say about the roles.

The fact that I could protect two targets at night, may suggest that the arsonist had the ability to douse two targets in one night, but I can't be sure because another person didnt come out and claim they were doused on day 1 and only storm claimed on day 2. But that brings in the argument that the doused targets could have been killed and so on which going into seems pointless just to back up a hypothetical scenario. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, yes the idea of what he think the arsonist was like seems non-overpowered, but Duffie could have had many other tricks up his sleeve that we didnt get to see because of his quick removal.

Due to the low death count of every night, I'm pretty certain that there's no S.K or vigilant in this game (also if there was a Vig then they would have just claimed and an S.K would just claim Vig too). Now the fact that the only roles that have the ability to kill in this game are the mafia and the arsonist explains why our "doctor" had such a disability on him. Std only had to protect against one killing threat which is the mafia so his ability was weakened, whereas I on the other hand had only the arsonist, I was weakened because I'm essentially useless at this point in the game. The two target thing kinda makes sense to bulk me up a bit, but I'm gunna be honest here and say my role is kinda shitty (thanks priz :c). Instead of having a fully fledged doctor in our midst, we kinda got one split up in two with large weaknesses, well at least thats how I see it.

Sorry If I missed something coolio <3


Sep 15, 2011
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Another thing that's been floating around in my head for quite a while: It wouldn't be overpowered at all in my opinion...The arsonist would have half the power of a normal serial killer.
I beg to differ. You're already given a power to douse as many people as possible and then set alight. Going with what Mafiawiki has explained the Arsonist to be, the ignition can only be used once. Why Priz would allow the Arsonist to reset his ignition seems like overkill. He's already a powerful character.

endersteve5 has storm talked a lot in the Inn?


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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I beg to differ. You're already given a power to douse as many people as possible and then set alight. Going with what Mafiawiki has explained the Arsonist to be, the ignition can only be used once. Why Priz would allow the Arsonist to reset his ignition seems like overkill. He's already a powerful character.

endersteve5 has storm talked a lot in the Inn?
Nope. I started asking questions tonight and he was very reluctant to answer at first, only after I played my final card and explained every single bit wrong about him did he change his attitude (quite drastically tbh) and gave in to my questions, which didn't really ask much anyway.

I was basically just reactiontesting him and I didn't quite like the results.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah we stick to the websites, and if we're going by that logic then there's nothing like your role. I know, this is Prizyms' game, and he's probably thrown in some of the weirdest and most annoying (for the town, annoying) roles, but I don't see the firefighter as something he would've put in.

I'm pretty certain that there's no S.K or vigilant in this game
I didn't say there was, I'm just saying that the arsonist is like a modified version of them ;3

I can understand the points you've made, but I just... I just have a feeling about this. I don't exactly know where it's from, but I don't believe that you are the firefighter, but I believe that you are anti-town.

Also, my inn was quiet during the night. There wasn't much spoken about apart from the fact that we all found storm a little suspicious. Samlen said he was going to speak to him today so \o/

I have a good feeling about this.

vote Hypeburst
(sorry <3)


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
It's really getting down to the wire, and voting on "I have a good feeling" is not beneficial for town. Before making a vote for anyone, please base it on something substantial. The day literally started today (irl) and rushing into votes based on hunches and feelings is how we are going to lose.

If you have any points I need to address please state them, but please don't be voting on hunches just a few hours into the day.
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