Std could protect (or kill) two people. You could protect two people from a dousing. That's protecting 4 people per night (or possible kill 2 protect 2).
What you're saying is basically the same thing as before. I've read it before, I don't need to be told it again.
Std couldn't directly kill people. However he could have doubled as a situational vigilante if he felt the need to (if he had been paying attention ;-; ). By choosing a player who was likely to die and someone that he thought was mafia, the kill would bypass the protection and also kill the selected mafia member. However, if the player was indeed town, the kill would be stopped, clearing both players when there turned up to be no kill. A very powerful role.
I say this because std basically had a triple role: Doctor, Vigilante, and Cop, with no real downside at all. We know as a fact that that's was his role, and yet it seems so overpowered. So why couldn't any other modified role be overpowered? Say for example...A firefighter? Which, in my opinion, isn't overpowered.
It is presumed that the Arsonist could douse one person per night, however it could have even been two, seeing as Hype could protect two. I don't think it's likely that Duffie could douse tow, however, given that Hype protected Ansoro from dousing, and no one else claimed to be doused that day. I feel like I get too off topic and into irrelevance when I explain things, but whatever. Duffie could only douse one person per night.
Personally, I don't think the Arsonist is even that powerful, seeing how Duffie could douse one and Hype can defend two. Nor is it even a question of the Firefighter's. It's a question of their power relative to each other, since they are very directly and specifically related. I do think that being able to protect two might be a bit overkill. Statistically, it
halves the Arsonist's chances of getting a successful douse. Overall, the Firefighter is much more powerful that the arsonist as far as numbers go.
However! I think the balance comes in that since the Firefighter knows not who the Arsonist is, they can only randomly defend people because on the same card, they know not the Arsonists allegiance (they can only assume) and thus don't have any way to predict who the Arsonist would douse. Not at first anyways.
Class, that concludes today's possibly irrelevant lecture. I hope I explained why I believe the Firefighter to not be overpowered. Please write your questions down and bring them to class tomorrow.