Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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If Samlen is getting pelted down with suspicion and he's the only thing stopping you from losing. I'm pretty sure you would have put a little more effort into protecting him, even if it would be at the cost of the trust of the mafia because if Samlen was lynched you would have lost anyway.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Votecount - The unofficial one I'm using to keep track of things for myself

HypeBurst (3) - Timdood3, cooliorules, 77_is_the_best (-1 to lynch)
Timdood3 (2) - HypeBurst, ansoro2112(-2 to lynch)
Not voting (2) - Samlen, The road to ruin

Looking at the thread and what I can see from this votecount, I have a few thoughts going through my head.
The first one is this: Why hasn't Hype been hammered yet?
Answer: People don't want to kill off Hype right now, for various reasons.
The townie reason? We don't know if Hype's a Pirate right now or not, and we don't want to take the risk of loosing at this critical point.
Now look at it from this point, IF Hype was town and if even ONE of the four people not voting Hype was a Pirate, then they'd have hammered and ended the game, no problemo.
The exceptions to this? There aren't 3 Pirates left (Which means Tim's lying completely). Or Hype's a Pirate (Which would lend at least partial credibility to Tim) or all the Pirates are already voting Hype (Doesn't seem highly likely to me, but trying to think of most everything).
So my next question (Mostly for ansoro here) is this: Why haven't you hammered Hype?


Jan 23, 2012
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Why haven't you hammered Hype?
Sure thing.

First of all because I don't believe Tim for reasons I've already mentioned. Now, I never said I trusted HypeBurst. I still don't. But the safest option for us town is to lynch Timdood. Why? Simply because we know he's Mafia. While Tim keeps saying how he's not an evil one, we can't be sure about it.

Lynching Hype? Yeah, that have crossed my mind. Of course. But this game is about to end. And I'm the kind of person that prefers to go the safe way rather than risking it and lose it all.

Lynching Tim it's a win-win scenario for us town. We can't say the same with Hype since there's still doubts about his position in this game.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Lynching Tim it's a win-win scenario for us town.
I've been thinking about this, and all in all, it probably wouldn't be bad idea to get rid of Tim. But I also prefer hearing and seeing all I can, and with Tim alive (since it doesn't seem likely that he's dying anytime soon) there's a lot more of that going on for now. We need to talk this out now because our situation won't change much by the next day, other than loosing one of our more 'confirmed' townies.


Jan 23, 2012
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I've been thinking about this, and all in all, it probably wouldn't be bad idea to get rid of Tim. But I also prefer hearing and seeing all I can, and with Tim alive (since it doesn't seem likely that he's dying anytime soon) there's a lot more of that going on for now. We need to talk this out now because our situation won't change much by the next day, other than loosing one of our more 'confirmed' townies.
I totally agree. There's no rush to end this quick. We really need to think this through. Talk about it. Ask as many questions as possible.

Hear from everyone and what it's been said so far.

I know Road has so much to catch up with so I know we need to be patient.

And I want to hear from cooliorules and 77_is_the_best A lot has happened so far and I want their input.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Since Ansoro hasnt hammered me, I trust him at this point

Personally I think theres two pirates left, Tim who is confirmed and I believe that Coolio is the other. I think this games started with a five mafia group of Swate, GmK, Storm (possibly idk), Tim and Coolio. I think 77 is being rather silly atm because of other commitments, but he is still town. They named two people as his mafia members because thats the amount of people they need to lynch to overrun the town. Thats why I believe I havent been hammered yet.


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
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1. Yes I am extremely busy with school an I only look at the thread before I go to bed. I honestly don't have any arguments except that I think Tim is telling te truth.

2. Making a whole post about my arguments being stupid is not a good idea. Not sure what you were trying to achieve there other than angering me.

3. Of course I wouldn't have played this game like I did if I wasn't cleared.

4. To clear this up: I trust coolio because she claimed Night 1. If I were mafia I wouldn't claim night 1 and even if I didn I wouldn't claim town after a game with no vanilla towns and with the fact that this game is supposed to be really confusing (I would have thought that there would be all power roles).

5. Feel free to question me but in my eyes Ansoro and Hype are the two remaining thread to the town.


Jan 23, 2012
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Me: Town
Coolio: I think town because ^
Samlen: I think town because he knew about Tumbleweed.
Road: Ghoul, therefore town.
Tim: Mafia
Hype: Mafia
Ansoro: Mafia
You didn't even answered my question, 77. I'm asking specifically what in Tim's post made you trust him. Because honestly, you basically read it and immediately voted for Hype without even hearing what others needed to say about it.

It's like Coolio. You never had suspiciouns for me in the entire game. But then this day comes, Tim posts that and Coolio and you immediatle look him like some kind of god you can trust 100%.

Let's get serious here. We're talking about the only confirmed Mafia right now (Timdood3). Yet you act like you can trust him. When you haven't even mentioned a decent reason why.


Jan 23, 2012
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Is it only me that's feeling bothered by how much trust Cooliorules and 77_is_the_best are putting on Timdood3? I think this is like the most important day so far.

These are the days we can't rush things up. We need to be smart and talk about everything. This day is where you CAN'T trust anyone. Putting all your trust in someone in this point is the worst you can do.

Cooliorules and 77_is_the_best voted way too fast in my opinion. What's the rush? Is there something you guys know that we don't?

Why the sudden trust on someone you've never really trusted the whole game.

This is not adding up at all.

(Going to bed now. Way too tired. So see you all till then.)


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
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It's Tim's idea + process of elimination that has swayed my opinion, all I have gotten from you and Hype's overly massive posts is that everything Tim said is stupid because it is overpowered and blah blah blah everything is flawed and I am really tired of this so I am going to stop until I feel like going through posts again.
May 7, 2012
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Honestly the only thing keeping me from voting currently is that I had wanted to get Samlens opinions on the matter. I feel a bit like a fish out of water mixed with a jogger who didn't warm up, so I'm not going to be my old aggressive self for a while if at all. At current I'm a fairly more inclined to vote for Timdood because unless the traitor counts as a townie for our total I would call that the safer bet, and I wouldn't exactly trust the only person who can confirm that to be totally honest (no offense). I feel like the arguments made by hype and ansoro (not grouping them together mind you) have consistently felt more reasonable to me. And finally I'm formally going to vote Timdood3 if only because Samlen has shown a predisposition to caution and I trust him not to make a bad decision. FYI I will be open to changing my vote but as I've said before I'm not fully caught up and am relying on the arguements presented to me rather than my own at current so if you wish to convince me you'll have to address the other arguments rather than my own (or lack thereof). This offically makes Samlen the deciding vote at current and moves us to defcon 1 (or 4?) BTW


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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It's about time for me to get out my sassy attitude.
Everyone; be afraid.
It's like Coolio. You never had suspiciouns for me in the entire game. But then this day comes, Tim posts that and Coolio and you immediatle look him like some kind of god you can trust 100%.
Also, he hasn't had suspicion really on anyone /:

Okay well it's 12:30am and I shouldn't be awake but I am.... I'm gonna go to sleep.
My heads been over the place so I'll think about it tomorrow.



Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Whether we like it or not, we're going to have to figure out someone to lynch other than Tim at some point. And when we do so, it is going to be a LyLo situation, and it will be every day until this game ends. I've looked at how people are talking and reacting, and it is still not getting us much of anywhere for today. One of the ways we could easily progress to the next day would be to simply kill off Tim, as he is practically confirmed Pirate either way. The only reason I hadn't done so until now is that we'd have the same decision tomorrow as today; Do we Lynch Hype and/or Ansoro or not? Or do we lynch someone else? I think that there might be some use in dragging out this decision for a day or two, since delaying the night doesn't seem to be particularly productive as of now. So, based off of a little bit of instinct, logic, and reactions, I'm going to

Vote Timdood3


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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Final Votecount

HypeBurst (2) - Timdood3, 77_is_the_best (-2 to lynch)
Timdood3 (4) - HypeBurst, ansoro2112, The road to ruin, Samlen (Lynched)
Not voting (1) - cooliorules

The citizens of Temisseorangelin put down their votes for Timdood3 and his outrageous claim.

Timdood3 (???) was lynched.
It is now
Night 8.
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