Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Jan 23, 2012
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Uh. Right.

At this point the only person I kind of trust a little bit is Road.

I really don't know what to think about 77_is_the_best. We all know he used his ability and that's the only reason why people might trust him. But we can't be blinded by just one action. Can there be a possibility that he's a a Mafia-Sided Party Host? I don't know. Maybe there is or maybe not. But in my eyes he's not proven innocent. I think no one is proven innocent at this point.

Then there's HypeBurst. Which I don't trust at all. (I still have in mind my theory about sacrificing a mafia).

But right now my top suspicious is Cooliorules. Why? When Timdood posted that post she immediately believed in him and voted HypeBurst. We're talking about Cooliorules putting all her trust in a confirmed Mafia Player (Tim) and not even giving Hype or even me the chance to reply to that. We're talking about the most critical and important days here. Where we can't rush things up or else we'll make a mistake.

Then she proceeds to unvote? I seriously didn't get that. One of the sudden she's very confident about believing Timdood and then she unvotes? And the funny part is she unvotes after Road votes for Timdood. Which makes me think, "Hmm. She probably thought lynching Hype wasn't going to work anymore, so she probably unvoted to avoid suspicious"

So I want to ask cooliorules why she unvoted when she seemed very confident about her decison at first.


I also want to remind everyone about the "One Mafia Per Inn Theory". It hasn't been brought up in a while. And if that theory is true, then it means inside the inn of 77/Coolio/Sam there must be a Mafia.


Another question is, why would Samlen would be killed?


Once again , please don't make any rush decisions here. Let's take our time.


Jan 23, 2012
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During our inn meeting we discussed and came to the conclusion that we all trust ourselves.
This is not even a reason to vote for someone. You have never ever the entire game had pointed fingers at me. Same with Cooliorules. And one of the sudden you're like "We call came together and agreed we're trustworthy" blah blah blah. It's easy to say that when Sam is dead already.

Give me REAL reasons why you find me suspicious. Real ones, 77.

Because if you were SO sure about lynching HypeBurst the alst day then WHY are you changing your vote that easily to me now.

We're competley different people. You're not making sense at all.


Jan 23, 2012
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Also we did discuss that we trusted each other to be town, so I will most likely follow the plan that we had laid out.
There's so many wrong things with this right now.

1.) Coolio, you were the first person to raise suspicious on Samlen. Remember when you didn't trust him at all? You were the main reason why Sam was almost lynched. Even when Samlen was saved for some unknown reason, you still didn't believed in him.

So that being said, you're going to tell me it took you all this time to finally trust him? That day when he's dead and we can't have his opinion at all? You changed from Sam being one of your Top FoS to one of the most trustworthy players.

2.) The fact that you guys "talked" and now you all "trust" each other it's not a proper statement to cast your vote in someone.

Let me give you an example: Let's say Road and I were to be inside an inn. The next day I'm like "Okay, Road and I finally talked and we trust each other. Therefore vote Cooliorules". <--- You'll probably be like "What the hell?". That's exactly my point here. You trusting 77 or viceversa doesn't tell us anything concrete.

And once again, timing is not helping with this. Sam's death brings a huge question mark with what you're all saying.

3.) So first you vote HypeBurst extremely quickly without hearing what he had to say. Then, right before Timdood got lynched you unvoted because apaprently there were some things about Hype and my posts that made you change your mind. And now you are saying you're agreeing with 77's plan?

This has to be the biggest contradiction yet.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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How is it a contradiction? What am I contradicting?
Yes, I know about the samlen stuff, but I semi-believe that Hype (moreso then you) and yourself are mafia. Working by this logic, Samlen would have to have been innocent. Or at least in my eyes. Last day and I believe the day before (unless that was the day that GmK died) (so basically the day after the lynch went to GmK instead) I started to trust him a little more. Never stated it though.

Also yes I voted Hype because I believed strongly at the time that he was mafia. I had to go to do other things with my life at the time, so I voted. After I read through all the long posts (godammit, took too long) I decided to unvote because the points Hype and yourself put forward were good points.

I'm currently at school so this is a bit rushed and may not make sense. Apologies. I can attempt to clarify on anything if need be


Jan 23, 2012
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How is it a contradiction? What am I contradicting?
Almost everything you've done so far. All the Samlen stuff first, him being your FoS like the entire game but now that he's dead you trust him.

And how you change your mind too fast. Voting Hype then unvoting and now probably voting him or me again. Like what?

I started to trust him a little more. Never stated it though.
If something's in your mind then you need to say it. It doesn't count to say "Oh I thought about it but I kept my mouth shut". How are we supposed to believe that?

Also yes I voted Hype because I believed strongly at the time that he was mafia. I had to go to do other things with my life at the time, so I voted. After I read through all the long posts (godammit, took too long) I decided to unvote because the points Hype and yourself put forward were good points.
Exactly! You're saying we have good points but now you're throwing everything out the window since you're saying you're following 77's plan.

That is what's frustrating me. You've changed your mind so so quick and easily that it seems way too suspicious.


Also, don't worry. I'll wait till you have time so you can tell me what were the points in Hype and my posts that made you unvote.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Ok Hi :)

I'm really glad that the majority of us werent swayed by that ridiculous claim yesterday, I mean cmon. But anyway....

This whole 'we talked it over and we trusted each other' situation seems rather convenient seeing as Samlen, the one who voted different from you two and the one who would have disagreed with you is now dead. And now you are also saying it was your plan to convince road, yet I see like zero reasons for him to be swayed whatsoever????? I mean like what? I really dont see how this situation makes sense in the slightest.

Sidenote - I would just like to explain my reply to your post 77 yesterday. It was mainly anger from the reason "If Tim is lying, he deserves to win" that made me sound rather rude when replying. It wasnt suppose to come off as me calling you stupid, it was just frustration that you would say something like that at such an end point in the game.

Well my main suspicion today is Coolio like it has for the awhile now, the way she has been acting in the last few days has been erratic and bandwagon-y. She jumps onto whoever has the most votes and unvotes when she sees that whoever she bandwagons doesnt work. Not to mention she has been really quick to suddenly out of nowhere believe wholeheartly that someone is evil with not a very strong argument to back it up if someone else is voting that way. The fact that she jumps off board a vote every single time there a chance it may fall flat, proves to at least me that she doesnt fully believe her own votes and just wants someone to be lynched. Its fishy as hell and Im wondering why no one else has picked up on it until now.

I trust Road and Ansoro because they has a serious amount of time to hammer me and they didnt, if they were mafia they would have jumped on me. (Not trying to group you two together its just how thing went down yesterday). Thats more of a personal trust because I know what I am but no one else does so they cant have that same trust as I do.

Wait hold on, I was looking for Digi's target list that she posted ago but I found this...

So pretty much we get three days to talk without any kills taken place to my understanding.
77 you posted this as the night party was going on, yet OMO was killed that night of the party? Was that just like out of your knowledge or something???


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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They're just trying to turn us against eachother.

Just for my entertainment
Hype who do you think are the 2 mafia?
Ansoro who do you think are the 2 mafia?
I dont believe there are two, at the moment my guess is that it started with a regular 5 team mafia as usual, and Coolio is the last one. I think I said that before when I answered a question asked by Sam :s

I dont get why you specifically ask who the two mafia are? the only person who brought up there being two mafia confessed to being mafia himself and thus cant be trusted. Why are you so sure theres two mafia?


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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I've not forgotten about it. I worked all last night, came home to do an assignment and then went to sleep at about 11pm. I'm getting to the point where I may need to pull out but don't want to, seeing it's the pointy end of the game. I will attempt to get it done today after school.

Sorry about the delay.
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