Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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As pirates probabily don't know who the others are yet, it doesn't matter if we do the same thing.
inb4 there is a role that must always mirror what another person does.

unvote (still majorly annoyed at you, Fiesta, for constant derpness that is dangerous to the town)
vote OMO_63


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Also, Swate's starting to look suspicious to me. Not gonna try and change the votes now but something to think about during the night and tomorrow

He's constantly ignoring the actual explanations people give for voting him and disregards the votes on him as "dumb bandwagons". And yes, they have actual explanations, because Swate's shifting your votes all over the place to match what the popular opinion at the moment is, and that's more bandwagony than the votes on him. So, what we really have about Swate is that he's trying to discredit the votes on himself and at the same time, trying hard to seem town-like by going with the flow without any actual reasoning as to why he's doing it.


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Let me explain my reasoning for my vote on Swate and not just plain bandwagonin

Page 5:
(to clarify, I'm an impatient bastard and this: )
I want to go down in history
Swate votes Tim for the sake of it. I do admit that that was a little suspicious, however I do think that he was having fun at the same time. It did catch my eye but I simply passed it as a mere joke.

Page 6:
Oh ffs then, let this be a note to myself not to do that again in later games x)
Going to go back to my first approach of a classic no-lynch again, worked for last game.

Vote Swate
Immediately votes no-lynch when accused of "voting for the hell out of it".

Page 13:
And you know what, Old started this crap. Time to kill hungrythristy dead legitttt[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Unvote[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Vote Old_Man_Oak_63
Starts voting OMO after being told by Sploorky the reason why people are voting him.

The reason why I voted you, Swate, was because of your sudden vote on Oak + plus your not so significant bandwagon vote on Tim. "Oak started this crap" sounds more of a diversion of attention towards OMO instead of yourself, and exactly after Sploor explained why people were voting for you. Your first bandwagoning of vote on Tim didn't ring a bell inside of me, however, your sudden no-lynch vote did. I found it funny how you immediately switched to a no-lynch vote after having fingers pointed in your direction, which seems more like you were trying to escape possible future lynches during Day 0 with a no-lynch. The reason why I finally decided to vote you was because of the sudden jump on OMO, which I explained above. From a "I'm leaning towards a no-lynch because it worked in last game" mindset from the 3rd page you jumped to a "voting for the hell out of it" mindset, AND THEN back to a "gah I'm voting no-lynching because it seems to work out last game" and then to a "fuck this, someone else started this lynching crap, so I'm voting him" mindset, which made you appear especially scummy in my eyes. I'm really not sure whether you are just being plain silly and unable to make up your mind and following what everyone else is doing, or that you are just being plain guilty. Part of me wants to believe you, however I still think that the ideas you conveyed via your posts aren't towntelling particularly well, which is why I have voted you. And my vote stays because I am not particularly convinced by your replies.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Deadline: Monday 21:00 GMT
The reason for the confusion was because it was assumed the deadline timezone was already known when the vote counts started, especially since a GMT with no modifiers is a lot easier to convert to your timezone, than say, GMT -6. It is reasonable for everyone to forget what that timezone was considering it's been around 10 pages since it was stated.

Give me a little bit to post a new vote count, and I'll even add a countdown to when the deadline will pass.

@Fiestaguy I won't speak for Prizyms, but those posts need to stop. I would advise you to again, treat this game with respect. Either way, please stop with the posts that have nothing to contribute to Mafia. It's fine if your posts are clearly relevant to the game, don't shut down from posting completely. ;)


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Forgive me if I don't say anything much...apparently the school internet filter like to sporadically block pages...I'm currently posting this from a previous page. In a few more posts, all new posts will be pushed onto the next page and I can read those, but pages 13 and 15 are lost to me until I'm home.
Timdood3. Take chrome and install 'ZenMate'. That'll make the filter harmless.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Votecount VII - Timezone issues should be cleared up

Nottykitten (1) - Old_Man_Oak_63, [10 to lynch]
Swate (3) - HypeBurst, Ooglie101, Jeercrul [8 to lynch]
Old_Man_Oak_63 (6) - Sploorky, endersteve5, timdood3, Swate, Nottykitten, GmK [5 to lynch]

No Lynch (5) - Duffie, JKangaroo, Fiestaguy, storm886, Samlen [5 to NL]

DEADLINE: 2014-05-19 / 21:00:00[GMT] [Defaults to NL]

6 and a half hours until the deadline.

Note: A few vote counts are stated as having 19:00:00 as the deadline, but the deadline was announced as being 21:00:00. Therefore, the final deadline will be 21:00:00.
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