Well, other than good side killers, hopefully. It would have been the wisest thing to not attack on Night 1, afterall.Alright....So, there was only one death in the night. This means that there's probably no killing role outside of the mafia. Either that, or someone got lucky with a save/block/BP ect.
Aww maaan....Another games with inns and I'm not a part of it?!i >:cI am in a room called 'Smallest Crappiest Inn' with 3 other people. If anyone else is in a room can one of you come out like I have and let us know the name and how many people in the inn."
If we do this we have
1. Knowledge on how many rooms.
2. How many people in each room
3. A spokesperson from each room that can relay information for the rest of the inn.
That means that we level the playing field if there are mafia in the rooms.
I would go as far as to say that essentially everyone here would be a least a bit apprehensive about Notty.Now as for Notty's death, I'm not sure how much evidence we can gather from that. There's a fair amount of people whom were suspicious of notty/wanted to get rid of her just because of last game, though it's all we have to off for now. So we can muse about this, voice some suspicions, and see what else happens today.
Ah ha! Inns!I am in a room called 'Smallest Crappiest Inn' with 3 other people. If anyone else is in a room can one of you come out like I have and let us know the name and how many people in the inn."
If we do this we have
1. Knowledge on how many rooms.
2. How many people in each room
3. A spokesperson from each room that can relay information for the rest of the inn.
That means that we level the playing field if there are mafia in the rooms.
I am in the inn The Damp Attic Saloon.I am in a room called 'Smallest Crappiest Inn' with 3 other people. If anyone else is in a room can one of you come out like I have and let us know the name and how many people in the inn."
If we do this we have
1. Knowledge on how many rooms.
2. How many people in each room
3. A spokesperson from each room that can relay information for the rest of the inn.
That means that we level the playing field if there are mafia in the rooms.
It should, but it can't.I looked up Arsonist on the EM wiki, and got toally sidetracked \o/ and...wow that seems....very painful....Finding the arsonist should obviously . _. be our first priority!
That's a total of 8 plays in inns so far.I am in the inn The Damp Attic Saloon.
Total members: 4
And holy shit, we have an arsonist out there? Woah.
Myeh...true....I just don't like the thought of someone out there who eventually could kill a bunch of us on a whim....It should, but it can't.
-snip for length-
That's a really shallow accusation and you know it xP I ain't no arsonist, I've got just as much proof for my defense as you do for your accusation.I have suspicions that @Swate is the arsonist because I was pushing hard on him yesterday, but that opens that whole loop of "well then the arsonist could be trying to frame swate" and so on.
That's too early an assumption. We would never know if any killing role was roleblocked on N1, and neither do we know if any killing roles abstained from killing. Plus we have the arsonist as well. Though I would say if we have an arsonist it could be possible to have a smaller number of killing roles to balance the game out... Or not. We don't know anything much. I would say we should avoid venturing into the topic of finding out the possible number of killing roles because it wouldn't do much and is basically a dead end, a.k.a. waste of time.That's a really shallow accusation and you know it xP I ain't no arsonist, I've got just as much proof for my defense as you do for your accusation.
Anyway, I like doing maths too so I'll try my best. High chances are that there is no killing role other than the Mafia from there being one death. However, there's still the chance that there is an external killing role - if this is based on pure luck, then the chance of a person being attacked and defended is around 5%. However, this is if the killing role is third-party. I've got no clue if there are third-party roles involved, and I haven't really played or researched that much on what I'm about to say so I've got no clue if this exists, but if the killing role is Mafia then the chance is slightly, slightly higher. Just slightly. In Plane Troubles, there were three Mafia in ten people, so I'm assuming six Mafia with twenty people. If this is the case and the killing role were Mafia, then the chance of a Mafia killing role increases to roughly 7.1% off the top of my head.
Tl;dr taking in all possibilities, and assuming six Mafia and a Doctor/other roleblocker role:
Chance of third-party killing role = roughly 5%
Chance of Mafia killing role (if it exists, not sure) = roughly 7.1%
Therefore chance of killing role = 12.1%, chance of no killing role = 87.9%