I was hoping to put off posting until everyone gave us their opinion of what happened tonight and those people who were going to bring some stuff up (in the case of Ooglie) but seeing as no one has really said anything, might as well give s'more input. x) That doesn't matter anymore because by the time I got halfway through this other people posted which makes those statements null and void!... blargh.
Let's start with those questions, as they lead nicely into my opinion on possible mafia/lynch:
Who do you think is least suspicious?
-In my opinion, from the discussions over the past few Mafia days, I feel I can believe, at this point in time, that Digitalmez, Hypeburst, Swate, and Jeercrul, and to an extant Oak, are more "town" than others, at least in my opinion.
I never liked the arguments behind voting Oak, Fiesta, or Swate; they all seemed incredibly silly and made no sense, and it always felt like people were just "going with it" and jumping on the bandwagon with them without really looking into the actual argument made against them, which were always shallow and lacked strong convincing evidence.
We had the bandwagon with Oak led by people like GmK and Sploorky primarily over the so called "slip-up" that involved the "Mafia can't talk to each other" which was explicitly made by Prizyms in his game-starting post, though that bandwagon was quickly quelled by his defense.
(Which some parts I still find arguable but I stated all of those issues in a previous post x) )
Fiesta and Swate, in my opinion, are in the same boat, where I feel people are basically blowing out of proportion the supposed "guilt/anti-town"-ness that they "have," which up to this point, I've never really understood.
The biggest evidence I could find from reading back through all the pages was his posts on "getting people to say if they got any items," which was one of the main issues against him at the time. This argument, in my opinion (and I said it before in a previous posting) felt really weak, especially, in my mind, basically said the
exact same thing as what Jivvi was recommending, except with more words, and then a rewording to make it expand to "all items." (though he did say that people should announce when they should/needed to and didn't need to say it, again, JUST AS JIVVI SAID)
And then
everyone jumped on the bandwagon on him at the end of the day... again... over what, exactly? I don't even know.
Not voting Swate just yet, because again, I feel he's in the same boat as Fiesta.
The only argument I saw against Swate besides other players jumping to, again,
bandwagon him, was Endersteve's statement of a supposed "slip-up" about
Mafia resources, though it was really just a joke in a reply to Jivvi which was a reply to Fiesta saying that his idea of "Mafia can pick off the Inn members 1 by 1 due to their spokespeople" was a bad idea and a
waste of the Mafia's time.
Besides that, there was the cop-out of "pirate-like actions" (similar to Fiesta with some like the Vigilante talk I believe on Day 0 but even then that didn't make much sense), and I haven't really seen any real explanation's besides this on people's suspicions on Swate, so in my mind, I just can't accept a lynch on him without
real evidence.
I can safely say I trust Hype(and sort of digi though her arguments kind of fizzled out after awhile) especially over yesterday's events.
Jivvi, in my opinion, had the most concrete argument against him, but I feel people were too blinded by the bandwagon against Fiesta to really read back and actually see all of the very strange, unreasonable, and never really made sense over the course of Day 1. (claiming right after Oak, claiming for no reason, unnecessary attention to himself in both the claim, and in statements beforehand such as the "Mafia missed their chance to kill me" nonsense, and such stated multiple times but was generally ignored).
And though I couldn't be there to support Hype in (what I felt) was the most convincing lynch (though it ended up being wrong anyways) due to graduations+exams, I still feel like that the fighting to vote Jivvi (again, a vote I believe, and still do, to have been
the more reasonable vote (but again, that's just me) makes him more credible in my eyes.
And frankly, with both Hype and Digi, (and Jeer to some extent since Jeer also voted Jivvi initially, but unvoted along the way) pushing for Jivvi yesterday, I feel like I can trust them moreso, especially with the death of Jivvi last night.
What? You must be thinking that, because why would I think the people pushing for the death of Jivvi (the cop) make them more credible?!!?...
...Well, that should be obvious. For starters, no one ever knew he was a cop. Sure, the Mad Mike thing was a good idea, but it had too many flaws in it and made little sense from basically everything Jivvi said until the end of the day.
Before we knew Jivvi was a cop, basically the only people who didn't believe Jivvi was me, Hype, and sort of digi (I don't really know because it kept seeing like digi was switching from not believing Jivvi to saying he was third-party bomb to... I don't even know) and basically no one else.
Why, for goodness sake, would, those voting Jivvi kill him this night, when it would OBVIOUSLY PUT SOME SUSPICION ON THEM?!? Frankly, it doesn't make much sense to do that.
But, that leads nicely into my suspicions, because I hold something similar to what Oak posted.
Since I feel like I can trust Digi and Hype (and Jeer to an extent, as well as Swate until further notice), I feel like my biggest suspicions are those lynching Fiesta, especially since many of them didn't really give any good reason on...
why. (which was an issue I had which I said above!)
This is why my suspicions fall in a similar line as Oaks, because... well... both were essentially BANDWAGONS!!!... and with very similar people voting on both (and basically all) occasions.
I'm less inclined to vote for players toward the end of the lynch, ex: Duffie and coolio, because voting toward the end of a lynch is generally more suspicious in most games (normally with the idea that the Mafia are trying to quickly "off" somebody, and thus are generally the last to vote), and with the majority of the players here being reasonably skilled, I wouldn't count on that idea, and thus I'm less inclined to vote some of the last voters.
(Though I have no idea about that lynch with GmK on Duffie, because it just seems... well... dumb? I guess? I don't understand the vote, it doesn't really make a lot of sense... at all, really, at least as far as I can see.)
Personally I'm more suspicious of either Sploorky (well, std now I guess), 77, tim, or Ooglie, but those are just hunches in terms of those people who voted Fiesta/random votes/whatever (I mean, tim, Oog, and if memory serves, 77 too, never really gave
any explanation at all for their votes, which just continued the bandwagon... or started; they did vote right after Prizyms said there was a deadline). Can't say about std because it was just a feeling on the arguments made by Sploorky, but he's not here anymore so I can't say much on him anymore x)
But that's just my opinion.
But personally, I think we should be focusing on those in the bandwagons...
Actually no, I think it's more present that we focus on those starting the bandwagons. Because in my opinion (I've been saying that a lot, haven't I? ._.) All of these bandwagons have started over virtually NOTHING, and those starting them as well as those going along with them seem the most suspicious to me.