So, here I go.
Two nights ago after performing my night action I was informed that I received a Cursed Tome (the two events are not connected) and that I could hand it to another person... in my inn.
Boom, I'm in an inn. The Small Crappy Saloon, the same one as both Jivvi and Fiesta (the cop and a townie, both innocent) however there is another member who I do feel is scum.
Also, before I go on about my last point I'll say something that happened last night which is a real bummer and hurts me deeply (i dislike you whoever did this to me ;~; ) but my night actions are delayed (only the result of the action is delayed, not the actual performance of the action) since the death of Donut Dan hurt me dearly. Also, nice touch, all names so far have alliteration.
Now, since I know it'd be of help if I said some of the things that Jivvi and Mr/Mrs. Mystery (NOTE I DO KNOW THE IDENTITY OF THIS PERSON BUT AM NOT SURE WHETHER I SHOULD SAY IT OR NOT I WOULD LIKE JUDGEMENT ON THAT) said on Night 2 but since I can only paraphrase it goes like this
I make a big post about the cursed tome and what should happen if I do die whilst holding it (I passed the item onto ?) which includes revealing the other person's identity even though this plan was suit to if I died
? wonders why the night is taking so long along with some other stuff about the cursed tome (claimed it in the inn first since we can only talk at night) and that we should keep inn members a secret until necessary for calculating potential scum
Now ? is currently holding the Cursed Tome which I believe may be the reason behind my actions being delayed so it is possible that ? may have their actions delayed too which could be beneficial if they're scum but not if they're a town PR.
Also to @
JKangaroo , I voted Fiesta purely on gut instinct and a hunch and I was actually the first vote on him (you can go back and check one of the earlier votecounts) until I unvoted and voted Jivvi which ended up being a misunderstanding so I went back to my original vote. My vote didn't have much reason behind it except he was being rather shifty and a hunch. Also to help with inns since if he ended up scum I would presume that the rest in my inn were innocent but since not I'm very suspicious of Mr/Mrs. Mystery.
My original idea was that the Cursed Tome was given to me Night 1 in my inn by somebody else but now I'm actually starting to consider the fact if I did just have a 1 in 4 chance of receiving it and that it is possible nobody else in my inn is guilty. Another possibility that was flying around in the in was a Creepy Girl role which is possible and if there is one then we're pretty much screwed since I would be passed the girl and most likely killed if ? is a scum-killing role tonight \o/