Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Mmk let's not let this thread just die.

Seeing the deadline is coming and not much is really happening anymore, I may as well go for my hunch.
Now, it is a HUNCH, so it's a gut feeling they're mafia. That doesn't mean there's evidence.
All the "evidence" that people have brought up, I don't believe it's enough for my personal vote.

It's a hunch. Hunches don't need evidence. Hunches are just gut feelings. Do not go after me with pitchforks because I have a hunch.

vote Jkangaroo


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Mmk let's not let this thread just die.

Seeing the deadline is coming and not much is really happening anymore, I may as well go for my hunch.
Now, it is a HUNCH, so it's a gut feeling they're mafia. That doesn't mean there's evidence.
All the "evidence" that people have brought up, I don't believe it's enough for my personal vote.

It's a hunch. Hunches don't need evidence. Hunches are just gut feelings. Do not go after me with pitchforks because I have a hunch.

vote Jkangaroo
Can you think of any way to convince us that he is mafia? Explain the hunch, idk, something to try and convince us, otherwise you're gonna have exactly what you don't want: people after you with pitchforks.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Can you think of any way to convince us that he is mafia? Explain the hunch, idk, something to try and convince us, otherwise you're gonna have exactly what you don't want: people after you with pitchforks.

I have a hunch. It's a gut feeling. There is no hard evidence behind it. Because it is a HUNCH
I literally said that.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

I have a hunch. It's a gut feeling. There is no hard evidence behind it. Because it is a HUNCH
I literally said that.
Can you think of any way to convince us that he is mafia? [hl]Explain the hunch[/hl], idk, something to try and convince us, otherwise you're gonna have exactly what you don't want: people after you with pitchforks.


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Voting based on hunches without proper evidence is the riskiest thing ever. I know that we are nearing the deadline, but it isn't an excuse for us to vote anyone that we think is anti-town.

However up till now this guy hasn't contributed much yet. Up till now you have only made five posts in the entire thread. I've tagged you to respond a while ago for you to at least post something contributive other than stating you were doused in gasoline or some I-don't-know-what-to-say-so-I-didn't-post-much excuse, and yet you still haven't and continue to lurk in this thread. I'm really getting the feeling that you are scummy in terms of your lack of willingness to help the town progress forward as well as your weird excuses.

vote Storm886


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
You can't possibly expect us to follow you like that...?
But that's what she's saying. She never expected you to folllow suit, I get the feeling that she is a little fed up with nothing happening and voted based purely on gut to get things moving.
I guess it's not a rash move, while it could be seen as impatient I think it's necessary for the game's integrity. As such, until my gut instinct moves elsewhere I'm alsoo keeping my vote on my gut instinct.

Vote Duffie


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I even thought you were innocent, and you find me guilty, Swate? :<

Also, hunch votes are still something I think shouldn't be done. It's not exactly a wise vote, and puts you up as a mafia voting on a whim. :c
Deadline: Thursday 2100 GMT
I'm sorry, but sentiment won't do anything :p you can find me innocent all you want but this is my gut instinct - you simply seem the shiftiest out of all the shifty people.

Normally. I would not resort to having my vote based on such a perspective but not having a vote is poop with this deadline. Think of it as possibly being a catalyst placeholder, though don't count yourself out just yet thanks to that possibility.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry, but sentiment won't do anything :p you can find me innocent all you want but this is my gut instinct - you simply seem the shiftiest out of all the shifty people.

Normally. I would not resort to having my vote based on such a perspective but not having a vote is poop with this deadline. Think of it as possibly being a catalyst placeholder, though don't count yourself out just yet thanks to that possibility.
No vote or not, having a vote based on a hunch feels worse than a bandwagon vote, in my humble opinion.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sorry, but sentiment won't do anything :p you can find me innocent all you want but this is my gut instinct - you simply seem the shiftiest out of all the shifty people.

Normally. I would not resort to having my vote based on such a perspective but not having a vote is poop with this deadline. Think of it as possibly being a catalyst placeholder, though don't count yourself out just yet thanks to that possibility.
This is one of the last things we want, voting randomly or panicked because of the deadline. Now it just seems like you're bandwagonning on coolio's idea of voting without reasoning and being to just say 'it's a hunch and deadline', which an absolutely horrid idea. I though about moving my vote over gmk, due to that being one of the view reasonable arguments being presented, but I think I'll stick with my vote on you at this point.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Well, as we've got two people making hunch votes, I'm going to do the wise thing and note my suspicions, instead of voting randomly.

Most of these are "educated" guesses, based on what I've seen.

Jeercrul ~ Innocent
Hasn't done anything to seem evil to me.

GmK ~ N/A
I have no idea what to think about GmK. I was entirely confused about him on Day Zero, and still am confused about him.

endersteve5 ~ N/A
Unsure, hasn't stood out for me.

storm886 ~ Third Party
Doesn't really stand out to me, but his declaration of being doused could be seen as an act of being an Arsonist. Although I doubt that's a tactic this role would use, I feel as if he may be third party.

ansoro2112 ~ N/A
He hasn't really stood out to me, despite voting on me. I can't say for sure if he's innocent, third party, or mafia.

std1997 (Previously Sploorky) ~ Innocent
Doesn't really stand out much, but when he does, he feels innocent to me.

Timdood3 ~ Third Party
His wild posts feels like he could be acting alone on this one. Sorry, Tim. :p

JKangaroo ~ Third Party
Attempts to gather evidence, but doesn't declare as much evidence as he would usually do. If he isn't mafia, I feel like he's most likely third party.

Ooglie101 ~ N/A
Hasn't really stood out to me.

Samlen ~ N/A
Sorry, hasn't stood out. xP

HypeBurst ~ N/A
Although he has declared to be doused... I feel like I can believe him. I'm not sure what alignment he'd be, though.

cooliorules ~ Innocent
Although using judgmental voting ideas, I feel she's just wrongly doing so.

Swate ~ Innocent
Same as Coolio, only he's an ass. :<

Old_Man_Oak_63 ~ Innocent
After being pushed around by GmK, I feel as if Oak is an innocent.

digitalmez ~ Innocent
Seems to me as if she's innocent, but I can't explain why. Perhaps the way she's playing seems to me as if she's able to take it easy? I dunno, but I feel like she's a villager.

77_is_the_best ~ N/A
Haven't really seen him around. Totally forgot he was in the game. o. o

~ ~ ~

I honestly have no idea what to think. I'm still too trusting of a person, and all of these guesses can change very quickly.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I even thought you were innocent, and you find me guilty, Swate? :<

Also, hunch votes are still something I think shouldn't be done. It's not exactly a wise vote, and puts you up as a mafia voting on a whim. :c
That's a bit low of a move in my opinion, pressuring someone to unvote simply based on the fact that you don't view him as suspicious, then discrediting him by saying that this vote puts him up as a mafia for you. I don't really follow the logic here, seems more like a scum trying to get people off his back, honestly. You weren't a FoS of mine before, but that stunt earned you a place on my list.

However, I agree with Samlen on the fact that random/panic voting will not get us anywhere. Hunches are somewhat ok, just don't expect people to follow you with no explanation, so that's sort of pointless imo.

As for my own vote, all points against him have been discussed already in the previous days, he still seems the most suspicious of all the suspicious ones out there and with more shifty behaviour, as Samlen just pointed out, why the heck not.

Vote Swate


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
That's a bit low of a move in my opinion, pressuring someone to unvote simply based on the fact that you don't view him as suspicious, then discrediting him by saying that this vote puts him up as a mafia for you. I don't really follow the logic here, seems more like a scum trying to get people off his back, honestly. You weren't a FoS of mine before, but that stunt earned you a place on my list.

I was just saying that voting on a hunch is a terrible thing, and Coolio and anyone who hunch votes is included with that. o. o


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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You can't possibly expect us to follow you like that...?
I don't think coolio is really expecting people to follow just based on a hunch vote, instead basically just throwing it out there as a possibility and stating an opinion. Nothing else really.

Although I would say a vote is a bit... much, for a hunch vote. Hunches are good to have, and even help you keep a closer eye on players you may not entirely trust at different stages in the game, but voting off of one, especially with no reason as to why past simply "the hunch" isn't really helping anyone. :<
I mean, voting a hunch, I'm cool with, as long as you have at least, some reason, even if its kind of small.
Say like, I'm suspicious of X because of what he said in this post Y. Something along those lines at least gives you some merit, and possibly gives people time to look back at said person to see if their truly vote worthy/suspicious, or for rebuttals by players who may disagree with it, and so on, and so on.

So like, I can say I disagree with Swate's "hunch" vote for a variety of different reasons. I can say I'm not a big fan of "hunch lynches" in this regard mainly because its out of nowhere (at least as far as I can see), and if the hunches are basically based off of the arguments being proposed by GmK, ansoro, etc (which seems like the most reasonable assumption, since it is basically the only source for any "suspicion); arguments I don't really see as vote-worthy or seem to be playing to much into aspects I disagree with, like I don't believe lynching off of the reason that "hammering" Fiesta even though he didn't think Fiesta was guilty is reasonable (again, in my opinion). Let's be honest here, Fiesta was probably going to be lynched either way since it seemed like no one was basically going to change their stance on their votes at that point without game changing evidence, and the vast majority had already bandwagon'd onto Fiesta by that point anyways.
The deadline was close anyways. Even though I disagree with lynching Fiesta, it doesn't mean I don't think it wasn't reasonable not to just get that... basically a stalemate of opinions, from ending a day that was essentially already over.
There are other reasons(Like "overly cutesy personality..." what? How is that even a thing guys), but then I would basically just be rehashing what other people have already said (which I have already done here basically), and I don't really want to waste more time on that subject.

But that's just my opinion out of many others.

I have a few suspicions, but this game, the more I think of these suspicions, the more I convince myself out of them for being overly silly / just looking into random things that actually make no sense to be suspicious about.
I'm normally bad at following myself up on things, so I'm going to try and break that.
I'm still suspicious of basically those that followed the bandwagons of prior or even started those bandwagons, like I said in one of my past posts, like GmK, tim, etc.

One of my biggest suspicions at the moment has to be tim to a degree. There is just something... off, about him.
He's certainly not being as participated as in Masquerade, where he certainly provided some decent analyzed posts and opinions while challenging or agreeing with certain stances or opinions; an aspect I feel he's really been lacking this game, in fact, he's really been "going with the flow" and covering a lot with randomness, more than usual. I view this especially in his vote on Fiesta with no real explanation (right after the deadline post, and Ooglie's vote too if I'm not mistaken). The statement about the arsonist, although I still feel heavily that I was being an idiot in that post, still irks me to a degree, and that random jump on Hype near the beginning of the day...
I have a few more suspicions (and maybe expand/explain better ones ive said already) but its like, 6 am, I would like to get at least an hour of sleep, so Ill probably respond again once I wake up and not continually blacking out for a few seconds.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score

I was just saying that voting on a hunch is a terrible thing, and Coolio and anyone who hunch votes is included with that. o. o
I even thought you were innocent, and you find me guilty, Swate? :<
Pressuring into unvoting by saying you feel like he's not guilty (also, appeal to emotion, sort of).
Also, hunch votes are still something I think shouldn't be done. It's not exactly a wise vote, and puts you up as a mafia voting on a whim. :c
Saying that making a hunch vote puts suspicion on him from your point of view, discrediting him in the process. You also discredit him and appeal to our emotions in your next post, saying he's an ass (therefore, his opinion shouldn't be taken seriously).

That's just the impression I get from it.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Pressuring into unvoting by saying you feel like he's not guilty (also, appeal to emotion, sort of).
Well, I wasn't pressuring him, I was merely questioning as to why he would think I was guilty, even if it was a hunch, after I had said he was innocent in my mind. :<

[hl]Saying that making a hunch vote puts suspicion on him from your point of view, discrediting him in the process.[/hl] You also discredit him and appeal to our emotions in your next post, saying he's an ass (therefore, his opinion shouldn't be taken seriously).
Well, it's what I think, in terms of hunch votes. I didn't mean to discredit him, but anyone who uses hunches. :x

Saying that making a hunch vote puts suspicion on him from your point of view, discrediting him in the process. [hl]You also discredit him and appeal to our emotions in your next post, saying he's an ass (therefore, his opinion shouldn't be taken seriously).[/hl]
i don't care about your humble opinion
choo choo
This is why I called him an ass.

Because he said he does care, and doesn't say anything else. :<


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Eating one of the last crunchy donuts left from Donut Dans Store - what a shame that death was! - I proceed to light up a pipe and look into the slowly setting sun, dreaming of the former good times we had in this lovely city...

As stupid as it is, hunch votes are the one thing that keep a mafia game going, from a very basic standpoint of things happening, just voting by a hunch is at least true to ones emotions in a situation. So I don't quite get the 'hostility' against e.g. Coolios hunch vote. If people would only ever vote based on undenieable evidence, mafia would be the most boring game ever...

(Also taking into consideration that especially the reaction to hunch votes can tell you a lot!)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Eating one of the last crunchy donuts left from Donut Dans Store - what a shame that death was! - I proceed to light up a pipe and look into the slowly setting sun, dreaming of the former good times we had in this lovely city...

As stupid as it is, hunch votes are the one thing that keep a mafia game going, from a very basic standpoint of things happening, just voting by a hunch is at least true to ones emotions in a situation. So I don't quite get the 'hostility' against e.g. Coolios hunch vote. If people would only ever vote based on undenieable evidence, mafia would be the most boring game ever...

(Also taking into consideration that especially the reaction to hunch votes can tell you a lot!)
Ehh, I suppose, but that's almost as random as Day Zero, and that was just a mess. ;~;
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