Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Coolio, we don't even know whether or not they even have a night chat....I mean, why would 77's role exist if the pirates had their own chat anyway?
Just assuming from epicmafia. I'm too used to that place.

I'm pretty certain that they can talk during the night. How else will they figure out who to kill?
Also, that's a good point xD


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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There's that Pixelmon server running. Trying to get my Larvesta a few more levels to make it blossom into a beautiful Volcarona \o/.
...Which I'm gonna go back to right after I finish answering that question.

Do you consider yourself to behave suspiciously? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Eh, not really in my opinion, but I must be doing something suspicious if I was vote-worthy off of nothing.
I don't tend to change up my playstyle, as I'm not the biggest fan of changing up my habits.
I've tried to speak my mind, and have, when I've gotten the chance or had the time, tried combated ideas that I feel are idiotic or illogical or shouldn't be taken as a good course of action when the evidence or information for such a practice has no purpose to be there (like that Duffie lynch, though it did result in a lucky result, that's all it was, lucky, and the premise for that vote I can't stop pulling my hair out over. ), which is a course of action I always try to do in every Mafia season, no matter which alignment. I don't like going along with a lynch unless I'm convinced to take a suspicion/reason to lynch with a degree of seriousness (aka. that I can agree with/see why its suspicious).
I feel I can trust most of my assumptions and stand by essentially all of my votes and reasonings. That doesn't necessarily say anything about suspicion, because that's all just an opinion, but whatever.
But I must be a tad suspicious in some regard by at least someone (again, there was that vote), though I guess everyone can basically be deemed suspicious due to something or other depending on the person, except I guess, 77, since he's the partyhost, which is generally a town role, right? (i've never heard of the partyhost until this night-party started, but the wiki says its town so I'm just going to go with that)


Sep 15, 2011
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Do you consider yourself to behave suspiciously? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Eh, not really in my opinion, but I must be doing something suspicious if I was vote-worthy off of nothing.
I don't tend to change up my playstyle, as I'm not the biggest fan of changing up my habits.
I've tried to speak my mind, and have, when I've gotten the chance or had the time, tried combated ideas that I feel are idiotic or illogical or shouldn't be taken as a good course of action when the evidence or information for such a practice has no purpose to be there (like that Duffie lynch, though it did result in a lucky result, that's all it was, lucky, and the premise for that vote I can't stop pulling my hair out over. ), which is a course of action I always try to do in every Mafia season, no matter which alignment. I don't like going along with a lynch unless I'm convinced to take a suspicion/reason to lynch with a degree of seriousness (aka. that I can agree with/see why its suspicious).
I feel I can trust most of my assumptions and stand by essentially all of my votes and reasonings. That doesn't necessarily say anything about suspicion, because that's all just an opinion, but whatever.
But I must be a tad suspicious in some regard by at least someone (again, there was that vote), though I guess everyone can basically be deemed suspicious due to something or other depending on the person, except I guess, 77, since he's the partyhost, which is generally a town role, right? (i've never heard of the partyhost until this night-party started, but the wiki says its town so I'm just going to go with that)
You're always suspicious in my books. :b
You're too composed for my own liking.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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I've tried to speak my mind, and have, when I've gotten the chance or had the time, tried combated ideas that I feel are idiotic or illogical or shouldn't be taken as a good course of action when the evidence or information for such a practice has no purpose to be there (like that Duffie lynch, though it did result in a lucky result, that's all it was, lucky, and the premise for that vote I can't stop pulling my hair out over. ), which is a course of action I always try to do in every Mafia season, no matter which alignment.
Remember to also always check posts not only for their basic content, which can seem illogical, but also for role tells. If you only go by what is written and discredit it as being illogical (see the Duffie case), you can miss 70% of the actual game, which is people giving tells on what they actually know&are. If you only try to apply logic, you'll often be lead down a dangerous path, since it can block your actual judgement.

A nice read is e.g. this's_Common_Tells but unfortunately he did not continue the series yet :(

@Ooglie101 mentioned that Inns cannot talk during this night? I do still wonder if that hints at also the pirates not being able to communicate (just going by my own games I host, where the mafia chat is also an "inn" in a way, in Bloody Masquerade they would have also lost the ability to daytalk if the Inn Keeper would have been killed off), making it harder for them to actually find a course of action?

Going by this train of thought I do actually have a FOS, but I don't want to follow up on it since it relies on knowing if they can chat or not.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Do you consider yourself to behave suspiciously? If yes, why? If no, why not?

I guess so, because I don't really have any solid hunches or anything as of yet. I have voted I think once this game, which was off a hunch. The other because, well, we may as well have ended the day a bit quicker - there was no going back.
And I just realised that's why Duffie voted and oh god that would look bad..... >_>


Jan 23, 2012
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Alright so I can't keep umm'ing and ah'ing on this, so here goes nothing. I claim the role of Boneyard Brian, when I die roles will no longer be revealed on death. I win when all threats to the cowboys are eliminated. My original plan was to claim a vigilante role that required a hit at night to become active, in the hopes that the pirates would not attack me. I've been seen through now so that isn't an option. Why did I do it? I just had a feeling I wouldn't last long into this game, I figured a cover claim might work for me, so I did my best to make it seem like that was my role. I still perhaps could have claimed the role but I think I have let on already that I wasn't a Vig role. Oh well. From this I speculate that roles that likely exist are:
  • Roles that require a hit to activate
  • Roles that do not reveal on death
  • Roles that can confirm the roles of those dead
  • Roles that can ressurect dead
  • Roles that can survive a lynch
  • Roles that can survive a hit
Or in other words its all about life and death
The roleblocker was perhaps the most odd role, but then again, this game was meant to be confusing!
Anyways, my vote stands.
Ah! Found this. This was Oak claiming. So roles will no longer be revealed when someone dies?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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We'll see I guess. Honestly, I don't think we should worry too much about that now, as all we can do is speculate. All we can do is wait for someone to's kinda dark, but it's all he have.

I think a good course of action would be to look at OMO's suspicions, as they hold much more weight now that he's been confirmed a townie...and we may not have any more confirmed townies ever x_x

I fear that this is quickly turning into a mafia victory. How many people are left?


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Woop woop, it's the sound of the police.
Well Sheriffs.

HECK YEAH! Hello, my name is Ooglie101, or as I am called in this town - Sheriff Steve... I don't know what else to say really.

Night 1 I investigated Swate and he came up as innocent, which is why I went from attacking him harshly on Day 0 to not saying anything about him Day 1.
Night 2 I investigated Digitalmez but my results were delayed until last night.
Night 3 I received the investigation on Digitalmez - GUILTY. This was during the party but I wanted to save it for the day since if I revealed information and a possible doc had already made a save and couldn't change it to me and then the mafia came to kill me I would be screwed.
I investigated the remaining member of my inn last night but I can say that my results are still delayed and I wasn't told that I received the cursed tome last night so yay.

If anyone is curious, I did ask and I could not investigate myself or know if any Paranoid, Insane, etc roles existed. Since there were two cops it is possible that either me or Jivvi were paranoid. I will be voting Digi so if they come up as mafia/third party (not sure if third party falls into guilty) then I'd presume Swate is innocent or a godfather if one exists.

Seems like the tactic of playing suspiciously on the first few days to make the mafia think it'd be good if I stayed alive helps I guess \o/ And obviously I will...

vote digitalmez


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Guys, my sense of impending doom is acting up ;-;

Also: I believe Ooglie's claim, as fake-able as it may be.

That means we have two cops. It's almost guaranteed that one of them is paranoid. That's a 50/50 chance that it's Ooglie. Ooglie got one inno and one guilty. That means that one of them is mafia. There is no way to guess which one. I'm more tempted to lynch Swate, but that's just my gut. I think both should claim (even though it's closed setup :/ ) and we could decide from there.
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