Who do you currently find the most suspicious? And why?
I'm actually going to say Digitalmez (for now), I've looked at what Ooglie's done and what's happened around him, and it makes the most sense to me that he was probably a Lazy Cop. Now this is what I currently have the most evidence for, and I can't say I feel completely certain of it. I still want to hear more from Digi, but the fact that Digitalmez doesn't seem to be interested in saying much and assumed a bit of a defeatist attitude in a recent post isn't really helping that much.
Probably of approximate equal suspicion would be the lurkers, considering how many days they've had to contribute, but STILL haven't done much of anything to contribute, which has obviously not been helping us much right now.
Who are you most likely to think is innocent at this point? Why?
There hasn't been a lot of evidence to support innocent people right now, and the biggest evidence of someone's innocence would be 77 using their ability, and I'm not even sure if 77's ability would strictly be pro-town. All things considered though, it does feel like it'd be a town ability, so I'm considering that 77's least suspicious. If I go off of people's playstyles in this game so far, I can't say I've found many people to NOT be suspicious, many are just too quiet and others just don't feel like they're completely pro-town.
Do you think Swate was town or anti-town?
I was convinced of his guilt almost the whole game, but I've looked over the evidence and I'm starting to doubt what I thought was true the whole game. Looking at what Swate claimed, that looks like a more powerful version of a vigilante role. We've had multiple nights going by so far, and each night we've only had one kill. There's almost always a vigilante-like role in each game, and the only evidence of a vigilante type of role was Swate's claim (Which is more powerful in that he can question his target anonymously as well as kill them). Now there's the possibility that Swate is lying and our actual vigilante has just been roleblocked by a Pirate or is too uncertain of people to kill anyone, but that feels a bit too much of an uncertainty to say that it was either scenario. I can't say I believe for sure that Swate was innocent, but I can't, for sure, say that he was anti-town either.
On a sidenote concerning this, if there IS a vigilante out there, then I'd be convinced of Swate's guilt. Though the only way I could see said vigilante letting us know about this is kill someone tonight, so that there'd be two kills tonight instead of one, but that could be extremely risky. They could hit a non-pirate and basically end the game, or there might (small chance at this point of the game, but still there) be a chance of another killing role that would kill tonight.