@Alpha102 - Could you make an official votecount? I know there are only like two votes or so, but just for the sake of knowing our status, it might be nice :) Thank you
This is the current voting stance if I counted correctly:
JKangaroo's Unofficial Votecount
storm886 - 77_is_the_best
digitalmez - JKangaroo
Not voted - GmK, Endersteve5, Hypeburst, Jeercrul, digitalmez, samlem, std1997, cooliorules, timdood3, storm886, ansoro2112
At the moment, majority of opinions are mainly being based on whether or not you believe on a certain alignment of Swate on the previous day, which is fine.
Personally, I still stick with the innocent verdict, and I feel the lazy cop theory may be one of our most concrete at this point in time.
I believe its safe to say that Ooglie, as a sheriff, had in some capacity a
lazy effect, as seen by the 2 delays in his investigations. However, the issue I feel is not really based on the idea that he was
lazy, but rather the possibility of having the trait of being an "insane cop."
Personally, I feel the insanity argument to be more of a relic from yesterdays arguments mainly used as a means to lynch Swate, but thats just me.
Of course there are many other possibilities with the insane quirk:
+Should we believe that the death of Notty, aka. Donut Dan actually affected Ooglie and thus turned his character into a lazy cop, is it possible that Ooglie was an insane cop at the start of the game? or could the death of Notty ALSO inflict some kind of insanity as well as the laziness factor?
+Could Oog have been insane prior to this all and switched to a laziness quirk instead after Notty's death?
+What about other possibilities? Is it even possible that Ooglie could have had other cop-esq quirks? Should we believe in the Donut Dan theory, could Ooglie have had other quirks before becoming lazy? Perhaps he was a confused cop that got random alignments, or a naive cop that said Swate was innocent even if he (possibly) wasn't?
Personally although I feel the insane idea had merit and still does to a degree now, I don't feel its as strong of a case any longer, and honestly, I don't trust the idea that Ooglie may have been "insane." At the moment its more used to enforce views that Swate was guilty to support their trust in digi, which is fine, but I disagree with it.
Of course even without insane it doesn't really make Swate nor digi guilty or innocent, because there are many possibilities that could even be passed around then.
Digi claims to be Abhorrent Adam I believe; certainly not a pleasant name to say the least, and because of that, a case could easily be made to say that Ooglie's cop investigation may have visited digi who may have a certain role that always shows guilty, like a miller for example, which despite being town, shows up as guilty.
...And then again, if we want to believe in the
Insane Cop argument , then even if digi had some kind of miller esq role, then with Ooglie being insane, it should have shown digi as innocent with such an aspect (at least, if it carries over the miller characteristic of insane = innocent since its the opposite of a normal cop search, which logically it should be here should that have been the case).
And then there's still the case of whether or not we can confirm Jivvi, our other cop, as being normal, or having other quirks like insane, paranoid, naive, etc, etc. Or even having a "mix" or "activated" roles like it
appears that Ooglie currently has with his theorized lazy-copness.
In fact its impossible to even prove what type of cop Jivvi was since it seems he didnt even get any investigations (I think? I recall he got roleblocked then died if memory serves, or did he live an extra day?)
The different possibilities makes me feel like I can't trust the idea that Ooglie could possibly be insane, and I feel like I can 100% believe he was in fact lazy, which makes more sense based on the current and past circumstances.
Of course, that's just me. So as of this time, I don't really doubt digi being anti-town.
A lot of my suspicions have changed in recent days, and at the moment, I have a growing theory based on the inns, however the only inn we really know about (unless I've missed something) is the Small, Crappy saloon that Fiesta, Jivvi, and Ooglie all have claimed to be apart of with the final member being unknown. Because we don't really have full information on the rest of the inns my theory is limited, but...
...Jivvi and Ooglie were both in the same inn, two cops... two sheriffs... in the same inn? And then we had an innocent townie, Fiestaguy too. Two cops in the same inn seems kind of strange to me.
Now I know that there is a chance that all of the inns were actually randomized by Prizyms, but that doesn't really seem like something that would happen in my opinion. The inn system, mainly from what happened last game, feels more like a fairly structured/planned game mechanic, but that's just me.
But: 3 innocents in one inn, with 2 being cops? At the moment I feel like each inn may specifically pertain to a specific alignment group.
^Now, this theory only really works if what storm is telling us true, because if he really is telling us the truth (which is... questionable), and that Swate could have been a possible alien-accomplice (well, if he wasn't already, because again, we don't know anything about Swate role besides him claiming some kind of jailer-esq role if I recal correctly) may signify that the aliens (if they even are apart of this game, with GmK's explanation I'm not so certain anymore on an alien role existing, or at least in rp-name sense) are they're own team so there could be more of them, possibly in the same inn. And then maybe then the last inn is filled with (mostly) Mafia? (or the opposite if Swate really was mafia/anti-town and storm is covering for it with being alien or whatever and that inn is anti-town... I dont know)
It's not
the best, or even
a good theory at that, but it was just something I randomly came up with as I typed this out; I feel it has possibilities in it, not exactly
concrete possibilities, but possibilities nonetheless.
I'm going to end this because I feel like I'm just rambling because of not sleeping at 3 in the morning and probably didn't even address anything we were talking about the past few pages... I'll probably read it later when I wake up/not busy when I'm more alert/whatever...
Do want to ask ender about something:
I'm in an inn with storm and one other, who I'm fairly certain is a townie. Following that logic, and assuming mafia had an agent in every inn as they usually do in BT games, I'm fairly certain Swate was the one from our inn and that there are were four mafia in total, one for each inn. The remaining member from our inn can out themself if they feel like it.
Probably just a case of writing it wrong but eh, might as well ask since I was rambling on about inns anyways since these statements got me thinking about em. What do you mean 4 mafia, 1 for each inn? Swate said he was in an inn with Jeer, if he was mafia shouldn't it be 3 for each inn? or maybe do you mean a 4th is outside of the inn system seeing as not all of us are inn it (get it,
inn it? eh? eh?... nevermind...) but then it makes me feel like you know more than we know :3
(Note I am not completely seriously about this but it did strike me as kind of strange but that's why I said it was probably a case of writing wrong and/or I'm just tired.)
Ohey, i just piece together the 2nd inn: ender, jeer, swate, and storm. \o/ (swate claimed to be with jeer a long time ago, and your claiming you and storm are in the same inn as swate now). So I guess we now know 3 of the 4 for Jivvi's inn and everyone for ender's inn.
Goodnight. o/