Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Cooliorules was swiftly executed by the four remaining players. Then Hypeburst and ansoro2112 moved against the road to ruin and 77_is_the_best and executed the two as well. They made sure to have the execution painful, considering they're pirates. Ansoro2112 and HypeBurst then kept the town for themselves.

It is a Mafia victory, with ansoro2112 and HypeBurst as the main winners!

-The Mafia-
HypeBurst[Bus driver after death of Arsonist]
GmK[Mafia leader, Captain Crunch. Find out his drawback yourself!]
storm886[Town Vigilante, turned Mafia on first hit]
Swate[One shot Tailor]

-The Town-
Jivvi[Lazy cop until Donut Store Guy dies]
Ooglie101[Paranoid cop, turns lazy on Donut Store Guy death]
Nottykitten[Donut Store Guy/Roleblocker]
Samlen[Villager+hidden Reverse Gallis, instead of no deaths it was the person with the second most votes]
Fiestaguy[Villager+hidden Bulletproof]
cooliorules[Villager+hidden Miller]
The road to ruin[Ghoul, hides behind one person each night]
Endersteve5[Newspaper Guy, intercepts PM info with censors on important parts. Censors removed after both cops die]
77_is_the_best[Party Host, extended night interrupts all PM conversations]
std1997[Mistletoe+Doctor, chooses two people. If one should be targeted by a night kill, they would either both be saved or both be killed. Same alignment=save, Different Alignment=kill]

-Third Party-
Jeercrul[Amnesiac, chose Undertaker]
JKangaroo[Innkreeper, passes a book to each inn, one at a time. Wins if all three books got destroyed. Also sees inn conversations]
Timdood3[Wins if survives, functions as traitor to the Mafia, sits in on Mafia meetings]

And that ends a very good game. Lots of fun to host, and very fun yelling at the computer screen as well. Now open for discussion!

We have more games planned, the Mafia Queue will be updated shortly.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I also need to give GmK a lot of credit. He made very great decision on who to kill at night. Like Storm (Which thanks to that he became one of us). He was the one behind killing Jivvi (Which he was the cop!) And he also convince dus to kill Ooglie (Who was the other Cop).

So thanks. <3

And Duffie, that's the reason why I was so eager to lynch you. You were the first person I investigated. Due to you being so shady and quiet last game I was sure you were going to get a dangerous role this season.

I was VERY luck Endersteve never investigated me. I would've been dead. I seriously stalked every single one of you. Even my own pirates buddies.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
I also need to give GmK a lot of credit. He made very great decision on who to kill at night. Like Storm (Which thanks to that he became one of us). He was the one behind killing Jivvi (Which he was the cop!) And he also convince dus to kill Ooglie (Who was the other Cop).
Gmk was behind hitting Storm but Im claiming responsibility for Ooglie honey. Gmk wanted to kill Jeer but rest of us wanted Ooglie :).


Congrats me tbh.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
And Duffie, that's the reason why I was so eager to lynch you. You were the first person I investigated. Due to you being so shady and quiet last game I was sure you were going to get a dangerous role this season.
I knooooow.

But you guys all had terrible reasons for lynching me. Every last one of you mafiasos. And no one caught onto it, because I was lynched as a baddie. </3
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