Voltari Tribunal

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Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Extremely so, and I must use caps to express that disappointment.
I just came out of taking my AP test for the past few hours, and I find out that we killed Ltin.

I did warn everyone to take their time with today.
But nooooo, we went and hammered an innocent and didn't even look back at any information in the slightest.
I did warn you guys to take the time to look at past information and not waste it.
It was also kind of believable that Ltin was most likely going to be town especially since Digi was town, despite her traditional role (Vampire) being anti-town, but she turned out to be pro-town.
Mime? aka. different kind of driver, aka. traditionally Mafia is most likely town.

Roles are different this game, and I now have suspicions on people I did not have on otherwise...
I haven't read through all the posts prior to ltin's demise, but I will when I get home (don't have any more time to read until class.)

WIll post later.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Let's look at everyone that is and isn't confirmed pro-town (in eyes of the general public):
Fiesta (meh, not anti-town)
Storm (more or less)

Is not:
Mmarz (myehhhhh, sorry, boss)
JK (probably pro-town, not confirmed however)
Jeer (Who bloody knows her purpose)
Notty (Third party, close enough)
And finally, Duffie. Notty, this may surprise you....but...the SK saved males....there could be an anti-town amourer? Nah....unlikely...but what if?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Alright. Sorry I keep rethinking everything but meh, I need somewhere to think ^-^
There's probably no more mafia or assassins, just third parties.

It's unlikely that I'll be targeted due to the fact that any remaining third parties would just turn up an innocent result on me, so they'd only get good things from me. My investigations accomplish nothing at this point.

Notty's....ehhh maybe. Should we decide to kill tonight, I still would rather you carry it out due to me be the more obvious townie (so I can hammer if it should come to that).

As for who and if we kill....I really have no idea....We could not kill and see if anyone dies during the night.
<I already had this post finished when you posted, so just gonna send it anyway!>


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Alright, completely, we have 9 players remaining in this game. We have a total of 17 dead, including:
  • 4 Confirmed Mafia deaths:
    • endersteve5 - Roleblocker of the Machiavelli Mafia Clan (Killed by ansoro's bomb)
    • Old_Man_Oak_63 - Lawyer (and head) of the Machiavelli Clan (Killed by an Autolynch D2)
    • std1997 - Watcher & Paparazzi of the Machiavelli Clan (Twice hit by Ooglie; Tribunal Kill both N2/N3)
    • Sploorky - Informant of the Machiavelli Clan (Killed by Tribunal after I brought it back up)
    3 Confirmed Assassin deaths:
    • cooliorules - Ninja Tracker of the Assassins Guild (Unknown assailant, probably killed by Prizyms)
    • myusername22 - Paparazzi Informant of the Assassins Guild (Lynch'd D3)
    • Ooglie101 - Godfather of the Assassins Guild (Killed Night5 buy unknown group; Did Ooglie attack 77(Ghoul) and have the attack redirect back at himself? Possibly. Digitalmez kill also possible. Hunter also got hit this night but lived until the end of the day due to Bleeder role)
    2 Confirmed Third-Party:
    • Jivvi - Misteltoe (role also wins with town) (Killed by unknown assailant N3)
    • Prizyms - Misogynist Doctor (Serial Killer; anti-town definitely imo) (Killed by Lynch)
    7 Confirmed Town:
    • ansoro2112 - Mad Inventor (Killed self to take out Mafia endersteve; does not create inventions)
    • HypeBurst - Dreaming Oracle (Killed D1 by unknown assailants)
    • nitasu987 - Watcher (modkilled)
    • Alpha102 - Jack of All Trades (Unknown assailant N4; did Tribunal kill to Mafia Sploorky)
    • Digitalmez - Town Vampire/Vigilante (Killed by me via. Tribunal vote)
    • Ltin - Mime/Mimic (Killed by rash lynch D5)
    • Hunter27a1 - Bleeder (died from wounds of previous night)
I've noticed that... even in certain circumstances, there still remains one anti-town or killing role that always moves through the grasps. Take last night for example. 3 deaths: Digi, whom was killed by me via. Tribunal vote, Ooglie, whom we do not know who was killed, and Hunter, who died from injuries as a bleeder
Possibilities? Well, seeing as Alpha still killed Sploorky before dying, perhaps she did decide to attack and chose to attack 77 (she was suspicious of him despite investigation) and hit Ooglie instead, and Ooglie attacked Hunter despite him being confirmed inno? Doesn't add up to me personally.
Plus, on day 1 we had Hype and Coolio who died; which is strange because there should have been only 3 kills, yes? (Assassin and Mafia, Tribunal wasn't around yet nor was digi "transformed") We could include Prizyms as possibly killing colioo as he was a female, though Prizyms claimed he went to nitasu that night. Could be lying, but that is an uncertain possibility.

Personally: I do think we have at least one remaining Mafia. We had a total of 26 players, 5 Mafia seems like a fairly good estimate for team balance: roughly 1/5th of the game's participants. Take Doomed Cruise for example: 6 Mafia out of 30 players: 1/5th of the participants. I feel like the same is here.
3 Assassins also seems like a good number, but honestly, throughout the whole game they've felt like a pro-town faction, at least to me personally. They've gone after Mafia, which obviously shows different sides, which is why they've probably shown up as innocent in some investigations (I do believe one of them was investigated prior to Ooglie) I'm probably wrong seeing as they do have "traditionally Mafia roles" (Informant, Paparazzi, Ninja, etc), however seeing as traditional Mafia roles have not been kept in this game, such as with Digi and Ltin's (sorta driver-esq) mime, I'm more inclined to be skeptical on the "badness" of Assassins.

To transition, here's a list of current living participants.
To start off, these are a list of "confirmed" players due to investigations by tim, Alpha, Jivvi, and Notty's roles:
  • Nottykitten - Confirmed Not Mafia nor Assassin by Jivvi; Inno'd by Tim; Claims Like Detector
  • timdood3 - Alignment investigation role; Confirmed Town-sided by Notty's Lie Detection
  • 77_is_the_best - Inno'd by Tim; Claims Ghoul (redirected to Ooglie supposedly, confirmed to be Ghoul by Hunter before death)
  • storm886 - Inno'd by Tim; Claims Bodyguard.
Here are "unconfirmed" players, whom we may believe to be town or be seen as unknowns:
  • Jeercrul - Innkeeper. Unknown besides that.
  • JKangaroo - Claims town roleblocker/doctor; Roleblocks confirmed by Ooglie and Alpha (can't be Mafia roleblocker due to their's being dead + I put suspicion on both std and Sploorky \o/, Third-party/assassin unknown)
  • Fiestaguy - Rough Sleeper?; Role unknown besides targeted (and seen) by Nitasu(town) and std(Mafia); definitely not Mafia due to std (possibly third-party/assassin?)
  • Mmarz11 - Lord Voltari. Our Lord. Claimed town late today. Has been pretty silent for most of the game.
  • Duffie - "Armourer;" confirmed vests given to Notty/Tim/others?; doesn't seem like Mafia... (possibly third-party/assassin? They do need "armour" after all :p)

Since we have a "list" of most likely to be "safe" members, I want to follow my plan I tried to do with Ooglie before he died on me yesterday, which you'll (sorta) find in some capacity in a previous page in our Tribunal thread.

I don't want the Tribunal to kill anyone tonight.
I have a reason for this:
We are down to the wire here, and though we are in the lead, any misstep can cause us to possibly loose, and since we've already come so far with so many anti-town dead, I don't want us to have a MAJOR SCREWUP and rush things like we did with Ltin. (which I did request time to talk about so we wouldn't screw up)

Due to our list of "confirmed" not really needing to be looked at (unless either 77 or storm are actually assassin and come off as inno' or their role allows to be seen as town), we can focus on the "uninvestigated" group to confirm one of them as Mafia.
  • Tim, as an "alignment cop", can investigate one of the anonymous to "confirm" them as innocent. An example would be Duffie, who though has shown pro-town hints, we cannot truly say is not anti-town, and such actions has been created as to feign a sort of "town" image (hey, Mafia could use vests for those who aren't the attacking role to stay safe from any night attacks. :p) That is just one possibility, and could be said for all other players, such as Mmarz possibly having a town-tribunal but cannot see our chat because he is actually Mafia/Assassin and seeing our chat may "drop hints" so to speak.
  • I, as a "roleblocker/doctor," can roleblock a target another member. Should no attacks occur during the night (as this plan requires us NOT to attack as a tribunal), then we can either confirm one of two things: 1) The person I "blocked" was the final killing role, and I "blocked" their attack from going through, or 2) The person I "blocked" was attacked by the final killing role, and thus I "saved" them
  • Notty, as a "Lie Detector," could pick a possible quote by one of these players to test if they are telling the truth; namely a statement that may allow us or is implied that they may know things that they are actually hiding. (ex: to Mmarz's statement of this on page 102 found below:)
I win once all threats to town have been eliminated.

I suggest that we NOT kill tonight, and we all use our roles to their fullest.
- I suggest Notty use his ability to investigate Mmarz, as I showed in the example above. We can confirm Mmarz in this way.
- I am going to roleblock/save Jeercrul, to see if there is anything besides "innkeeper" in Jeer's abilities, or Duffie, whom may not be all that he seems.
- I suggest Tim investigate either Fiesta or Duffie to confirm their actual alignment.

In this way, we are able to cover nearly EVERY remaining "unidentified" player.

~As a tribunal member, I vote NO KILL.~


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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If you want to go through with my plan, then I think we should discuss whom we want to investigate as to not clash with each other in our night positions.

Another nice catch to this is that should one of the people we targeted die, we can possibly confirm that one of us may not be telling the entire truth, though as it is not full proof, that may end up just killing one of us off whom is actually safe.
(not that I actually believe in that; I feel all of us have basically been cleared as townies, except I seeing as I haven't been investigated yet)

But I do trust in myself that I am townsided; I doubt Assassins would have a doctor (though I can only see Prizyms and his third-party... but he was also SK), and it's incredibly improbable that I'm Mafia due to the roleblocker already being dead on their side (endersteve) and me putting suspicion (and correctly guessing) 2 Mafia: std and Sploorky.

I also believe we don't really need to target Duffie because I trust (somewhat) in his role. If everyone else turns out as safe, and a kill still goes out, then we can safely assume Duffie is the final role. But seeing as he also has to give out vests, I'm uncertain if that takes up the possibility of choosing a target to kill. (and Duffie hasn't really put the blame finger on anyone quite yet, which seems more townie in the late game to me)
I do trust Duffie though.

That leaves Mmarz, Jeercrul, and Fiesta.
Frankly, I believe MMarz is actually the final anti-town, with Fiesta being a close 2nd to being an Assassin, but that's just me.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I believe the best choice (again should the plan be accepted by you two lovely members), is this:
-Tim visit Fiesta. I believe this is the best choice as, should either MMarz or Jeer actually be Mafia, then they will undoubtedly NOT attack Fiesta due to the fact that he can show players whom visited him during the night, and thus show us an insta-win (this also explains why nobody has targetted fiesta since D1)
-I visit Jeercrul. Due to the high probability that either Jeer or Mmarz is the other anti-town/killing role (in the event Fiesta isn't), then they will undoubtedly not attack Fiesta, and thus leave it up to a game of grabs between Mmarz or Jeer. Should Mmarz attack Jeer, then I would have blocked the attack and saved an innocent. Should Jeer be the assailant, then I would have blocked the attack and also saved an innocent (in Mmarz).
My outcome depends on...
-Notty who "Lie Detects" Mmarz. In the event that Jeer is actually the assailant, then we can believe Mmarz was telling the truth in his quote (which I showed above in my first post), and we can pinpoint the final anti-town being Jeer. If it actually is Mmarz, then Notty would have caught him in his lie.

We are able to cover virtually every outcome in this manner, even if one of us in this room dies, due to the other 2's investigations, it can be determined whether it was the other person in this room who died's target to be the final assailant.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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asdafsfasfmklmagklmlmf this seems like a very good plan, but I already did my night action and am not allowed to change it >.<. Am used to working alone so I just send in my action right away when the night started as usual =/.

Also something important: I am a 5-shot Lie Detector[happy Tim =3? Now you know every aspect of my role, no more secret cool stuff] Meaning after tonight I will have 1 shot left. Now I think of it I've been pretty wreckless with my Lie detecting. But ohwell I still think we can easely win this.

Also since JK is a protecting role, he is probabily going to die tonight. In which case Duffie will probabily be in here and we'd need to make sure that he doesn't take over incase he is bad. So if that's the case then me and Tim will have to controll the Tribunal I guess.

Also, we should probabily No-Lynch tomorrow and do our other night-action the following night to make sure we can confirm as much people as possible. But thats a discussion for tomorrow I guess.

Vote No Voltarikill.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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asdafsfasfmklmagklmlmf this seems like a very good plan, but I already did my night action and am not allowed to change it >.<. Am used to working alone so I just send in my action right away when the night started as usual =/.

Also something important: I am a 5-shot Lie Detector[happy Tim =3? Now you know every aspect of my role, no more secret cool stuff] Meaning after tonight I will have 1 shot left. Now I think of it I've been pretty wreckless with my Lie detecting. But ohwell I still think we can easely win this.

Also since JK is a protecting role, he is probabily going to die tonight. In which case Duffie will probabily be in here and we'd need to make sure that he doesn't take over incase he is bad. So if that's the case then me and Tim will have to controll the Tribunal I guess.

Also, we should probabily No-Lynch tomorrow and do our other night-action the following night to make sure we can confirm as much people as possible. But thats a discussion for tomorrow I guess.

Vote No Voltarikill.
I was wondering why you were taking so long to post :p (I was... kind of stalking you... to see what you were doing... totally not strange... nope, I'm not weird or anything... >.> <.< >.>)

But again, that's fine if you used your night action already. I just hope tim hasn't.
It should still be able to work well enough through 2 actions instead 3, though admittedly a Lie-Detection and Cop Investigation would've been more reliable honestly than a roleblock/save xD

And I expected your ability to be less than 5; maybe 3 or so. Kind of generous actually, which is really useful!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I was wondering why you were taking so long to post :p (I was... kind of stalking you... to see what you were doing... totally not strange... nope, I'm not weird or anything... >.> <.< >.>)

But again, that's fine if you used your night action already. I just hope tim hasn't.
It should still be able to work well enough through 2 actions instead 3, though admittedly a Lie-Detection and Cop Investigation would've been more reliable honestly than a roleblock/save xD

And I expected your ability to be less than 5; maybe 3 or so. Kind of generous actually, which is really useful!
We still got my investigation on 77, so he will be confirmed-confirmed innocent with no chance of being Third Party or Mafia, or he will be Anti-town in which case we'll lynch him.

And yeah, 5 seems a little bit generous, but I guess I couldn't be infinite Lie-Detecting xD

Also I stalk you/tim too of I see you viewing the thread. Was taking me a bit long to post since I just woke up and breakfast making and stuff x)
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