We don't have a solid foothold anywhere. create seems to be doing pretty well lately, but that's about it. A lot of our sIfomewhat regulars are minecraft players though and a heavy amount of our forum users are minecraft players who really don't have the time to play due to college and work. Abandoning the servers at this point in time would alienate a large portion of our current userbase. I'm not saying hey let's freaking invest everything in minecraft! that would be stupid and I think you're right to point out there are also a large number of people who'd like to move into something else. I'd love to see a terraria server (though I think that would have to be an event server?) If the time comes where we have strong footholds in TTT and CS:GO and all those other awesome games then sure, cut minecraft if we're still struggling, but until that time comes we're going to need to rely on and keep building our minecraft servers alongside the others. It's very unrealistic to think that too many of our minecraft players would just join TTT or something. Instead, It's much more likely they will feel alienated and eventually end up leaving the community entirely to find other minecraft communities. At this point in time we can't afford to exclude a larger section of our players.I don't think Minecraft is nearly as viable as people seem to think, on top of requiring developers which we severely lack for the most part Minecraft isn't even as popular as the last time we had this conversation, I couldn't even tell you who the big names on YouTube or Twitch are.
Since the overhaul we've had a TTT server and a Starbound server and no others to my knowledge, I'd like to see servers of other games under the Escape Restart umbrella meaning that it is publicly endorsed by our Admins and information regarding those servers is available to the community even if those servers aren't necessarily being run by a SA or CA (Though I think it probably should be), having our name in other games even as a foothold is important, there's no reason why we can't have our own guild in WoW or our own crew in GTA Online.
A lot of people seem to be hammering in the idea of fortifying our Minecraft servers but do most people even want a new Minecraft server?
I always see people talking about losing interest in Minecraft and I am definitely one of those people but I would jump at the opportunity to get on, say a Terraria server.
as far as the viability of Minecraft goes: It may not be the most popular game out there but it's not impossible. I think a large amount of our problems lately have come from the administrations extreme unresponsiveness. I think if we actually put in some effort we would see an increase in players