I'm sorry for making it seem as if I was blaming the whole league group, but quite a few times those who've posted who are a part of the group spoke as if they are representing the group, and yes some are ex-staff, so they should know better.Let's get some things straight:
1) You generalize the League group through the posts of like 3 of them in which they totally share the same opinion due to the shitposting hivemind KappaHD
2) We as a whole are being bashed for the actions of like 3 users
3) We as a whole are being bashed for providing our own views and suggestions as to what to do with the community? wtf
A few of us are suggesting our ideas because we're looking at the bigger picture. If we want to put up like 3 Minecraft servers and maybe get a whole 3 new users in the span of the month then is the money put into the servers really worth it for the community as a whole? Most of the "league community" were ex-staff so we aren't totally unhinged from the community yet. Of course, we'd love to see this place thrive, but as it stands from an economic standpoint, it doesn't seem possible to sustain the servers. Of course we have a say what goes into the Minecraft servers, because the Minecraft servers are run on the same community that the Teamspeak and forums are, both services which we use. All the servers draw their resources from the same pool, we all drink from the same fountain. You're generalizing the "negative attitude" of 3 users to blanket the entirety of a group and then saying that their opinions and legitimate concerns are negated. It's like generalizing all black people as gangsters and thugs, or all CIS white males as shitlords who want to rape women. Makes 110% sense
As for the servers, I've no idea what you are on about. Quite clearly, many times it has been stated that we focus on ONE server, bring in a healthy, dedicated and active userbase before expanding the servers, then once the community has bulked up THEN we branch out to other games to prevent thinning out the playerbase across multiple games and servers.
If you, and others are so bothered about the resources, then feel free to donate, because you seem to forget that is what the community is run off, donations. Otherwise, you can always feel free to start your own teamspeak or join any other public, free to use teamspeak community out there. You're essentially saying "Close minecraft servers because we want to be able to talk on teamspeak", when the only people who reeeeeally use teamspeak are the LoL group, otherwise it is a couple users here and there sitting in a convo room, either that or it is dead.
At the end of the day, the community is divided and from what I've seen, no matter what route is taken the community will be at a loss because people won't be happy.