IC Wonderful Minds


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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'Didn't he already tell me this...?'
I don't mention it. It isn't relevant to the mission!
"Probably because this dream just wants to screw with us. It's its one and only goal." I say dryly. I don't really want to resign myself to being stuck here, but what is there to do?
"It's possible if we consider the events leading up to us falling unconscious or asleep or whatever we can figure out a way to counter it. I don't really think it'll work, but we could always give it a shot."


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
AJ and Sage

"Well, you see, the things about that is that I don't remember anything that happened before I woke up here. One of the first things I tried to do was remember, and I drew up blank."

"Then I guess you were rather worse off than I was." I shift my weight to my other foot. "It still sucked. I was ganged up on by a group of-" I catch myself before I can accidentally let my secret out- "a group of holier-than-thou assholes I know."

"Oh, so you're the religious type? Or you were attacked because you weren't?"

"Ehh..." Not what I was expecting really, but oh well. Since when has anything here gone as expected? "Moreso the latter, honestly."

"Heh, can't say I've ever fancied myself the religious type either. If ever I needed any sort of 'spiritual guidance' if you will, I always turned to myself. You know, meditation and all that shit."

"I...think we're getting off topic though." I shrug slightly. "Any ideas on what else to do here?"

"Eh, probably. But it's a nice change of pace. A distraction, if you will. As for ideas....I've tried pretty much all of them I had. I tried climbing, I tried making stairs, I tried knocking a pillar down....Though looking back, I'm not exactly sure what I was hoping to accomplish with thta last one."

"It might've shattered the dream. Who knows." Though frankly, it doesn't seem to take much to change settings. Maybe it would've just done that. Like shaking an iPod to shuffle it. "Hmmm..." Going back to the idea I had before, I mentally recount all that had happened to me. 'Ugh, I probably look a lot worse than I thought...' A bruise on my cheek and probably my ribs, a lump above my eyebrow, scrapes on the palms of my hands... Who knows what else.
"Since so far, we all seem to have been injured, maybe we'll just stay here for the duration of the natural healing process. That would make sense."

"Healing seems to be greatly accelerated. In my experience, not only could I not feel pain, but my hand was busted up pretty badly and it was fully healed in no more than ten minutes. But I mean...I have a history of getting busted up so that may have something to do with it."

"Well, that's just here. By all rights, I should've broken something in my hand or at least skinned it a few minutes ago." I touch my fingers to where the dragon bit me. "Plus the bites are already gone."

AJ sat up to more closely inspect the bites. "Sorry about those, by the way." The wound itself was long gone, but the ink that the dragon had left behind was still wet, even. AJ considered it for a moment, and a small needle appeared in his hand. He didn't intend to pierce Sage's skin or anything, he just needed something that he could use precisely. He drug the needle lightly around through and around the ink until the design looked complete. "Sorry...It just felt like it needed to be there..."

"Hey!" I flinch away, but it doesn't seem to throw him off. It doesn't hurt, either... What exactly did the bite do?
"What was that? I can't see my neck, y'know."

"Oh, don't worry, the bite just left some ink dripping, so I drew a design. Another distraction, you know. And it is nice that the dragons have calmed down. I mean, we could try getting a mirror in here if you want to see it."

"Well, that explains some things. Though it is strange that they started moving in the first place." Silently agreeing with his second statement, I think as I would in a normal dream. A silver hand mirror appears in my hand- looking at the dragons curling around the edges, I laugh. "Well, isn't that appropriate?"
Tipping my head to the side, I hold out the mirror and angle it to study the design in the ink. "Wow. And you did that in just a minute?"

"Yeah, I- uh...I used to draw and do tattoos. Everyone involved with our little faction had one from me." Embarrassed, AJ looks down, blushing.

"Heh. Must've taken a lot of practice to get that good." Watching his reaction, I cover my mouth to hide a smirk. 'Oh, no. We are not going this route.'

"I mean...I just kind of go by what feels right with it. So, uh....Enough sitting around, right? I mean, shouldn't we try something, even if it's nothing?" AJ's tone is rushed and mildly uncomfortable. Things were starting to get awkward for him.

"Well, I don't see how doing nothing is going to get us anywhere here." I look around and then back at him, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Got anything for us to go off?"

"Nope. As far as I can tell, there are no landmarks anywhere in this dreamscape. I guess we just...Go? Hell, I don't know."

"Well, in that case..." I look around again and shrug. "Just choose a random direction."

AJ jokingly points his finger to the sky before simply shrugging and heading off in a direction. Notably the direction he was going when he came across Sage.

I snort. "Good luck with that one." But still follow after him when he starts walking.
((Timdood3 I guess))


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Ugh, I don't want to get up... I take a big sigh before getting up. I need to keep pushing forward, but I just can't find the strength to. "A-lr-ight," I croak, then clear my throat. "Alright, let's go. How about that one?"

As we walk through the endless hallway, I think back upon recent events, subconsciously tracing the hole around my waist. I painfully remember the menacing words and my trancelike state trying to run towards it, and the ceiling that always fell before I could reach the door. Shaking my head, I imagine the memories being wrung out of my body like little droplets. Forget about it, I command myself. In fact... do this.

I nudge Alex on the shoulder. "Hey, Alex... This probably sounds like a weird question, but can you call me Luke from now on?"

(( Alex Isaac yes i will provide an explanation ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She trudged along, trailing behind the two boys as Lucas led them down a seemingly endless hallway. She kneaded her hands together absentmindedly, tilting her head as Lucas trailed back to nudge her. "Hey, Alex... This probably sounds like a weird question, but can you call me Luke from now on?"
She furrowed her brow slightly, looking at the boy.
"Sure. I-If you prefer it that way.." She nodded softly, allowing herself to fall behind him again.

((S_swimmer Enderfive ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Alex nodded curtly and followed him, catching up to Isaac. "Uh, do we have anywhere we're planning on going in particular?" she asked, looking from one boy to the other, "b-because we're just of just wandering aimlessly.. A-and I know this is a labyr-rinth but if we don't have a plan we could be stuck here for a l-long time."

((S_swimmer Enderfive ))


Jul 14, 2013
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Kat kept seeing her parents as they walked through the sewers, she clung on to her sisters hand, never wanting to let go. She wiped tears away with her sleeve, following Pierre's every step, being careful not to tired on anything that would hurt her. Images of her parents continued to haunt her, all she wanted was to go home and sit by their old oven to stay warm. She would be wrapped up in her mother's scarf that smelled of perfume and she would be wearing her father's beanie that had a small hole in the top, she would be happy. She wiped more tears away, "They are dead.." She murmured quietly to herself, "They are dead." Kat erased this quiet, humble and cozy scene away and focused on the ground in front of her, murmering quietly to herself.

((Ansoro2112 avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_ I'm trying anything to get this rolling xD))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Markus watched the girl, unsure of what to do with her being upset like that. He kept an eye on her, making sure she didn't do anything stupid like run off. And to, in some silent way, comfort her with a watchful eye that she didn't know existed.
The sewers were disgusting. The walls were damp with thin, scrawny looking vines clutching onto their walls like an angry green disease. The sound of water dripping was back - hopefully this time with less severe consequences. And the smell. He couldn't rid of the smell, the poison odour which brushed through the air like a dirty cloud, feeding the rats that probably lived, in their little disgusting way, inside the cracks in the ceiling.
Where the hell were they?
Mia Ansoro2112 avis night fluffy (fury)


Jan 23, 2012
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Pierre kept leading the way. Every now and then he turned back and pointed the flashlight at Kat and Kait just to see how they were doing. Kat had a terrified expression on her face. "Oh my. This poor girl. She's really traumatized. And I don't blame her... They're too young to be going through this." -Pierre thought. He was about to tell them so encouraging words to try and make her feel better when a group of guys appeared right behind Markus. But it wasn't any kind of guys. It was the guys from his Cricket Practices. The ones that were constantly bullying him. He was terrified of them. Prince Pierre's eyes widen with terror as he just stood there as a statue. Markus, Kat and Kait all looked at him weirdly. "Run!!" -Pierre yelled as he took Kat and Kait's arms. He ran and ran as fast as possible. "NO NO NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! They're going to punch me. Hurt me like they always did. They're going to hurt the girls too! NO NO NO!" -Pierre thought. How many times he came back home with a purple eye or a bruise on his stomach. How many times he told his parents. How many times they just ignored him. No no no...

(( Mia avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_ ))
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
((Oops- Sorry guys- ;~; ))

Kaitlyn gave her sisters hand a reassuring squeeze, she didn't know what was wrong, but she wouldn't let her sister's hand go, unless Kat asked her to. Adjusting her hold on the bear, Kait gave her sisters words thought, 'Trucks? Mum and Dad? Did she... does she know?' she asked herself, walking with the girl.
Feeling light on her face she squinted a little, looking up at Pierre, he seemed to want to say something when his eyes went wide like china plates, filling with terror. Though she seemed to keep a normal expression, that soon changed to a curious one when she was asked to run. 'Run? Why would we need to run?' she asked herself, though wasn't allowed to question it much more when she felt her arm grabbed, beginning to move quickly, seeing Kat resigned to the same situation. Barely able to stay on her feet, the girl gave up, allowing herself to basically be dragged. Did he really think a child her size could keep up?



Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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"Run!" Pierre suddenly yelled, grabbing the girls' arms and dragging them away in front, as if some kind of monstrous threat were right behind him.
Markus turned to see nothing but the dark tunnel that they had previously navigated. Perhaps a rat had made this kid jump and squeal like a little girl and frighten the actual little girls even more than they already were.
He didn't seem to be stopping, either.
Markus started jogging after him, baffled at what had just happened, and fearful that there was actually something to be running from.
Ansoro2112 avis night fluffy (fury) Mia


Jul 14, 2013
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Kat was jolted forward as Pierre grabbed her, she ran as fast as she could but her small legs weren't quite capable of keeping up with Pierre. She didn't want this, she wanted home.. and mother and father, she squeezed her sisters hand for reassurance, hoping they could stop soon. Her traumatised face was pale and tears stained her normally rosy cheeks. Why were they running anyway? If something was wrong Pierre could fix it, he was a prince after all.. She thought about this as she was made to run through the sewers, not knowing where she would end up.

((Quick post but its the best I can do atm Ansoro2112 Infected_alien8_ avis night fluffy (fury) ))


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
"You're supposed to stick to the left wall in situations like these, right? I think I read that somewhere. Here, I'll lead the way." I press my palm to the left wall and feel its cool surface. I begin walking forward, fingers sliding over the contours of the moist stone wall. The further we go, the darker it becomes, and I am soon unable to tell when there is a corner save for when the wall suddenly disappears and I panic for a brief moment.

"Oh, right," I suddenly realize. "I can probably make a light; here." I close my eyes for a bit and a candlelit lantern clatters onto the floor, bathing the room in a dim, golden light. The only difference it had from the last time we could see is that the stone is becoming a bit more aged and jagged. I feel a pair of eyes on me and shiver. "You guys ok, Alex, Isa–" I turn around and Alex is right behind me. But what I don't see is Isaac. My heart beats faster. "Isaac? Where are you?"

(( Toiletprincess ))


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Prince Pierre didn't looked back. He kept rushing through those sewers. Running away from those rascals... Running away from the pain... No. He was running away from his problems. He was being a coward. Always avoiding his complications in life. He then stopped. Making Kat, Kait and Markus bump inot him. Pierre ignorned them for a moment. He turned around to face the cricket gang. They were all standing in front of him. There was around 8 of them. Wearing their polo shirts with long trousers, and with their bat in their hand. Pierre's hands were shaking, but he closed them into fists and tried to breathe. "I'm not afraid." -Pierre finally said looking straight into their eyes. The cricket group let out a laugh. "Not anymore." -Pierre continued, ignoring their laugh. He took several steps towards them. Just to be right close to them. "You've made my life a living hell. Giving me bruises around my entire body. Bullying me every single day. But you know what? I forgive you all. Every single one of you" -Pierre said while giving a sincere smile. The gang then started to fade, until they were completely gone. He then turned around just to see his friends, "Sometimes forgiving someone is the hardest thing to do. But is the smartest one as well."-Pierre said. Light then took over the sewers. Illuminating the whole place. Making every dark corner disappear. "Look, it isn't dark anymore down here. Which means, the more of us face our fears down here, the more chances there will be of getitng out of these sewers!"


(( Mia avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_ ))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Pierre suddenly stopped running, just as quickly as he had started, making Markus and the girls crash into him. Without even seeming to notice that he'd just thrown Markus to the ground, he turned around and stared back into the darkness, his eyes wide with pride like some noble hero about to slay a dragon.
"I'm not afraid," he said. "But you know what? I forgive you..." the kid's eyes swelled and he smiled like he'd just given someone what he saw as the best gift in the universe. He looked at the air in front of him, satisfied with himself for God knows what reason, his head held high below the sticky sewer roof. Markus brushed himself down and stood up, staring at the kid, confused as to what the hell he was talking about. Then the kid turned to Markus and said, in a hushed voice, "Sometimes forgiveness is the hardest thing to do. But is the smartest one as well." Markus could swear the kid winked at him. The kid continued to look at Markus with a huge, mad smile, as if half expecting him to agree or hug him or something. He stood all tall and mighty as if he was some wise man giving out a life lesson to his grandsons, like he saw some kind of magical pride around him that wasn't there. For a moment they stood there, the two girls and Markus shifting their feet awkwardly as this posh kid smiled at them happily and proud for no apparent reason and the stench of the sewers stirred the cold air.
"Ooookaaayy, well as heartwarming as that was," Markus said, "I think you've gone insane."
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
A small 'Oof' was audible as Kait and her sibling crashed into Pierre, hearing him say something about forgiveness or whatever. Kaitlyn had been more focused on her sister, looking down at the bear she came to a solution. One she should have had a long time ago. Saying a small bye and sorry to the bear, Kait managed to split them back into two halves, holding onto hers and offering the other to her sister, "Y-you... r-really need Rollie right now, d-don't you?" she said quietly, then looked up at the man she was familiar with as 'Markus', telling Pierre he thought he'd gone insane. 'Insane? Dad said that's like a sugar high...' she thought, ignoring the shadows again, mostly because she thought she saw her mother, whom she knew was... elsewhere... among them.

(( @People ))


Jul 14, 2013
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Kat watched on as Pierre said something to the dark and didn't pay much attention,
"Y-you r-really need Rollie know, d-don't you?" She smiled at her sister and took Rollie, for some reason she seemed to feel just a bit better knowing her sister and Rollie were here for her. "We are never going to get out of here.. Mum and daddy are d-dead.. We are all going to die," Kat spoke softly but loud enough for the others to understand, "Why can't we just go home?" She snuffled and held back her tears, she didn't want them to see her crying again - she didn't want a prince to think she was a baby! "P-Pierre, Markus.. will you get us out?" She wiped her eyes, "please.."

((Yay for 5am post :p Ansoro2112 avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_ ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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"Y-yeah I think so," she replied softly, following the boy as he walks with his palm against the wall. She looks on with curiousity as he spawns a lantern out of thin air, with his mind. As the room is bathed in light, Alex finds Isaac is nowhere to be seen.
"You guys ok, Alex, Isa--" He turned and looked at her, but seemed to register the situation at the same speed Alex did. No Isaac.
"Isaac? Where are you?" He called.
"I-Isaac?" she called, joining in on his feeble efforts to call their lost friend, "Isaac where did you go?"



sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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The labyrinth seemed to go on forever. We just walked and walked and walked, never quite reaching anywhere. The walls were as dark as ever and it was starting to take a toll on my mood. Despite me being apparently quite prickly and cold, I actually felt good in the dream. It was a change from the ever-so-boring-and-depressing actual life, which had gotten me in the dream in the first place, I suppose. There were people who would talk to me, and not just to make fun of me or to try and comfort me or something. People in the real life were always like that, and I either couldn't care less or always got angry at their efforts. It'd not taken long for my new classmates to leave me alone for good.

The ironic part was that even though I wanted friends, I'd practically closed that door myself, which ultimately contributed to my self-loathing.

But that wasn't like that in the Dream, for some reason. The mere change from the grey routine of pointless existence had me in relatively high spirits for a while. But now, in the labyrinth, that started to fade away. The company didn't really help that much. I could sense that Lucas and Alex were decent people, but I also felt that they had their own troubles and if there was one thing in my life I didn't need more of, it was trouble. Still, I was happy that they were there with me, even if only a little.

I lifted my eyes to see if anything had changed. I stopped right there. The labyrinth was still the same, but something had changed.

I couldn't see Lucas or Alex anywhere. Maybe they turned at a corner and I'll just follow them now, I told myself in my mind. Maybe they turned at a corner and I walked right past. I hurried on to the next turn, but it was empty. I was alone again. Anger flashed in me, and desperation. Had I really just gained two (sort of) friends, only to lose them? No, they'd just be somewhere nearby. I'd just missed a turn somewhere, I could find them again.

It took about fifteen minutes before I was completely lost (technically, I'd already been that before) and I had no idea how to return to the place where I first discovered my isolation. I couldn't find them again, I was sure of it now. So I slumped down against the labyrinth wall and just sat there, brooding and feeling generally furious towards Lucas and Alex, who'd disappeared, towards myself, who I had not paid enough attention to follow them, towards this whole bloody Dreamworld, where I didn't even know if I was alive or dead. If I wanted to kill myself there, would I even be able to die? Fuck it, fuck everything, fuck this fucking dream or coma or limbo or whatever the fuck it is in particular. There was no way out of it, none whatsoever. I hadn't felt so hopeless in a long time.


Jan 23, 2012
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Prince Pierre turned to see Markus after he called him insane. He was about to reply but then he remembered, Kat had the same strange vision. She apparently saw her parents but we couldn't see them. Maybe the same happened with him. "You might be right, Markus. But look around you. Does all of this makes sense to you? This whole place is the definiton of insanity." -Pierre said. He then kneeled in fornt of Kat. "Hey hey, we're going to get out of here. This is just an adventure! Like fairy tales. And you and I know how fairy tales end. With a happy ending." -Pierre said smiling at her.

(( Infected_alien8_ Mia avis night fluffy (fury) ))
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Kaitlyn agreed with the prince, though part of her wished he would stop comparing their situation to a fairy tale. 'This is real. Kat's convinced that our parents are dead. You're giving her false hope...' She sighed, shaking her head a little and pushing her braid over her shoulder, keeping her bear under her arm. 'I'll tell him... I need too. It's lying to her if I don't.' Making a pact with herself to tell them as soon as she felt safer, and when Kat wasn't around (How difficult that would be. The two rarely, if never, separated). 'Please be strong Kat. I miss your silly games.' Kaitlyn dusted a small smudge of dirt off her dress, then looked up at them, "...S-shouldn't we get moving? I-I don't know what's d-down here... there might b-be alligators. O-or crocodiles." She mumbled, wanting her sister to focus on anything but the situation at hand, and wanting herself to focus on anything but the way the shadows danced in the corner of her eyes.

(( Infected_alien8_ Ansoro2112 Mia ))


Jul 14, 2013
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Kat dragged her hand along the rough surface of the sewers, searching for something - anything at all. She looked around, her mum and dad were gone - they were gone forever. She sighed and trudged along, every crack, corner and gap was filled with green slime and moss that clung to it like gum. It was silent apart from their footsteps as they kept walking forward.. It seemed endless, she decided to go ahead of the others for a bit, she wanted to be alone for a while. "We are nev-" she was cut off as she fell, now it was pitch black... She screamed before landing with a huge splash. 'I can't swim.. I can't swim!' "I can't swim!!" She yelled as she frantically threw her arms around. Her eyes searched the blanket of darkness hoping she would find some sort of refuge, the water carried her further and further away from where she had fallen, "Kait! P-please! Someone help me!" She yelled through mouthfuls of water, then she sank. Time seemed to slow down as she was carried underwater, she stopped throwing her arms around and let the water carry her before she slowly closed her eyes.

Kat washed up outside the sewers, it was a bright day and a herd of white sheep grazed calmly nearby. Her head lay against a huge willow tree that's roots provided a safe place for Kat to wash up on and not get carried further down the river. Her eyes were still closed and she knew nothing. Whether or not she was breathing was hard to tell. The leaves of the willow tree danced in the wind and provided shelter from the beaming sun. But still she lay there with her eyes closed, barely breathing.

((So I just came up with this so we can do something productive I think they all faced their fears? I'm not sure but we needed something to do so here you go, :3 avis night fluffy (fury) Ansoro2112 Infected_alien8_ ))